The Top Ten Pisces Zodiac Flowers
October 22, 2024 14 min read

The Top Ten Pisces Zodiac Flowers

By Lady Saoirse

Learn about the ten best Zodiac flowers for Pisces and find out how to use them in your own magic and spirituality. 

Pisces are born from February 19 to March 20. They are perhaps the most compassionate people, and they don’t have a problem going out of their way to help people who others think don’t deserve the help. They are idealistic daydreamers with a romantic outlook on life, and they are highly empathic people who truly care about other people’s feelings. A bad habit they have is allowing themselves to be taken advantage of by people who don’t care about them. They also disappear without a trace sometimes when they feel emotionally overwhelmed, but they always come back to the people who they love after they have had a chance to decompress and recharge their batteries. These traits make their natural magic powerful, and they have special zodiac flowers they can use to make their magic even stronger. Join SpiritualBlossom to learn about Pisces Zodiac flowers and their magic. 

Lavender Roses

Lavender Roses

If every sign could have a rose of their own, Pisces would have the lavender rose. Roses have been around for a long time if fossil records are to be believed. The oldest fossil of a rose ever found was in Colorado in the United States and it dates back at least 35 million years. People have been cultivating roses for at least 5,000 years, and it is believed that was first done in China. Since then, roses have been grown all over the world and people have developed thousands of varieties of roses. Roses are believed to be the most popular flower as well.Top 10 Most Popular Flowers (

In China, roses are grown year-round, and they symbolize longevity, and eternal spring. They are enjoyed in food as well as bouquets and gardens. In the Middle East, roses are also used to make jellies and desserts, and used to make rosewater, which is used in skin care. It is believed that rosewater was first created in ancient Persia, and rosewater can be used in perfumes and traditional medicines as well. Roses are given to symbolize love and passion, and lavender roses specifically symbolize mystery, enchantment, and wonder. They also symbolize love at first sight.

Pisces are people who love to daydream and seek out things that fascinate them. They open themselves to relationships with people who they find fascinating as well, and sometimes that means a new romance with a mysterious individual. Lavender roses can be given to somebody who you have just met that enchants you to express your interest. Lavender roses can also be used for yourself. If you are experiencing a time when nothing new seems interesting, keep petals of lavender roses nearby to draw new, interesting experiences to you. Plant lavender roses at home to keep drawing wonderous things and people to your home and life.


Eyebright is native to parts of Europe, and they are also called euphrasia. They can grow up to 12 inches tall and are called semi parasitic plants because they have the ability to absorb nutrients from other plants growing near them. The lovely flowers are white with purple veins, and they bloom from early July to mid-September. Eyebright tends to grow well in sandy soils on roadsides or meadows, and it is recommended that some sand is added to potting soil if you want to grow it at home. Surprisingly, eyebright seeds should be pressed lightly into the soil instead of being buried deeply, because the seeds will need exposure to light so they can sprout. It is also best to plant them in fall time because they need cold exposure to grow, and some eyebright seeds won’t produce plants for a year.

Eyebright has been used medicinally for centuries and has been used to treat conjunctivitis, vertigo, and memory issues. It has also been used to treat inflammation that accompanies cold, sinus infection, and sore throats. It was named after the Greek goddess, Euphrosyne, who was a goddess of merriment. She and her sisters, the Charities, were conceived to create goodwill and pleasant times. In Elizabethan times, an ale was made with eyebright, and it was believed to create joy. Eyebright symbolizes the ability to clearly see things for the way they are, even beneath the surface.

Pisces are very intuitive, and they are also empathic. They sometimes focus so much on caring about other people’s feelings, they forget their own. Eyebright will help to enhance their ability to understand things and focus on themselves as well as others. Take fresh or dried eyebright and steep it in a little water and wash your hands in it before going into the presence of people who you tend to focus on doing things for, but who leave your energy depleted afterwards. They might be emotionally draining you and taking advantage of your kindness. Carry dried eyebright when you are going somewhere that people who might be dishonest will be so you can clearly see what the truth is. Read about Libra Zodiac Flowers: What is the Best Libra Flower?



