Venus and Other Goddesses and Gods of Peace
January 17, 2025 10 min read

Venus and Other Goddesses and Gods of Peace

By Lady Saoirse

Ancient people had a god or goddess of peace they could reach out to for guidance and help in forging harmonious relationships. Learn about some ancient peace deities and how modern people can follow their teachings and emulate their example.

Peace can seem impossible sometimes, and other times, it’s all you’ve got to diffuse a difficult situation. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a divine being whose presence could be called upon in times of fighting, discord, and chaos? If you ask people like the ancient Greeks, there are goddesses and gods of peace to turn to. Join SpiritualBlossom to learn about some deities of peace from the splendid Parvati to the humble Jesus. Find out who they are, their myths and how they help people. Even if you don’t worship them, you can still learn from their example and discover ways to be peaceful.

What is Peace?

What is Peace?

Merriam-Webster defines peace as “ A state of tranquility or quiet such as: freedom from civil disturbance.” They also say it is “ Harmony in personal relationships”, and “ A state or period of mutual concord between governments.” Wikipedia defines it as “ Societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence.” They also say it is “ Lack of conflict (such as war) and freedom from fear of violence between individuals or groups.” Peace gives a sense of security and a feeling of general wellbeing and fosters good relations between people.

When nations are at peace with one another, the citizens benefit from safety, and financial perks like trade agreements. Peace allows nations and individuals to use their resources for improvements, education, and celebrations, instead of using them for protection and weapons. Health, and sanitation can be focused on more when there is peace, and life expectancy increases when there is safety because of peace. Mental health improves when relationships are harmonious and that improves your stress levels, thus improving your health. Some people say peace is the natural state of things, and it should be restored immediately if it is compromised. Libras are known as peacemakers and you can read about them here: Libra Traits and Love Compatibility

Why We Need Peace

We need peace for better lives. War and fights create life threatening conditions. Even within your own relationships at home, in your extended family, and within your community, lack of peace can be detrimental. Stress levels rise when relationships are strained and that lowers your immunities. You can get sick more easily. Too much disharmony in relationships can lead to breakups and when you are alone, you won’t have a strong support system when you need help. Read about how you can help yourself to control emotions here: The Ten Best Ways to Control Emotions

Peace among nations keeps people alive. War creates fights, death, and illness. Fights among government leaders can result in war among nations and attacks on citizens as well as starvation, lack of medical care, and enmity for generations can result. The Vietnam War resulted in unification of Vietnam under a Communist regime, which the Communists took as a win, but it resulted in the deaths of as many as 3.8 million people from 1955 all the way up to 2002. Some soldiers were taken as prisoners of war and were never heard from again. The war also resulted in enmity amongst Americans who agreed with joining the war and Americans who didn’t. Countless lives are affected by all sorts of conflict and peace can prevent this.

Deities of Peace

Seeing how necessary peace is, it’s no wonder that people have goddesses and gods they consult to help them be at peace. Prayers and offerings for peace have been given to these gods and goddesses, but some people seek guidance so they, too, can embody peace. From Ancient Rome to the Americas, deities of peace like Venus and Lono have heard people’s prayers since the dawn of time.


The Roman goddess of love, beauty, and prosperity, Venus unites people in love. She was originally associated with the fertility of gardens and fields and later became a sensual love goddess. She was syncretized with the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, and has no surviving myths that are hers alone. In ancient times, she was tasked with protecting the virginity of girls, who in turn gave their toys as offerings to her in coming-of-age ceremonies. She was also a goddess venerated for sacred sensuality for adults. She interceded for people, carrying prayers to the supreme father god, Jupiter. She unites people peacefully with one another, and united people with the supreme god. She can be called upon to help you find a lover. She loves offerings of wine, childhood toys, mint, and myrtle.


Greek Goddess Athena is a goddess of protection, warfare, crafting, and wisdom. She sits as a judge at some trials and as a war goddess, who leads soldiers who fight for just causes into battle. To wage war in the name of good might temporarily cause fights, but just wars are for the sake of ensuring peace and the main goal of wars she oversees is to resolve conflicts. She can be prayed to for guidance in conflict resolution. She accepts offerings of olives as the olive tree is sacred to her. Read about leadership qualities here: The Zodiac Signs as Leaders


Hindu goddess of harmony, nourishment, fertility, ripened corn, and motherhood, Parvati is the embodiment of the energy between women and men. She is the wife of Lord Shiva, but she’s not just a woman who stays at home. She is tasked with battling demons and transformed into Durga to battle a demon who was threatening the whole universe. A protective mother, she uses her strength to save all of the universe from harm. She can be called upon when you need to turn your anger into something constructive. She accepts offerings of ripe corn.


Old Norse god of fertility, the harvest, and peace, Freyr is especially associated with the Swedish royalty and is seen as one of their ancestors. While he is a god of kingship, interestingly enough, he had to give up his magical sword to marry the lovely Gerder. However, despite giving up his sword, he was still victorious in battle. He was given sacrifices before weddings in ancient times. Freyr knows it is necessary to lay weapons aside in the name of love. He can be called upon in the name of love and accepts offerings of boar, or pork.


