What is My Lifepath?
September 14, 2024 15 min read

What is My Lifepath?

By Lady Saoirse

Finding your way through your life can seem confusing, most especially when you are starting out or if you have had a major change in life that you feel like you just weren’t ready for. Sometimes, things like this can make you wonder if you are on the right path and doing what you are meant to do. Thankfully, discovering your path and staying on it is entirely possible even if you feel lost or confused, and we can help show you how. This article will discuss your lifepath and different lifepaths you could be on. . 

Everybody has big questions about their lives, and what their future will hold. Sometimes, the different meanings of life can have us wondering if we are exploring all the amazing possibilities there are for us, or if we are going about our lives all wrong. They say there are life stages of man, and in each stage, we are different, but what does that mean regarding walking our own path? When there are signs your life is about to change or you say, “I feel like there is something missing from my life”, does that mean you have strayed from the path? What is a lifepath and what are these so-called life stages? What are different possible lifepaths we can be on, and is destiny and lifepath the same thing? Finally, is there any way to predict what our lives will hold, and if so, how can we do that? Read on!

The Best Question About Life

“Life is the path you beat while you walk it.” Antonio Machado

Why are we here and what are we supposed to be doing with our lives are two forms of the same question that it seems all people ask themselves at one time or another. Some people believe there is one thing we are born to do, and others think it varies by individual what we are meant to do, while others feel all human beings are born to serve a single purpose, and life is wasted if we don’t live up to that. Some feel we are meant to make the world a better place while others feel we are created only to glorify a divine creator. Still others feel we are born to find happiness or love, and others think that we are born to do work, and then we pass on after what we are meant to do is completed. It doesn’t seem like there is any one answer about what path humanity is supposed to be on. Some will do a numerology search to discover what they believe the path they are on is and call it a day.

Others will pray for inspiration, or search ancient scriptures, believing their higher power will guide them to what it is they are supposed to be doing in their lives. Is it possible that numerology, or a god does not decide our paths, but we do? Is it also possible that our lifepaths may change as the years go by, and that perhaps we are allowed to step away from things we believe we are being asked to include in our walk of life? Do we have to know exactly where we are going or what all our accomplishments will be at any given time, or is it okay to walk our path, live our truth, and see what is in store for us? Beyond all of this, what does it even mean to “Walk our Path?”

Walking our path means living our own lives and completely experiencing everything we do and encounter. We may be focused on a study program, a major relationship, a career, our family, or even spirituality but all of those things are just a part of our path. Our path is just the life we lead, and walking that path means living our life. Walking the path mindfully means conscious living where we are aware of who we are, what our actions create, and the fact that all we do creates all we are and what our future will be. Some people view the path of life as the soul’s journey and that the body is just the vehicle which we have to experience this existence. Others view lifepath as made up of choices we make and others think our path is predetermined, and we carry ourselves through the experiences the powers that be have set up for us before our very birth.

If our path consists of who we are, the decisions we make, and the experiences we have based on what we decide, our lifepath is truly our choice, and we can change the direction it takes at any time and despite whatever changes we make on our path, our path is still distinctively our own. Some people believe human beings go through different stages in life which will change our path, and others believe we have a main goal in life that decides how we walk our path.

Stages of a Man’s Life

“There are three stages of life: youth, maturity, and “My you’re looking good.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

While the great Dwight D. Eisenhower had a good point, another great man thought of the stages that human beings go through as numbering seven instead of just three. The English actor and writer, William Shakespeare lived a short fifty-two years, but his influence on literature is remarkable. One of the things he wrote about was seven ages of man. Those were infancy, schoolboy/girl, teenager, young man/woman, middle aged, old aged, and dotage/death. It was in his play As You Like It that he wrote his character Jacques as saying:

“All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players,

They have their exits and entrances,

And one man in his time plays many parts,

His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,

Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.

Then, the whining schoolboy with his satchel

And shining morning face, creeping like snail

Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,

Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad

Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier,

Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,

Jealous in honour, sudden, and quick in quarrel,

Seeking the bubble reputation

Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice

In fair round belly, with good capon lin'd,

With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut,

Full of wise saws, and modern instances,

And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts

Into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon,

With spectacles on nose, and pouch on side,

His youthful hose well sav'd, a world too wide,

For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,

Turning again towards childish treble, pipes

And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,

That ends this strange eventful history,

Is second childishness and mere oblivion,

Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.”

Some scientists and doctors break the stages of life into less or more stages and include being a fetus in the womb as yet another life stage, as well as breaking up childhood further by adding the toddler years. Some say elderly years begin in the early fifties, while others place it into the mid-sixties. While some allow the stage of life that they are in to completely define them, others don’t. Physical constraints are certainly a part of life we can’t escape, but those need not entirely make up all that we are and all that we do. Another way to view different paths of life we can take is by what we do on that path, as opposed to allowing our age to define it.

