September 03, 2024 16 min read


By Lady Saoirse

Learn about rebirthing through the help of intuitive guides and how it helps heal childhood trauma and improve your life. 

Childhood is supposed to be a magical time when we can grow and explore in a nurturing environment, surrounded by loving parents who help us to have the best lives we can, but it doesn’t always happen that way. Sometimes, you have to weave a psychic web of protection around yourself as an adult because shielding yourself from negative energies that your parents dumped on you as a child was not entirely possible. Thankfully, as psychic people, we can learn to be natural healers for ourselves, working through traumas we endured as children, and thriving despite anything that hurt us. There are techniques called rebirthing, meaning breathing to release trauma from the birth process and there are ways to work through having been abused, neglected, or not accepted. Spiritual healing and seeing an intuitive healer as well as deciding whether to try to maintain or rekindle a relationship with the parent who hurt us are all things to think about while healing from childhood trauma from parents. Read on to learn how.

Rebirthing Definition

Leonard Dietrich Orr was the author who developed the concept of rebirthing. This is a breathing intuitive behavior designed to relive the first breath taken out of the womb and is used to release traumas. Orr began developing these techniques back in 1962 with his own relaxing breathing in baths. By 1973, he was doing sessions for others, and he developed a set of meditative breathing practices and included yoga, nutritional discipline, emotional and mental exercises and affirmations, and spiritual purification techniques. While all of this is considered a New Age set of practices, one thing this addresses is the fact many of us have experienced traumas in childhood, and Orr taught that we can work with counselors, and universal light workers who have been trained to help us to heal ourselves. No matter what we have endured, we are not without hope, and we don’t have to be emotionally broken forever.

While it is true that Orr passed away in 2019, there are goals for the first ten sessions of using Orr’s approach that those who carry on his legacy have for those coming for treatment, and the organization lists them as:

1.Rebirthing or Conscious Connected Intuitive Breathing is learning to breathe energy (prana) as well as air. To have this ability available to us is the basic, most important goal of the first ten sessions. Ten 2 to 3-hour sessions is the responsible way to teach Rebirthing Breathwork.

2. Get past physiological drama.

3. Get past tetany (body cramping).

4. Get past psychological and emotional drama.

5. Experience the merging of the inner breath and the outer breath (breathing from the Breath Itself). 

6. Relive the moment of the first breath and experience releasing the breathing mechanism.

7. Heal the headwaters of our Life spring – learn the healing power of conscious breathing. 

8. Have a weekly support group. Realize the importance of spiritual community.

9. Realize that the Breath is harmless and that the mind can be dangerous. Learn to process the mind with affirmations and emotional response techniques.

10. Learn Spiritual Purification.

11. Learn proper nutrition and the importance of vegetarianism.

12. Follow an exercise system and practice basic breathing exercises like 20 connected breaths and alternate nostril breathing, etc.

13. Develop the snorkel habit and learn the role of breathing in the bathtub (hot and cold rebirthing).

14. Realize that the more you have healed your birth trauma, etc., the more and the faster your clients can heal. 

15. Have an awareness of the 8 biggies of human trauma.

16. Be familiar with the 6 biggies of spiritual purification: mind (mantra), earth, air, water and fire practices, and love.

17. Be aware of the spiritual costs of lifestyles and relationships.

18. Learn to manage emotional energy pollution (EEP) from others, especially in public places.

19. Be able to breathe for an hour without supervision. 

20. Become aware of our Natural Divinity.

21. Become aware of spiritual, mental and physical enlightenment.

22. Realize that spiritual enlightenment can occur in a five minute span of time, whereas mental enlightenment takes 50 – 100 years and physical enlightenment takes 500 or more years.

23. Raise Kundalini energy, the Holy Spirit, breathing Divine Energy.

24. Become familiar with the Physical Immortality philosophy and affirmations, and the Owner’s Manual (by Leonard Orr).

25. Become familiar with the Rebirthing literature: The Story of Rebirthing Breathwork, Breath Awareness, The Healing Manual, The Healing Power of Birth and Rebirth, now all included in The New Rebirthing Book, by Leonard Orr.

