What Should I Do if I am Not Comfortable?
July 19, 2024 10 min read

What Should I Do if I am Not Comfortable?

By Lady Saoirse

When you become ill at ease by someone for their behavior, you might question if your feeling about them is an overreaction, but usually, it isn’t. Learn about why people become nervous around some people and how to set boundaries and enforce them so you don’t have to be uncomfortable.

You are minding your own business and suddenly your neighbor who agitates you walks by. You move to the other side of the street, and hurry home to lock the doors immediately so you can avoid them. This individual has never done anything to you, nor have you ever seen them do anything wrong. There is just something about them you don’t like, and you can’t figure out what it is. Should you avoid them from now on, or push yourself to be nice to them? We have all been in a situation like this. People might tell you that you are overreacting and being unfair to an innocent person you feel uncomfortable with, but you are not so sure. What should you do if someone makes you uncomfortable, even if you don’t know why? Join us to find out why being on edge around certain people happens, and exactly what to do about it.

Why Am I Reacting This Way?

Being uncomfortable with someone is a terrible feeling, and not one anybody looks forward to, but how and why does it even happen to begin with? There are multiple reasons, but the three big reasons are simple to understand. Somebody might just give you the creeps even if you don’t know why. If someone has hurt you, that’s enough to make you uncomfortable with them. Then, if someone has proven themselves untrustworthy, it is certainly possible to be uncomfortable with them.

He Gives Me the Creeps

Somebody can make you creeped out by their behavior or just their energy. They don’t have to say anything or have bad intentions, but the way they naturally are repels you. One sure way to repel people is by not respecting their personal space and touching them or being too close to them without their permission. Disregarding other people’s beliefs or views is another way to make them creeped out. Another way to creep people out is by asking strangers personal questions. Lack of physical hygiene or sloppy eating habits will also give people the creeps. Even if somebody doesn’t do something as obviously repelling as this, they might have body language that you find odd. Is anything creepier than werewolves? Read about them here: Do Werewolves Exist?

She Hurt Me

It is the people who are closest to us and who we love the most who have the greatest power to hurt us. Once somebody hurts you, it is understandable that you might be extremely uncomfortable with them, especially at first. It's true that we all make mistakes. It is also true that we all ask for forgiveness. Being uncomfortable with the person who hurts you is natural, and a way to protect yourself. It’s okay to distance yourself while you are hurt, even if people don’t want you to. You are the one who needs to heal and anybody who doesn’t understand that is just going to have to deal with it. That doesn’t mean you dn’t love people. Learn about saying I love you: When Should I Tell Him I Love Him?

I Don’t Trust Them

I Don’t Trust Them

People expect to be trusted even though they are not trustworthy sometimes. They might complain, speak against you to friends and family, and turn people against you for being what they call “unfair “ to them. However, they did not want to do things that proved you could trust them. They did exactly the opposite, and their retaliation is just a reminder that you knew they could not be trusted in the first place. When your instincts tell you that you can't trust somebody, you should listen to yourself. Even if somebody says they're sorry, even if you love them, and even if you continue the relationship, if you know somebody can't be trusted, then don't. Not all is lost. You can learn to manifest love again and you can find out how here: How to Manifest Love

What if I’m Wrong?

When you feel uncomfortable with someone, you might initially feel guilty, especially if nobody else is acting like they are uncomfortable with them too. It might leave you questioning whether you are wrong for the way you feel. Truthfully, nobody has a right to invalidate your feelings and you shouldn’t let them convince you that they do. While you are figuring out why you are uncomfortable, there are a few simple things you can do to confirm your feelings. Investigate things to find out for certain, and that might take a little time. Sometimes you get proof that you are right to be wary immediately, but sometimes, it takes a little longer. Truthfully, no matter what people tell you, or what evidence turns up, your feelings are yours and are right.


This is the easy part. If you have suspicions about someone and other people you trust know them, you can ask about that person. Your suspicions might be 100% accurate, as others’ experiences with the person can confirm. If you are worried about people knowing you are checking up on someone, your investigation might not include talking to people. You can do online searches on their social media. If you are concerned that somebody is dangerous, you can do crime searches in your hometown. If you are brave, you can even speak to the person directly. Being in their presence can make it easier to read them and get a feel for their energy. You can even come out and ask them about what is making you uncomfortable. Maybe they did not realize they made you uncomfortable and they will change what they do so you feel more comfortable with them. You can also consult a psychic about it to see what they can reveal. If you want to do your own Tarot reading, here is a quick guide to what the cards mean: A Quick Guide to Tarot Cards and their Meanings

Give it Time

Most especially when you cannot identify why you are uncomfortable with someone, be patient to wait and see what is happening. If it is someone you are around often, pay attention to the way they behave around you every time. Just observing people’s behavior can reveal a lot about them. Giving yourself time to see if your concerns are valid will give you the chance to see the person you are uncomfortable with in a variety of settings over a period of time. We tend to behave differently depending on where we are or what we are doing. At first, a lot of people are on their “best behavior” when they first meet you, but as they get to know you better, they will let their bad habits show better. You can also find out their Zodiac Sign and see if they are compatible with you. Check out our Astrology Articles here: Articles & Media.

