The Way of the Spiritual Warrior
October 21, 2024 12 min read

The Way of the Spiritual Warrior

By Lady Saoirse

If you have been called a beautiful woman warrior because you are someone who is strong in the face of adversity, you might think that is the same thing as being a spiritual warrior. Being a spiritual warrior is more than just radiating positivity or being able to say, “I create my own reality”. Being a spiritual warrior is all about working on being your best self and finding ways to be of service to others. This article will define spiritual warriors, and how you can become one.

What is a Spiritual Female Warrior?

When people see you and they say, “She’s a warrior”, what does that mean? A lot of times, it means that you are a she warrior who has overcome difficulties, and your personal power helps you to make all of your dreams come true. Some people dream about more than this however, and their daily focus is on spiritual or religious mysteries that help them to grow as people. Some people think being a female spiritual warrior is all about the mysteries that goddess spirituality teaches, but that’s not all it’s about either. Being a spiritual warrior is something that both men and women have sought to excel at for many years, and it is something that anybody can devote their personal spiritual path to doing.

Stories about the warrior woman can be found in all spiritual traditions, but it was Tibetan Buddhists who started using that terminology to describe it. The goal of being a spiritual warrior in this tradition is to combat avidya, or ignorance, and to not only bring about their own salvation, but to help other people as well. Something that will make you happy is knowing that you don’t necessarily have to be a Buddhist to combat ignorance and save yourself, and there are some simple ways that you can start on the path to do that. If you do want to take the Buddhist path to be a lady warrior, an individual who wrote in depth about it established a school where anybody can study. His name was Chogyam Trungpa and he established his own Shambhala teachings.

Chogyam Trungpa was born in Tibet in 1939, and in 1976, began teaching Shambhala. At the age of 20, he was already the head of a Buddhist monastery, and he and others escaped Tibet, which was occupied, into India, later moving to Scotland to teach, and he finally made it to America where he brought his teachings and opened monasteries. There are over 150 monasteries all around the world that have opened thanks to his teachings and work. Shambala is a secular practice that people of any religion can use that includes meditation and living mindfully as well as doing good things. Shambhala teaches that we create our own reality, we can enlighten ourselves without being guided by religious leaders, and we can work together to create an enlightened society.

In the book Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior, Chogyam Trungpa wrote:

“IN TIBET, as well as many other Asian countries, there are stories about a legendary kingdom that was a source of learning and culture for present-day Asian societies. According to the legends, this was a place of peace and prosperity, governed by wise and compassionate rulers. The citizens were equally kind and learned, so that, in general, the kingdom was a model society. This place was called Shambhala… Among the Tibetan people, there is a popular belief that the kingdom of Shambhala can still be found, hidden in a remote valley somewhere in the Himalayas. There are, as well, a number of Buddhist texts that give detailed but obscure directions for reaching Shambhala, but there are mixed opinions as to whether these should be taken literally or metaphorically…

… Other legends say that the kingdom of Shambhala disappeared from the earth many centuries ago. At a certain point, the entire society had become enlightened, and the kingdom vanished into another more celestial realm… In recent years, some Western scholars have suggested that the kingdom of Shambhala may have been one of the historically documented kingdoms of early times, such as the Zhang-Zhung kingdom of Central Asia. Many scholars, however, believe that the stories of Shambhala are completely mythical… Over the past seven years, I have been presenting a series of “Shambhala teachings” that use the image of the Shambhala kingdom to represent the ideal of secular enlightenment, that is, the possibility of uplifting our personal existence and that of others without the help of any religious outlook. For although the Shambhala tradition is founded on the sanity and gentleness of the Buddhist tradition, at the same time, it has its own independent basis, which is directly cultivating who and what we are as human beings.”