26. Become familiar with the basics of childbirth education.

27. Realize the role of money and prosperity consciousness in our relationship with Breathwork professionals.

28. Realize that healing yourself always comes first.

29. Learn to heal the death urge.

If you would like to learn more about this program and trained practitioners who can walk you through the full rebirthing process that Orr devised, you can contact them through their organization called Rebirthing Breathwork International here: Rebirthing Breathwork International - Leonard Orr

Childhood Traumas

Not everybody endured suffering at the hands of their parents, but plenty of people have. The statistics in the United States alone will shock you. Over three million kids in the United States received an investigation about abuse reports, and that is just the kids who authorities find out about. Of those kids, two million of them received abuse prevention services. In the first year of life, children are fifteen percent likely to be abused, and one in forty kids is an abuse victim. While neglect is the style abuse most reported, violent abuse as well as sexual abuse and sex trafficking happens as well. Over three quarters of child abuse victims were abused by a parent.

The Centers for Disease Control, or the CDC estimate that the financial cost of dealing with the trauma of being abused as a child costs society in general around $585 billion dollars each year. Again, that is each and every year. The CDC believes that up to half of all kids in America will either be victims of abuse or will witness abuse at home. Every ten seconds, abuse is reported and nearly five children per day die from abuse, many of whom are age four or younger. There are over two thousand new child abuse victims per day and almost one hundred more per hour. It is believed that over half of child fatalities that should be recorded as abuse are not. The statistics of the result of child abuse for adult survivors are just as disturbing.

Almost one third of women who end up in prison are child abuse survivors and more than half the people who go into drug rehabilitation centers reported being child abuse survivors. Nearly one third of child abuse victims continue the cycle by abusing the children who they have and about eighty percent of twenty-one-year-old child abuse survivors have at least one, if not more psychological issues. Abused kids are one quarter more likely to become parents as teenagers, and abused kids are at higher risk for sexually transmitted diseases because they are three times less likely to have safe sex.

You can see by the overwhelming numbers abuse happens to kids that if you are a child abuse survivor, you are not alone. There are multiple different kinds of abuse, all as bad as the next kind, and not all of them can be listed here. While abuse and neglect are very well known, as well as sexual abuse, another horrifying form of abuse that children can suffer is the atrocity of not being accepted by their families, and this affects far more kids than you would think. Read about protecting your energy: Protecting Your Spiritual Energy



Active abuse can take many different forms from being hit, kicked, slapped, shoved, struck until you bleed or bruise, and even being pushed down flights of stairs. Physical violence that causes bleeding or bruising are easily recognizable, but other forms of physical abuse are being forced into clothing that is too grown up for your age, like being forced to dress like an adult in full makeup and high heels in pre-teen years and being starved so you won’t “be fat.” While the beauty industry might pressure people into buying products, it is parents who force their children to get plastic surgery and wear bra padding or clothing that suck the waist in making it look smaller who are the abusers.

Psychological abuse joins physical abuse when parents force boys to “suck it up” and not show emotions or pain, playing sports with bodily injuries to win for the team so they can brag about their children’s victories. Allowing a favorite child to torment another child with violence is also a form of physical abuse families allow, and deliberately withholding food, or forcing kids to eat foods that knowingly make them sick are forms of physical abuse also. Forcing diets on children due to the parents’ personal beliefs when the kids do not want to participate in this and using food for punishments are also forms of physical abuse.


Counted as the most reported form of abuse, neglect is considered a form of abuse, but it deserves its own section because it happens in a different way than violent physical abuse. Neglect is willingly or unwillingly not meeting somebody’s needs. While it might be considered more malevolent to purposely withhold what somebody needs, doing it unintentionally is just as harmful. This can take the form of not feeding a child all they need to be healthy or not getting them the medications that they need. It can manifest as refusing to take a child to a doctor due to religious beliefs, and neglect can be allowing squalid or dangerous conditions in the home.

While it might be more noticeable if physical needs are not met, emotional neglect is harmful as well. Some parents stay busy with their own things and literally ignore their kids. Some focus so hard on their career and could spend more time with their children, but don’t want to. Others keep themselves so busy with hobbies and do not take the time their children emotionally need to bond with them. Whatever the reason a parent is absent, it hurts, and nothing can take that pain away. Sometimes, when kids grow up, parents admit they should have spent more time with them, but childhood only happens once, and you cannot get those years back once they have passed. While nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes, even if we are sorry for neglecting to spend time with our kids, they will always remember the absence of a parent when they needed one.

Not Being Accepted

Another form of trauma a child can suffer is not being accepted by one or both parents. It is glaringly noticeable when parents reject a child who has come out as gay, which can lead to teenage homelessness or suicide. The Trevor Project reports that the second highest cause of death for kids between age ten and fourteen is suicide, and LGBTQ teens are four times as likely to attempt suicide than non-LGBTQ kids. They also found that nearly half of LGBTQ kids reported considering suicide. Transgendered and non- binary kids are at higher risk for depression which can lead to suicide and are twice as likely to consider or attempt suicide as cis gender LGBTQ youth.

