Norse Runes: Their Magic and Meanings
September 01, 2024 10 min read

Norse Runes: Their Magic and Meanings

By Lady Saoirse

Join SpiritualBlossom for a journey to discover the mysterious Nordic Runes. Learn how to practice divination with the Norse Runes, read our quick guide to the meaning of the Elder Futhark Runes, the history of the runes, and how today’s people use them for spirituality, magic, and as a connection to their ancestry.

What is a Rune?

What is a Rune?

Runes are letters from Norse lands from centuries ago. Many surviving are on grave stones, and the oldest known Runic inscription was discovered in 2021 called the Svingerud Runestone, which dates back to about between 1 and 250 CE. The word “rune” itself is translated to mean “secret mystery.” Although ancient people who used these letters knew Norse Rune meanings, the true mystery behind the Runes lies in their origin because nobody knows exactly how runes developed. Chances are, they were developed from an earlier Etruscan alphabet, but nobody is certain.

The Elder Futhark is the oldest set of runes known to us, and those were used from the 2nd to 10th centuries CE. There are 24 Runes in the Elder Futhark. They were used on jewelry, gravestones, weapons, and even plates used for eating. Shopping lists written in Runes have been found, and some people say Runes were just used to write with. Others believe that anything with a Rune on it is sacred. The Runes changed by the 9th century when the Younger Futhark, which had just 16 Runes, started being used. A third Runic alphabet was developed and all three were used by different Germanic people until they fell out of favor and Latin was used instead. Not everybody has forgotten the Runes, however, and the Norse Runes meaning for today’s people is varied.

Ways to Use Runes

Ways to Use Runes

Not everybody uses Runes, but those who do have their own reasons for doing so. The main reasons these are used are for divination and for magical workings. However, beyond that, some people cherish the Runes as part of their cultural heritage and as a way to connect to their ancestors.


The Runes are often consulted in divination, much like Tarot Cards are. Some people believe the Runes are the very voice of Odin, Norse Father God. The Lore says that it was he who brought the Runes into the World, having pulled them out of a magical Well. He is the father of the Germanic gods and human beings and he is a god of wisdom and all magic. He is also a patron god of warriors and of the battlefield. Some people believe using the Runes is the ultimate way to communicate directly with Odin, and others believe that deciphering what the Runes say in divination is impossible without a personal relationship with Odin. How to do divination with Runes is simple. Take a moment to quiet your mind, and then ask your question. Reach into your bag of runes and pull one out. That will be your answer. After you pull your Rune, quietly meditate with it until you believe you understand what it is telling you. Read about Tarot here:A Quick Guide to Tarot Cards and their Meanings


There are multiple ways to use Runes to do magic, but the simplest way to do this is just to place a Rune somewhere that you want the power of that Rune to influence. For example, if you want to strengthen your relationships at work, place the Gebo, the Rune for partnership there. If you want to be happier, wear a piece of jewelry inscribed with Wunjo, the Rune for joy. Runes can also be combined to create their own magic. If you want a happy work environment, draw the image of both Wunjo and Gebo together, and forge their lines into one symbol. To do this, simply combine and reshape these two Runes together as necessary to create one single image. You can craft this into a pendant you wear or a simple image you carry in your pocket anytime you are working to have the power of this Rune magic aid you. Read about the magic of black cats here:The Magic and Superstitions of Black Cats

A Connection to Heritage

Symbols hold much power, and some people hold the ancient symbols of their ancestors close to them. These can adorn anything you want them to, and anything you cannot buy that has Runes on them can be made. Runes can be painted on canvas or wood, and they can be embroidered on fabric as well. Seeds in the garden can be planted in the shape of Runes and a lot of people get Runes tattooed onto their bodies. Wire can be shaped into Runes, and pipe cleaners found at craft stores can be bent into the shape of Runes as well. For those whose identity is intimately tied to their Germanic ancestry, the Runes are a sacred part of their people’s past and something that makes them feel a powerful connection to it. You can use your Runes anyplace and wear them everywhere.

Quick Guide to Nordic Rune Meanings

Each Rune can be studied in depth over many years, but if you just want to use the Runes for simple divination messages, use our quick guide here. The 24 Runes of the Elder Futhark can be combined with one ,newer Blank Rune to make a set of 25 Runes to provide wisdom, answers, and guidance. Each Rune has an animal, concept, or weather phenomenon associated with it that has sacred messages.


The symbol represents cattle, which represents wealth. Historically, things like cattle represented things people owned that had value, and this form of wealth had to be carefully cultivated to get any benefit from it. Today’s wealth is often in the form of money, investments, inheritances, or things we have bought that we can sell for money. This Rune advises investing our wealth wisely and protecting it. Read about the 6th House which controls some of your wealth here:The Complete Guide to Sixth House Astrology


This Rune symbolized aurochs, an extinct species of powerful animals. They represent untamed power, unbreakable strength, and good health. Prosperity, victory, and autonomy as well as an untamed spirit are indicated. It can also counsel relying on a strong will to survive and to focus on keeping your health and vitality strong.