The focus of Shambala in Trungpa’s teachings is self-work and helping others. Things to do to get this enlightened society included not being afraid of yourself and being humble. Other things he said spiritual warriors do include being brave and understanding that we are all responsible for helping other people. He also said to accept fear to embrace it to overcome it and to keep an unbiased outlook. He said we should recreate habits regularly as well. His entire book can be read in PDF form for free and can be accessed here:Shambhala ( Here is a link to one of the Shambhala schools where you can even get online classes:Our Story | Shambhala | All-Inclusive

Woman Warrior Characteristics

Not all spiritual warriors practice Buddhism. Spiritual warriors can be found in every religion, and some people who are spiritual warriors say they are spiritual but not religious. If you want to be a spiritual warrior, you first have to dedicate yourself to accepting the psychic challenge of regular self-work and improvement. Next, you need to dedicate yourself to helping others and making a good world. How you do those things is up to you, but there are some things you can keep in mind as you begin your path as a spiritual warrior.



Working to be a better version of yourself can be the most important work you can do. You have to be aware of yourself, and then as Trungpa said, don’t be afraid of yourself. Accept yourself but be accountable for what you say and do. That will require some self-discipline to help you overcome temptations and so you do what your heart knows is right. You will find yourself evolving and recreating yourself over and over again as you change and improve habits. All of this leads to amazing self-mastery. Read about being your best self: How to Be Your Best Self


Before you can improve, you first have to become aware of what you do. It’s not easy to admit to imperfections, but we all have them. What things are you doing that you can do better, and what things are you doing that you should not do? We all learn bad habits, but the good part is that since we have learned a habit, we can learn a better habit to replace it with. Beyond this, what things are there about you that make you an wonderful individual? Each of us is a unique individual who contributes things in ways nobody else can, so the world needs us. Being aware of who you are, and how you share your special talents with others as well as how you can be your best self is the first step to your self work.


Once you understand all that you do and how you are, holding yourself accountable, or responsible is important. While it is true that we all do things in reaction to what happens, nobody else is responsible for what we do but ourselves. We all have to answer to somebody for all the things we do, and the number one person you will answer to in your life is yourself. Always own up to what you say and do even if there are undesirable consequences. If your bad habits make things difficult for yourself and other people, it is time to break those habits and replace them with better ones and that will take self-discipline. 


Self-discipline just means doing what you know is best instead of what you might like to do instead. It’s not always fun, but it is worth it. It is the ability to control your emotions and the restraint to do what is right even if you are tempted to do the wrong thing. It can be more difficult at first to be disciplined, but it gets easier the more you do it. Setting concise, and attainable goals will help you to be more disciplined, and reminding yourself of that goal when it gets hard to stay dedicated will help. It is always worth it to do the right thing and it takes time to develop good self-discipline, but with patience and time, you will accomplish it. Capricorns are very disciplined Signs and you can read about them here: Capricorn Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility


Regularly changing habits and replacing them with better ones will help you to evolve as a person. Who you will be growing into is the best version of yourself and that will always be changing. The more you grow, the more you will realize that you are imperfect, and rather than trying to be perfect, make sure to focus on simply trying to be better. You may surprise yourself by how much you change, but don’t worry that you are becoming someone else just because you change things about yourself. Deep down, in your soul, you will always be the same person in essence, but things you do, say, and how you interact with the world will change. All of that can change in good ways!


Some people say that self-mastery is just self-control, but it is more than that. Self-mastery is when your self-control is so good, that it has become effortless for you to practice it. You will use your mind to your own benefit and your thoughts will not hold you hostage. You will choose your words impeccably and you will mean exactly what you say. You will still have negative emotions and impulses, but you will control them instead of them controlling you. You will know how to emotionally process difficult feelings and situations and you will make good decisions once you have achieved self-mastery.


While you are constantly evolving into better versions of yourself, you can focus on feeling energy from others and the world itself to help you to know what things you can do to be a helper. Learning to be patient with other creatures and being compassionate to them will help you to care. This will make you want to be generous with resources, and forgiveness is also something spiritual warriors practice. Once you are doing all of these things, you will find ways to be of help to other people, creatures, and to the earth in general.


Being patient with yourself and others is one way to be of service. Patience is the ability to tolerate waiting for something without becoming upset. We would all like to have things the moment we decide that we want them, but sometimes it takes time, and being understanding of that will save you a lot of frustration. Being patient with the fact you cannot control things is very important, and once you learn to be patient, other people and creatures will see your patience and appreciate it. Patience will give you the ability to diffuse tense situations and it will give you the ability to be kind and understanding about the fact that people make mistakes. Being impatient does not benefit us in any way, and learning to be patient will improve your life and the lives of those around you.