Only about one third of LGBTQ people come out as kids, with one third waiting until adulthood, and only one third of LGBTQ teens experience being accepted for who they are by their parents. Less than forty percent of LGBTQ kids say their home is a supportive space for them and a little over half say they get the support they need at their schools. However, the risk of suicide drops drastically for LGBTQ kids who have a home or school that is supportive of them.

Other reasons parents use to refuse to be supportive of kids is their children either disappoint them academically or by not choosing hobbies they prefer. Unless their child is winning games or beauty contests, some parents have no interest in them, and they demand children spontaneously develop talents they prefer. Kids gifted in the arts are sometimes seen as disappointments by parents who want them to go into medicine for a living instead of the arts, and children who are not good at athletics are sometimes shunned by parents who want to relive their days of glory on school sports teams by bragging about their kids’ athletic abilities. One sure way to ensure your child feels unloved is to reject them for the way they are, and that’s not good. To read about the Trevor Project and for more statistics, see here: The Trevor Project | For Young LGBTQ Lives

Spiritual Healing

Seeing the overwhelming statistics that affirm the high number of people who have endured some form of abuse, it is no wonder how many adult survivors of child abuse are brokenhearted, struggle with emotional or psychological problems, or just have issues trusting and connecting with other people. Thankfully, there are people who can help, in both the medical, and psychic, meaning intuitive communities. Spiritual healing, itself is enough for some people, and magical practice as well as getting intuitive insights from a spiritual counselor help. Rituals to let go of the pain and shielding are great strategies for healing and having intuitive communication from the right psychic is as well.

Letting Go Ritual

Although simply doing a ritual won’t solve every problem, it is important for some people to do ritual to begin the healing process. A simple letting go ritual is one anybody can do regardless of beliefs or magical tradition, and one that can be done every day while you are healing. Also, keep in mind that no matter how much letting go you do, and how many years go by after abuse, you will still remember it, and it will still hurt. It would be wonderful if a magic spell could take the pain or memory of an experience away, but it won’t. The best we can do is to work on our own healing and try to move forward with our lives.

A simple letting go ritual entails a daily affirmation saying something like “What happened was wrong, I did nothing to deserve any of it, and I do not deserve how much it has made me suffer. Today, I pledge to focus on my healing and move away from the pain.” Each of us needs something different for our own healing, and whatever that is, be it breaking away from your abuser and focusing on your physical and mental health, or meditation, do whatever it is that aids in your healing. Making a daily affirmation that what happened was wrong, and you deserve better can be all you need to remind yourself that you are worthy of healing and peace. The more you say it, the more it helps you to believe it, and saying it daily helps you to think of it often, and helps with getting you in the mindset to focus on healing. Read about letting go here: The Ultimate Guide on How to Let Someone Go

Psychic Protection

Psychic shielding techniques, most especially if you have to be in the presence of your abuser, are extremely important. What is vibrational energy, and what does it do to someone who has an intuitive heart? Energy is constantly in motion, or vibrating, and the motion and movement it creates affects things and people and the energy around it. When the energy of somebody who abuses you comes into contact with you or your energy, you may feel drained, or even terrified. Shielding yourself and cutting off their ability to influence you, even by shielding their energy, is one way to protect yourself.

First, if you have to be in their presence, do a serenity check, and be completely at peace with yourself before going around them. Then, visualize something protective completely enveloping you. This should be something so powerful, that nothing in the world can penetrate it. You can imagine angel wings, armor, or even the loving presence of an ancestor who you share a strong connection with. One very powerful thing to use for psychic shielding is your own will and energy. Whenever you feel your abuser’s negative, toxic energy trying to get to you, simply visualize pushing it away, and each time you do this, feel your own energy becoming stronger and more protective.