Mistaken for a tree, the wisteria is actually a vine, which trails up structures, and can indeed be trained to grow in the shape of a tree. Known for its luxuriant draping flowers, wisterias are native to parts of Europe, North America, and Asia. The flowers are typically purple, but some white and pink varieties are available. Wisteria is a fast-growing plant and can develop to be up to ten feet long just in its first year. Keep the flowers and vines neatly pruned while it is establishing itself, but it won’t need pruned once it matures. Wisteria can grow up to 65 feet tall and the largest wisteria in the world is in Sierra Madre, California in the USA. It was planted in 1894 and its flowers vine for an acre.

Wisterias symbolize elegance and endurance. In Japan, wisterias symbolize luck and longevity because of how long they live, and they also symbolize love and longing. A masterpiece play in Kabuki Theater is called Fuji Musume, or The Wisteria Maiden and it was first performed in 1826. In the play, a dancer represents the spirit of the wisteria, which has fallen in love with the pine tree. The dance and character embody the longing the young wisteria maiden has for her lover.(63) Enjoying the Masterpiece of Kabuki Dance

Training a wisteria on a supportive structure can be a magical working to help love endure. With your beloved, buy a wisteria, and plant it. As it grows, take time together to help it to vine up a trellis, garden fence, or other structure. When you prune the blossoms, save the dried flower petals. If you and your beloved ever have to be apart, make sure both of you keep some of the dried petals with you to remember your love. When you are reunited, spend time with your wisteria together again. On summer nights, sit under the hanging blossoms, holding hands or embracing. Visualize your love for one another radiating into the wisteria. Every time you are with your wisteria, you will feel the love you and your lover have for one another.


Believed to be a popular vegetable, tomatoes are actually berries and they originated In the Americas. The Spanish encountered tomatoes during the Conquest of Mexico, and they took tomatoes back to Europe with them. Tomatoes spread to every part of the world after that, and today, they are a major part of the cuisines of many nations. Before the Europeans discovered the tomato, the ancestor of today’s tomato varieties grew fruit about the size of peas, and ancient South Americans cultivated the plant, developing larger fruits. Tomatoes are grown from seeds, and small sprouted plants can be found at garden centers every year. They require plenty of water, full sun, and staking so they grow upright instead of vining on the ground.

Tomato seeds were used in ancient South America for divination. During the Middle Ages, when people were terrified that witches were out doing malevolent magic, some people believed the tomato could be used to practice evil magic or turn people into werewolves. Some lore says the tomato was the forbidden fruit that gave knowledge of good and evil to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It is considered an aphrodisiac and associated with the Golden Apples of Hesperides. These apples were a wedding present to the goddess Hera from the earth goddess Gaia and they made whoever ate them immortal. They were stolen by Heracles and dedicated to the goddess Athena.

Tomatoes can’t make you immortal, but they are good for your health and can make you live a good life for a longer time. Cook with tomatoes to increase your health. An easy way to do this is to chop up the amount of tomatoes and onions you like, and cook them with a bit of olive oil until the tomatoes are softened and broken down into a sauce. Add oregano, salt, pepper, thyme, and sweet basil to taste. Add a splash of water if you need to so you get the texture you want. Serve this sauce over pasta to your lover to ignite passion. Grow your own tomatoes and share them to express your affection for the people who you love. Read about Scorpio Zodiac flowers: What is the Best Scorpio Flower?


Originating in the Balkan Peninsula, lilacs have naturalized themselves all over Europe, the United States, and Asia. Lilac is a small tree with some varieties growing as large as 30 feet tall, and some being smaller, grown as shrubs that are only about three feet tall at their largest. They are grown for their beautiful, sweetly scented blossoms, and the flowers first bloom in late spring or early summer. They only bloom for about three weeks, though, so enjoy lilac season while you can. They are often grown from small plants that professional greenhouses have already developed, but they can be grown from seeds. If you have the patience to wait up to five years, you can collect the seeds from developed lilac plant and watch as the lilac grows.