You Are Right

After investigating, and doing so over time, what will you find out? No matter who you are or who you are investigating, your results will have the same answer. Ready? Your feelings about someone are right, no matter how or why you feel that way about them. Feelings are never wrong. Actions can be. If someone has never done anything against you and you have no indication they are going to, bashing them in public or screaming at them won’t help. If you need to, distance yourself from them, and go about your business, free of them. Some people prefer to formally tell someone they are uncomfortable and to stay away, but some people don’t like to deal with it this way. If you need to quietly avoid them, that is okay. You can also use magic to protect yourself from people. Learn how to do that here: Protecting Your Spiritual Energy 

What to Do About It

So, you have identified why this person is someone you are not comfortable around and you have confirmed that you are not wrong to feel this way. Now what? Now, you do something about the fact you feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, you can’t be rid of the individual and other times, you can. Either way, there are three very important things to do. Always, no matter what, trust your own instincts. Each of us has psychic abilities and our instincts are there to give us answers we would not otherwise find. You have to set boundaries, and enforce them, though. Finally, it is very important that you do not feel guilty for your boundaries.

Trust Your Instincts

Human beings are a psychic species. Maybe every species is psychic and we just don’t know it yet. If something within you is alerting you that somebody is bad news, you should listen. Don’t doubt yourself, or go against what you are comfortable with doing. Each of us has different psychic gifts, but everybody alive has a natural intuition. It gives you a bad feeling so you know to avoid things, and it gives you a good feeling so you know to say yes to experiences. It can help you know to avoid places, people, and if need be, entire towns. It is said that Julius Caesar's wife, Calpurnia, had a bad dream and instinctively knew he should stay home the day he was assassinated. If we all listened to our instincts, we would be better off. Do not ignore your instincts. Find all about clairvoyant psychic abilities here: What is Clairvoyant Psychic Reading?

Set and Enforce Boundaries

Set and Enforce Boundaries

Listening to your instincts might be the easy part. Next, comes something harder. You will need to set clear boundaries. Why? Because you deserve to be comfortable in life is why. People don’t have to like it and they don’t have to understand it, but they have to respect your boundaries. If somebody tells you that your personal boundaries are unreasonable, guess what? They are just going to have to suffer. Recently, a video went viral of a man calling and chewing out a woman for blocking him from contacting her. He said women do that for no reason, and he called her crazy. His behavior proved exactly why she did not want to hear from him. Some people automatically respect boundaries because of two reasons. First, they care about you, and secondly, they want their own boundaries respected.

After you set your boundary, you are going to have to do something slightly more difficult. You will have to enforce your boundaries. For example, if you have told a roommate they are not allowed to use your face cream, and you catch them doing it, make them buy you some face cream to replace it. You might even be able to lock your face cream up so they can’t get it and if they refuse to pay for what they used, it can be added to their rent bill. If you break up with someone who hit you, and you tell them you do not want them to contact you, if they show up at the house, tell them to leave. If they refuse, you can call the police and even get a restraining order. You can also take self-defense classes so you know how to protect yourself if they try to hit you again. Some people will try to talk you out of the boundaries you have set, and you are going to have to be firm in enforcing them. Eventually, they will get tired of trying when they realize they can’t change your mind, and they will leave it alone. Read about creating new beginnings after changes here: How to Manifest Your Life After Changes.

Don’t Feel Guilty

Most of all, never ever feel bad about respecting yourself enough to refuse to allow people to make you feel uncomfortable. In public, sometimes you are going to be uncomfortable, and you can’t do anything about it. When a stranger walks past, smelling bad, there is nothing you can do but walk away or avoid sitting next to them in a restaurant. In an assigned seat on an airplane, you are stuck beside them for the flight, however. You don’t have to tolerate verbal abuse from the coworker who is “just joking “ about your culture or the in- law who thinks your family heirlooms are ugly. You don’t have to tolerate a neighbor whose music is too loud and no, you don’t have to eat what is served to you at a party when you have dietary restrictions the food on the menu violates. You are not being difficult for taking up for yourself and you are not unreasonable. Never feel bad about setting and enforcing necessary boundaries. Love yourself unconditionally.

Sometimes, first impressions tell you everything you need to know about someone, and it takes a while before you know why you feel that way. Nobody knows what is best for you better than yourself, and nobody can tell you that you are wrong to be uncomfortable with someone. When people have hurt you, they may try to tell you to “get over it” or “forgive and forget”, but you don’t have to. Remember that you don’t owe people who make you uncomfortable anything, but you owe it to yourself to make sure your rights and boundaries are respected.

Are you in an uncomfortable situation with somebody who just weirds you out and you need advice about how to deal with it? We’ve got your back. Reach out to one of our advice specialists to find out how to handle things: Online Psychic Readings. Make sure to check out other articles to find advice about love, destiny, and career: Articles & Media.

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom and Mysticsense, and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag and Green Egg Magazine.