It can be very difficult to be in the presence of people who have hurt you, most especially if they are not sorry, and if they continue being hurtful. Keep a protective psychic shield around yourself at all times that you have to be around them, and you can even do spiritual and psychic purification after you leave, to cleanse their negative energy. If you have not had the chance to learn how to do that before, you can simply bless some water with a prayer, and pour that into a bath, visualizing it washing away all the stress and negativity you may have picked up while you bathe. To learn more about magical protection, see here: Magic for Self-Defense

Seeing Intuitive Guides

Seeing an intuitive counselor, be they psychic or a psychological counselor, may be all you need to get started healing from childhood trauma. Whatever it is that happened to you is not fair, and it should not be your responsibility to heal yourself after you were hurt. However, if you don’t become proactive in your own healing, things can get much worse. The National Alliance on Mental illness found that untreated mental problems can lead to suicide. Untreated mental illness, even if it is brought on by trauma as opposed to genetics, can cause health issues like heart problems and addiction that can shorten your life by as many as twenty-five years. The cost in lost wages nationwide in America from issues from untreated mental disorders cost is about one hundred ninety-four billion dollars. So while taking time to get counseling might seem expensive or time consuming, the cost of not getting it when you need it is far more costly.

Psychic Counseling

Psychic counselors exist, and they are experts on both relationships and matters of the heart. They act as spiritual and emotional guides, helping you understand why you feel the way you feel, and they can provide magical and psychic techniques for protection and healing. Some psychics who do counseling have completed psychotherapy courses and some are trained clergy persons who learned how to do counseling while studying for their ordination. Having a background in both medicine and spirituality that some psychic counselors do helps them to have expertise in the areas of what physical and emotional as well as spiritual needs are for people seeking healing from abuse, and some people who go for spiritual healing see psychic counselors solely and get all the healing they need. 

Medical Counseling

Not everybody wants to see a psychic about healing from childhood abuse and trauma. People who become psychotherapists spend up to twelve years studying and have to prove through testing and graduation from classes that they have what it takes to be psychiatric healers. Some people think they can take medications and that is all the help they need when they are processing their traumas, but it has been found that counseling and medication helps get better results than medication alone, and some people don’t get any positive results from psychiatric medication at all. Counseling is one hundred percent confidential, and a lot of people find themselves trusting their counselor so much they tell them things they have never told anybody else. Counseling can be the key to healing from childhood trauma.

Rekindling a Relationship

Rekindling a Relationship

One thing some people insist upon is that you MUST forgive your abuser and maintain a close relationship with them to heal. Others say you will go to hell if you don’t, but neither of these are true. If abuse is wrong, that makes it a sin, and the sinner who should repent is the abuser, not the person who was abused. Some people find ways to move past the trauma and have a healthy relationship with a parent who hurt them, and some people need to completely sever ties with abusers to maintain their own sanity and to heal.

Psychology Today had some facts to share, and they are:

  • Usually, abuse takes place behind closed doors.
  • Abusers deny their actions.
  • Abusers blame the victim.
  • Violence is preceded by verbal abuse.
  • Abuse damages your self-esteem.
  • The abuser needs to be right and in control.
  • The abuser is possessive and may try to isolate their partner from friends and family.
  • The abuser is hypersensitive and may react with rage.
  • A gun in the house increases the risk of homicide by 500 percent.
  • Two-thirds of domestic violence perpetrators have been drinking alcohol.
  • One-third of victims have been drinking or using drugs

When somebody has deliberately done things that they know they cannot get by with in public, they are fully aware their actions are abusive. These are not loving actions, and while the person who abused you might be a survivor of abuse themselves, they are still the ones who chose to continue the cycle of abuse instead of breaking it. They may continue being abusive even once you are an adult, and you may not be able to get them to stop, no matter what you say or do. Some abusers repent and change, becoming entirely different people who are truly sorry for the harm they caused, and they genuinely want a good relationship.

The choice is yours to be in a relationship or not, whether an abuser has repented. You can be in a relationship even if they continue being abusive, and you can refuse a relationship even if they are no longer abusive. One thing is for sure, and that is if you decide to have a relationship with abusive parents once you are an adult, there are some steps you can take to protect yourself from them continuing to abuse you, and you can read about some of those things here: The Truth About Abusers, Abuse, and What to Do | Psychology Today

As children, we are helpless, and rely on our parents to take care of us until we can do for ourselves. If you are one of the people whose parents somehow failed you by being abusive, you are a survivor once you reach adulthood. When you have survived abuse, you have become a powerful person who has been able to pull yourself through a terribly dark time in your life into a new life with a brighter future. May your healing be gentle, and your intuitive guides help you to rejuvenate your heart and move forward with your life, leaving all pain in the past. So be It.

To find out about love, healing, career, and lifepath, reach out to a psychic today: Online Psychic Readings

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom, Mysticsense, PaganPages.Org emag, and Green Egg Magazine.