Lilacs are associated with Hera, Greek goddess of women and family, marriage, and protector of mothers in childbirth. It is said the scent of lilac means Hera is present. The lilac is used to soothe broken hearts in ancient Greece. Some Romanian Christians say Jesus was crucified under a lilac and some Christians believe the lilac symbolizes devotion. In parts of Eastern Europe, the lilac is believed to bring luck and joy and that it wards off malevolent spirits. It is often used in perfumes and to flavor sweets.

Like Hera, Pisces people are protective. Their love and devotion define their relationships, but even a devoted, protective Pisces knows they can’t protect the people who they love all by themselves. Pisces can plant lilacs at the homes of their loved ones for protection, and they can send fresh lilac flowers for that purpose as well. Bake lilacs into sweets and feed it to the people who you love or make lilac tea to protect them. Lilac flowers are non-toxic to people and pets, so if you grow lilac, you can use your own lilac flowers for magical teas to drink and share. Lilac flowers can be dried and saved for protection later in the year when they are not blooming anymore.



Begonias belong to the plant family named begoniaceae and there are about 2,000 different species of them. They grow in subtropical and tropical places around the world. They are one of the largest groups of flowering plants, and begonia flowers come in yellow, red, pink, orange, purple, and blue. They need a lot of water and grow well in full sun to part shade. In colder regions, they are kept as houseplants and in warm climates, they grow so well outdoors, they come back every year on their own. The largest begonia grows over 10 feet tall, and the tiniest one is the tiny begonia elachista, which was found in a cave in Peru and is only a couple of inches tall.

Begonias symbolize gratitude and are given as thank you gifts. They also symbolize congratulations and are given as anniversary gifts. Red begonias symbolize romance and passionate love while pink begonias symbolize affection. Yellow begonias represent happiness and friendship, and white begonias symbolize innocence. Some people believe that seeing begonias warns that a misfortune is about to befall you and others think begonias bring good luck. Begonias are also symbolic of peace and unity.

Pisces are people who prefer that everybody gets along, and that there is no fighting or disagreements. The peace giving magic of begonias can help them to achieve this. Give begonias to business partners so their energy can unify you in professional deals. Give white begonias to somebody who you want to reconcile with. Plant begonias around your home, even in hanging baskets on patios and porches to ward off negativity and bring harmonious energy to the house. Choose yellow begonias to draw friends, and red begonias to draw a lover to you. Read about the lotus flower: Lotus Flower Meaning and Symbolism

Evening Primrose

Also called evening star and hogweed, evening primrose grows throughout North America and grows well in full sunlight. Not to be confused with giant hogweed, which is toxic, evening primrose is used medicinally. It blooms late spring through late summer and can grow up to 36 inches tall. It is called evening primrose because it opens beautifully during the evening, and bees, butterflies, and birds love its nectar. The seeds can lie dormant in soil for up to 70 years and still bloom. The flowers on evening primrose can be yellow, pink, white, red, or purple.

The seeds, roots, and shoots of the evening primrose are edible, and the plant is used to treat skin problems and pain from rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. It is believed to ward off negative spirits and energy and is used in protective magic. It is associated with the moon and can be used in full moon or new moon rituals. It is believed to increase beauty and is planted by gardeners who want flowers that bloom after dark. The Book of the sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage said primrose can be used to create a love charm.

Pisces people are like any other sign. They want to be loved just like everybody else does. To use primrose as a love charm, dry the flowers, and grind them into a powder. Sprinkle this powder on the ground in places where you desire to meet a lover and keep a small bag of it with you. The evening primrose will draw lovers to you. You can also plant them on your property to ward off negativity.