Lifepath Index

“Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. “- Oprah Winfrey

What we decide to do, and the actions we take has far more of an ability to decide our life path. Some people’s whole focus when they are living their life is one thing, and that focus can change over time. Other people focus on multiple things. We are all focusing on one or more of the things that are listed below even if we don’t realize it. We may make the focus of our path happiness, being helpful, on being a learner, enjoying experiences, or our focus may be on healing.


“Being happy never goes out of style.”- Lily Pulitzer

Some people fill their path with joy, whether it be seeking their own joy, or by making other people happy. Some say that hedonism is seeking pleasure and avoiding pain at all costs, and others call that simply being smart. While we can’t completely avoid all things that make us suffer, we can try to find experiences that make us happy, even if we experience pain or sorrow sometimes too. A saying is “This too shall pass” to try and remind people to keep hope during bad times and that good times will return, but some people are not content to wait for things that make them happy, and instead they go out and create happiness.

While most people would say a major goal is to make the people who they love happy, there are some kind souls who make it a major goal as they walk their path to spread as much joy as possible. Comic Imran Yusuf said “You get instant gratification” making people laugh, and some would say those in the entertainment industry in general, not just comics, make the world a better place by providing comic relief. Another way to make others, and yourself happy is to exude positive energy, and be a problem solver, and thus making people’s lives easier! New beginnings can make you happy and you can read more here: How to Manifest Your Life After Changes



“We rise by lifting others.” - Robert Ingersoll

Some people spend their entire lives helping others. One woman became a widow fairly young, and she had no children, although she had always wanted to be a mother. Instead of becoming bitter, she reached out to her community, and dedicated herself to helping anybody she could. One man in her town had a medical issue that meant he could not drive, and she drove him to stores, doctors, and church whenever he needed her help. She crafted crochet butterflies and soft, warm house slippers and gave them away to brighten people’s days. Before her death, at the age of ninety-four, she had been honored with a Community Service Award by her town for outstanding and dedicated service to her town.

Some people dedicate their careers as social service workers, or firefighters, and others have jobs that are not as noticeably service oriented, but they go above and beyond by being caring to the clients who come to them. It doesn’t necessarily take a certification or a title to make you somebody whose help is appreciated by others. It just takes a desire to be helpful and being somebody who helps other living beings can be the lifepath that you walk all of your life.


“Those who keep learning, will keep rising in life.” Charlie Munger

Some people dedicate their path to learning. Some people see themselves as a work in progress, and they strive to become their best selves all of their days. They seek positive transformation and try their very best to adapt well when their lives change. Some are on a quest for knowledge, seeking to study and expand their minds as much as possible, and others seek to grow and improve emotionally or spiritually. Walking the path of being a lifelong learner is not an easy one, but it is one that defines some people’s lifepath, and they evolve and blossom more every day.

Others dedicate their lifepath to sharing what they have learned by teaching others and there are many different ways to teach besides in conventional schools. Some people say we all learn from each other every day, and others say those meant to teach us about life automatically appear to us. Sometimes, we are that person who has been brought into people’s lives to help guide them as they grow and become more themselves every day, and some people see sharing their wisdom as meaningful, and this defines their personal lifepath. Speaking of learning, you can learn about protective magic here: Magic for Self-Defense



“Life is about creating and living experiences that are worth sharing”- Steve Jobs

Some people see life as a wonderful opportunity to go out and experience as much as possible. There are new places to visit, new relationships to have, new foods to taste, new hobbies to enjoy, and so much more. There are some people who are not so much interested in new experiences, but they want to continue enjoying the things they always have, and their path is about doing those things that are enjoyable and meaningful for them.

Some people want their lives to be filled with experiences with the people they love, and others like to experience the peace and quiet of solitude. Some people feel experiences shape them into who they are and help them to learn and grow as people. Others see the things they choose to experience as being reflections of who they are, and they fill their lives with experiences they feel harmonizes with them. Some people seek to live life without regrets and try to experience everything they believe they would like to, never missing out on anything.


“A healer is someone who seeks to be the light she wishes she had in her darkest moments.”- Vironika Tugaleva

Seeking your own healing can become a major part of lifepath for people. Those who have survived abuse, trauma, or some unforeseen tragedy may need to devote a lot of time and effort to unlearning self-protective habits they learned to survive while they were grieving something terrible that befell them. Others are able to get through their own healing relatively quickly, but they learn new ways of living based on what they went through, and this helps them to protect themselves from going through similar suffering in the future. Some people make it a point to live as healthfully as possible to try and ward off physical illness, and a great part of walking their path entails trying to breathe, eat, sleep, and move as disease free as possible.