Hawaiian god Lono is a god of fertility, agriculture, and peace. From October through February, a festival is held in his honor and during this time no war is allowed. Lono brings rain that makes the earth grow. He also protects the crops and can be prayed to at planting time. He may be the god that ensures food, and thus survival, but he and his brother also created the Hawaiian Islands, making them rise from the water. He can be called upon when you want your hard work to pay off. As an offering to him, call a truce with someone. Read about deities of the sea here: The Folklore, Myths, and Gods of the Sea


A Germanic reconciliation and justice god, Forseti presides over trials at his hall named Glitnir. Forseti is calm and wise, listens to all sides of a dispute, then comes up with the fairest outcome. Nobody leaves his court without justice. His method is calm discourse instead of flaring tempers and he sets a standard for all judges and mediators. He can be called upon when you need to make a decision about what is fair. Little is known about him, except his hall, Glitnir, was bedecked in gold and silver. Silver and gold are good offerings for Foresti.


Jesus of Nazareth is a god of peace. His followers, Christians, believe he is the physical embodiment of their god on earth, and that he came to earth to bring salvation to human beings. In a time when people fought, he told his disciples to focus on their spirituality instead. He told people to forgive, not seek revenge, and his most important teaching was to love one another. He accepts prayers, and asking his spirit to come into you to make you more loving will get a response. He accepts offerings of good deeds and charity to the needy. But are people the only things alive and with spirits? Find out here: Animism: Is Everything Alive?



Known as The Plumed Serpent, Quetzalcoatl is the Aztec god of learning and is the patron god of priesthood. He is one of the gods that created mankind and he brings rains. It is believed by some he was seen by the ancient Aztecs as a serpent god of renewal and fertility. The way he made people was when the fourth world was destroyed by other gods, he took the bones of people of the past and his own blood and formed humanity. He also introduced people to the healing plant cacao. He can be called upon to help create change after times of destruction and he loves offerings of chocolate.

What We Learn from Deities of Peace

From gods of peace, we learn to be peaceful, but each of them has their own ways of teaching this. Some teach to show strength to frighten enemies, but others grant peace by compassion and a refusal to fight back. Forgiveness, mediation, and love are lessons we learn from them.


The Grimnismal says that Forseti is “preeminent among judges” and this is partially because anybody who goes to his court where he presides leaves reconciled. We could all stay angry for life about some things, but there comes a time when we have to let past hurts go, and make up for the sake of peace. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you say what happened is okay. It just means you aren’t going to let it come between you and peace. In the spirit of Forseti, sometimes, it’s necessary to forgive and move forward. Even if you forgive you don’t have to be uncomfortable and you can read why here: What Should I Do if I Am Uncomfortable?


Quetzalcoatl was a god linked with rulership and priestly offices. These two positions require savvy mediation skills. The ability to come up with solutions to disputes and to settle them amicably makes good rulers and clergy persons. Quetzalcoatl is a god of knowledge and renewal, and one of his names means “wisest of men.” He is also a god of justice and mercy. Keeping all these qualities in mind, in times of struggle, think about what is fair and what is merciful, and what will be a good solution that benefits everybody. Like Quetzalcoatl, when we mediate well, we bring peace.


Anton Lavey said “You cannot love everyone”, but some people, including Mary, mother of Jesus, would disagree. One aspect of her is based on the South American goddess title, Tonantzin. This name was applied to aspects of mother goddesses, and it is said the apparition of The Virgin of Guadeloupe was an aspect of Tonantzin. She was one with the earth and the creatures of earth and was reached out to as we would reach out to our mother’s for comfort. Think of the love of Tonantzin and Mary Mother of Jesus for guidance when you seek to be peaceful. Read about the spiritual meaning of love here: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Love?

How To Be Peaceful

Being peaceful is a moment-to-moment decision. Peace starts with the desire to avoid fights and get along with people. It’s not always easy, because upsetting things that put you on the defensive will happen every day. Can you get a grip on your own feelings and come up with a solution that will make sure things get better instead of worse? How will you react when another driver hits your car? Will you scream at them, or get out and ask if everybody is alright? Screaming at them will escalate an already tense situation but checking on people will diffuse the situation.

What will you do when your frenemy is going out of their way to push your buttons? Will you let them instigate you, or will you refuse to? When your family is erupting in a political debate at the holiday dinner table, will you join in so you get to voice your opinion, or will you ask them all to stop debating so you can all just enjoy the holiday? Not everyone can be the voice of reason in tense situations, but if you can, you can be a peacemaker. Being peaceful is just a matter of mindfully choosing the response that will resolve conflicts, promote harmony, and bring people together. If you can do this, you will make the world more peaceful one decision at a time. Harmony is a tenet of Wicca and you can read more here: Seven Spiritual Tenets of Wicca

Love, compassion, harmony. All these things make peaceful relations and bring people together. Disputes can be settled, wars can be stopped or completely avoided, and people can live with the confidence all is well in their world. Goddesses and gods of peace have been asked for their intercession in forging peace since days long gone, but they can still help today. Even if we don’t worship them, we can learn from their example. May peace be yours and may you bring harmony like the ancient deities of peace. So Be It.

If you are looking for solutions to create harmony, understanding, and peace, a reading with one of our psychics can help you find the way to do it! Online Psychic Readings. Make sure to sign up for Horoscopes to find out what the future holds: Daily Horoscope | Free Horoscopes.

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for Mysticsense and SpiritualBlossom, and she writes for The Green Egg Magazine and PaganPages.Org emag.