Reeds are members of the grass family and include such plants as cat tails and papyrus. They grow in swamps, marshes, and on the banks of streams and lakes. They grow native in North America, and parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Some are used to make musical instruments such as panpipes and others are used for the thatching of roofs. Some reeds are used to weave baskets or make durable furniture. They grow from seeds that can lay dormant in soil for a long time before sprouting and reeds can be used to make fuel and paper as well.

The goddess Isis used a reed to give the god Osiris a new body part for lovemaking when she resurrected him from the dead. In ancient Egypt, the papyrus reed was symbolic of the marsh all life came from and the pillars they believed held up the sky were said to be made of papyrus. Cat tail reeds symbolize peace and the number one, or beginnings. Traditionally, in Britain, having a cat tail reed brought into the house portended a death and it was said the prophet Moses was found among the bulrushes by the Egyptians. Boats were also made of reeds, and they symbolized security and safe passage.

Pisces people can use reeds for their new beginnings. Unless you believe that cat tails represent death, bring them into the house when you want a new beginning. Place them in a basket or vase and let them dry. When your new beginning is off to a good start, if you want to, you can take the seeds out of the cat tail heads and plant them, so the plant that blessed you has a new beginning of its own. Pieces of papyrus can be given as gifts to people who are healing or be used in your own healing. Because they represent where life began and resurrection of Osiris, bring papyrus into your place of healing so its energy can help rejuvenate you. You can even write prayers on paper made of papyrus when you seek healing.


Sumacs are members of the cashew family and there are about 35 species of them. They produce bright red fruits which are dried and ground to be used as a spice and to make dye. Sumacs grow native in North America, Africa, and parts of Asia. They are grown in the Middle East as well. They are considered invasive by some people because they drop seeds, which sprout to create more sumacs, and they grow from rhizomes beneath the ground from the roots. Surprisingly, poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are in this family of plants and are avoided at all costs. They are not to be ingested and are not to be burned or the smoke will release their toxic substance in the air and sicken people.

 Indigenous North Americans used the roots and shoots of the non toxic sumac as food and ate it raw. It is used as a seasoning in the Middle East. It is believed to help lower blood sugar and be high in antioxidants. Sumac has been used in magic to promote peace and the sumac represents vitality, perhaps because of its bright red fruits. Sumac can be used to help activate spells, and for protection. It can also be used for grounding your energy and stilling your mind. Dried sumac can easily be found at Middle Eastern groceries if you don’t want to grow your own for use in your magic.

Pisces people are water signs, and they are very in touch with their emotions, even when they don’t show it. Sumac can help to alleviate emotional stress. Sprinkle some sumac on your food for calming the emotions or place a small bowl of it beside you when you have to work while you are worried about something. It will help ease your worries. If you grow your own sumac, take a handful of the berries and rinse them in water. Mash the sumac in water, and cover it, allowing it to steep. Remember that the longer it sits, the stronger the flavor is. Strain the berries and sweeten the drink, adding more water if the flavor is too strong. Drink this “sumac lemonade” to calm your mind and help you focus.

Potted Flowers

Pisces people are sentimental. Giving them potted flowers as a gift shows them you are thinking of them, and they can take their gift along with them wherever they go to help them remember your loving relationship. It’s good magic for Pisces to keep potted plants for themselves and nurture them for many years. As a Pisces, you can buy a potted plant for yourself when there is some milestone or rite of passage, like starting at your dream job or having a child, for example. As you take care of your plant, think of the joyous event you bought the plant to commemorate, and over time the happy energy will emanate from your plant.

A Pisces love for others is their most powerful magic. They make great things happen because of how much they care, and the world is a better place because of all the good things they do. Carry the petals of lavender roses to attract new experiences, carry eyebright to help you see the truth, and bake lilacs into sweets for protection. Your natural magic is powerful, and your zodiac flowers can make it even stronger.

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About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom, Mysticsense, and she writes for The Green Egg and PaganPages.Org emag.