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Refund Policy

At SpiritualBlossom, we strive to provide the best service possible in the realm of psychics. However, we understand that there may be instances when you are dissatisfied with the service you receive from us.

If you are a customer of SpiritualBlossom and are not happy with your last paid psychic reading, we offer the option to get your time-back (recredit) to talk to another psychic according to the following rules:


We do not provide a full-deposit refund after a session with a psychic. The only option for an unsatisfactory reading is to get the time back/credits added to your account.
You must request your time-back within 48 hours of the reading.

The time will only be re-credited if it is your last paid psychic reading. In other words, if you had another reading with a different psychic after the session you want a refund for, we will not accept it.

The time back (credits) will be applied to your SpiritualBlossom account within two business days after our review. You can receive a maximum of 10 minutes of your time back (up to $35).

You may not make another request for a time back with the same psychic advisor.

You can ask for up to one time-back request each month, and this only applies if you have had at least two other successful sessions - this means a total of three for the month at the time of the refund/time-back request. You may only ask for a total of five time-back requests in your entire subscribed period. If this is your first session ever at SpiritualBlossom, we will not ask for two more successful sessions this month. The time back can only be requested once per psychic advisor.

By asking for a timeback or recredit, you give your permission for your recording/transcript to be listened to/read by our agents to ascertain the validity of your claim.

Refunds and time-back requests will not be considered or approved if the request was previously declined.

Your SpiritualBlossom account must be in good standing to request and receive your time back.

SpiritualBlossom reserves the right to refuse any request for a time back.

Full deposit refund/cash-back rules:

As a customer of SpiritualBlossom and you wish to request a cash refund of your unused deposit within 48 hours, we may issue a refund according to the following rules:

  • You have requested a refund no later than 48 hours after payment.
  • Your deposit is entirely unused/not spent in your account.
  • You can only make a cash-back request once.

We reserve the right to refuse any cash-back request. Please note, SpiritualBlossom reserves the right to prevent you from using the service in the future. We also reserve the right to close any account with or without notice following a review if the customer is found violating user terms, including:

  • Threatening to contact a bank or dispute the charges as unauthorized to recover the money deposited and used in the reading.
  • Sharing contact details with the psychic reader and paying the psychic outside the platform.
  • Not respecting psychics or prejudices based on race, accent, or grammar.

If you believe that your case is different and requires personal attention, please contact us.