Still others devote their entire paths to healing others. A lifetime career as a doctor, nurse, therapist, counselor, or clergyperson can be the entire lifepath people walk. Often, people are born with natural healing abilities, and they just have to take some classes to learn skills to practice their healing effectively. The rest of their days are spent as a labor of love, reaching out, and using their divine gifts of healing for one person at a time. Read about healing with crystals here: The Best Stones for Anxiety

Destiny Life vs Lifepath

“Those who wait for luck to take them to their destiny, never reach anywhere,” Apoorve Dubey

What is the difference between destiny and lifepath? First, some people don’t believe in the existence of destiny to begin with, while others do. Destiny is defined as a “predetermined course of events'' by Wikipedia. Some people believe we are born with destinies to accomplish something, and once we do, our bodies die, and we pass to the spirit world or reincarnate. Some people believe that celestial beings create the course of events that will take place in our lives and that we have little or no control over what happens. Others believe that every decision we make creates an effect and a change in reality, and we thus create our own futures and destiny based on what we have already done.

Lifepath, on the other hand, is the things we do, the experiences we have, as well as decisions we make and our focus in life. Our lifepath can change based on what our focus is, and while some say destiny changes based on our decisions, destiny is basically future events, and lifepath is something we are currently walking and experiencing.

Something is Missing in My Life

“If you think something is missing in your life, it is probably you…” Robert Holden

Do you feel like something is missing, like your life is unfulfilling, and you need to find out what it is so your life can be complete? Some people assume it is a lover they are missing, but truthfully, it might be that you are not doing something that your soul is telling you is a large part of who you are. If you have no idea what it could be, there is a tried-and-true way to find out: Think of what it is you loved best as a child before the responsibilities of adulthood took away your playtime.

What games did you play most, what were your hobbies, and what did you want to be “when you grew up?” A woman wanted to be an artist most of all as a child, but her family pressured her into becoming a schoolteacher. She loved her students, but she was never truly happy, and she never truly felt like she was walking the lifepath she was supposed to. In middle age, she went back to college, got her arts degree, and ran an arts gallery in a college town. She even became the Chairperson of the Arts Council!

For a while her personal path included teaching, and she felt that time was never a waste, because she touched so many lives. The day came when she decided to walk her path on her own terms, in her own way, and doing what it was that she wanted to do. This might sound cliché, but she really did live happily ever after and with no regrets. Like this artist, if you feel something is missing, go out and find a way to bring it in to your own life so you don’t ever feel that you are missing out and you can live happily ever after too. Yes, you can!

My Life Prediction

“Don’t ever go with the flow. Be the flow.”-Jay-Z

Can you predict everything that will be on your lifepath so there are no surprises? Can you decide each and every experience you will have before it all happens? Some people believe that before we were born into our body, our souls pick out what it wants in our lives, and other people believe celestial beings decide everything for us and all we can control is our reactions to things. Some would say that those reactions create changes, which create our reality, and that in that way we create our lives with every word, thought, or action.

No matter how much control we have at any given moment over what will happen, one thing is for certain- all of our experiences, actions, and even just our feelings combine to create our lifepath we walk. Some people worry they may stray from the path, or even say they feel lost at times. Thankfully, we may worry that we don’t know where we are headed in life, but we are always, no matter what, walking our own path. Maybe it is fair to say that the lifepath we choose decides our destiny, so they work together to create experiences in our lives. So how do you find your lifepath or predict it?

The best thing about finding your lifepath is that you don’t necessarily need a life reader prediction to tell you exactly what it is. It can’t hurt to talk to a psychic, but psychic consultations do so much to tell you what path you are on and what direction you are heading. If you live a proactive life, you can find meanings of life no matter what life throws at you. Learning how to find inspiration in everyday life and understanding that life’s a journey, not a destination will help to keep you focused on your personal path and keep you moving forward. Finding out what is your destiny in life might be different than knowing your personal path and you can become your own life mapper any time you are ready to be.

Think about what it is you want to do in life and go out and start doing it! It might be difficult at first, especially if you are just learning to do what it is you want, but don’t give up. What you do and who you are happens to be things you choose every day. The more you walk your path, the more you will understand it. A well lived life is one lived your way, on your own terms, and exactly the way that you feel is right. You choose your life path, and you predict what it will be based on what you decide to do! May you walk your path meaningfully all the days of your life, and may it lead to much joy. So Be It.

Maybe knowing all about your lifepath isn’t enough, and you’d like answers from a psychic. Reach out to one of our psychics at Spiritual Blossom to get a reading started today. Online Psychic Readings. Make sure to sign up for our Horoscopes to find our even more! Daily Horoscope | Free Horoscopes

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom, Mysticsense, and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag and Green Egg Magazine.