While empathy is the ability to feel other life forms feelings, compassion means you feel those feelings and you care about them. Caring about what makes life better for other people and creatures makes you a compassionate person. Being compassionate of suffering will make you want to do things that do not create or add to suffering, and it will make you want to alleviate suffering. Compassionate people care about justice and fairness, and being compassionate will make you somebody who helps to find solutions to problems. You will also try to find ways to not create problems, and you will work to make the lives of all creatures on the planet better. Pisces is a very compassionate Sign and you can read about them here: Pisces Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility


Compassion will lead you to be generous. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to give everything you have away, because your compassion will help you to be generous with yourself as well. Does being generous contradict having self-discipline? It doesn’t have to, and as a matter of fact, people lacking self-discipline can be selfish and withhold generosity. Your compassion will show you who needs things, you will look to see what you have to give, and you will give and expect nothing in return. Seeing your generosity make the world a better place will be the greatest reward you can ever have, and it will make you want to be more and more generous.


When you are hurt, and people are demanding you tell them what they did to you is okay because they don’t want consequences, they may insist that you forgive them and completely forget about what happened. This is not forgiveness, though. Forgiveness means that you do not seek vengeance or to unfairly punish somebody who has done you wrong. Consequences can still be enforced, and breaking off relationships can still happen, even if there has been forgiveness. The number one person you might find yourself forgiving is yourself for perceived failures and imperfections, and hatred of yourself for these things only serves to make you feel guilty instead of feeling empowered to improve. Withholding understanding of honest mistakes won’t happen when you know how to forgive and being forgiving of people for their shortcomings is one way to be of service to others.


When you have patience and compassion, and are generous and forgiving, your heart is open to help the living creatures on earth. Maybe it is your generosity that makes you want to feed the hungry and maybe it is your ability to be patient that makes you want to help others, but when you are a spiritual warrior, you will find ways to be helpful. The more you help people, the better your world will become, and when you are helpful, it makes other people want to emulate your example. Every day, there are opportunities for you to help people, animals, and the whole planet. Your kind heart and help will be more appreciated than you can ever imagine. Psychics help people, but are they legit? Are Psychics Real?

Being The Awakened Warrioress

To be a spiritual warrior means a lot of things, and there are a lot of things it does not mean. There are misconceptions that becoming a spiritual warrior will make you perfect and immune to all things human beings deal with, but that is not true. Another myth is that being a spiritual warrior is all about fighting, when in reality is, it’s all about peace. Some other things that being an awakened warrior woman or man are not include:

- Being a spiritual warrior does not mean that you are never sad or hurt. It just means that you handle emotional pain gracefully and you don’t lash out because of it.

- Being a spiritual warrior does not mean that you are never afraid. It just means that you face and overcome fears instead of letting them destroy you.

- Being a spiritual warrior does not mean that nothing can beat you. It just means that when you feel defeat, you know that you are not less of a spiritual warrior, and you pick yourself up and continue trying.

- Being a spiritual warrior does not mean that you know everything. It means you have gained some wisdom although you know you still have much to learn, and you teach those who ask you to.

- Being a spiritual warrior doesn’t mean that you are superior and can look down on other people. It means that you have evolved and can help other people to be spiritual warriors as well.

To be a spiritual warrior woman or man means you are on a lifelong journey with yourself. The journey never ends and it is more important to focus on the things you learn and become than trying to hurry up and finish. In some people’s belief systems, spiritual warriors attain a level of spiritual strength that is so powerful, they become spiritual guides for other people once they pass on. You may or may not choose that path in your own afterlife, but to choose the path of the spiritual warrior in your life means you will be an ever changing individual whose best qualities shine forth and continue to get better and better. Good for you.

Reach out to a Spiritual Blossom psychic to find out how to become a spiritual warrior: Online Psychic Readings

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom, Mysticsense, and she writes for The Green Egg and PaganPages.Org emag.