This represents the thorn, but also the Thor’s Hammer which protected the Allfather and Asgard, the home of gods. Thorns can harm, but they can be used protectively, like thorns protect roses. You are protected, but you must use your power to fight off adversaries and strike out at them when it is necessary. No matter what happens, you have the ability to protect and defend yourself. Use your protective abilities like the plant uses its thorns. Read about energy protection here:Protecting Your Spiritual Energy


This Rune means “mouth”. Words have power and they have potential to create and destroy. This Rune counsels using your words wisely. Think before you speak and if it is best, remain silent. What we say can create reality, and any form of communication at this time will be especially powerful. Also pay attention to what others say and take action based on what you hear.


This symbolizes a journey, and sometimes it is translated to mean “wagon” or “wheel.” The rider, and the vehicle make this journey together and the journey is always easier for the rider than it is the vehicle. Your journey may be physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual, but attention should be paid because this journey will bring great changes. Opportunities on the journey should be seized because they will bring you closer to your goals.


This represents a torch or an ulcer. Ulcers and torches burn, and sometimes that hurts. It also represents illumination in the darkness and gaining wisdom. Sometimes, the truth hurts as well. Power comes from knowledge and you are being advised to open your awareness for new information, even if the truth is not pleasant to hear. Witches seek wisdom and you can read about them here:The Truth About Witches


Gebo means gift, and the crossed lines indicate exchange, or a gift for a gift. This indicates harmony, connection and partnerships that are mutually beneficial. Open yourself to such partnerships, and to be generous. Examine what is offered to make sure you are being offered as much as you have to give.



This is the Rune for joy and happy fellowship. This symbolizes stability and positive thinking during difficult times. Keep your chin up when times are tough and enjoy things when they are good.


This is the Rune for hail. It is destructive and portends difficulties. However, like hail melts and the damage it causes can be remedied, bad times don’t last forever. Hang in there.


This is the Rune for need and more specifically, something called a need-fire. One meaning is to do what you need until you can do what you want. Need-fires were lit to ward off disease, and only certain people were deemed powerful enough to bless such a sacred fire. In difficult times, consult people to help, and use your magic for protection. Take the actions needed to make things better.


This is the Rune for ice, or standstill. Things are stagnant and you feel frozen, or trapped in a situation. You are counseled to endure and await the time that things “thaw” so forward movement can begin again.


This means a year or harvest cycle. It indicates a process from beginning to end. It can be counseling you to finish what you started, or be patient until something is finished.


This symbolizes a yew tree and strength. The yew holds fast to the earth, and you are counseled to endure during difficulties. It also indicates manifestation, and when we are strong, we manifest what we want.


The dice cup. This represents uncertainty and luck. Like you roll the dice to gamble, you need to take a chance right now even if you are afraid the odds might not be in your favor. Act and hope for the best.


This symbolizes the elk and protection, but also The World Tree, which some believe all of creation is balanced on. This Rune can be used to help with protection in magic, but it is also telling you to defend yourself and strike out against those who attack if you need to.


This Rune symbolizes the sun. Strength, creativity, growth, and energy are symbolized by this. It is the most powerful source of life and without it, our world would not exist. Keep up your vitality and use your personal power to achieve goals. The Sun rules Leo and you can read about that Sign here:Leo Traits and Love Compatibility


Shaped like a spear this is named after Tyr, god of law, and justice. Tiwaz symbolizes the order that law brings about and it also symbolizes personal honor. It symbolizes victory in legal proceedings, and standing strong for what is right.


It symbolizes a birch tree and is good to draw in times of new beginnings. It symbolizes fertility, birth and growth. It is a Rune of strength. Enjoy the positive energy of your new beginning this Rune portends.


This symbolizes a horse, or movement. It is a Rune of change, progress, and taking steps to move forward. This is especially welcome after feeling stuck in a situation.


This represents “man” or humanity. It represents anybody you are involved with including enemies, strangers, friends, and your community. It encourages us to harmonize with one another. If there are arguments, be the one to try and mediate and if there has been a falling out, be the one to reach out to restore the relationship.


Laguz represents flowing water in all forms. It counsels going with the flow as things progress and being flexible during times of changes. It also symbolizes the cleansing power of water as well as how it can be destructive. It invites us to explore our psychic powers.


Inguz is Named after Ing also known as Freyr, god of fertility, sowing seeds, sacred kingship, virility, the family, and the earth itself. So much creative potential is symbolized in this Rune, and it encourages starting new endeavors with the energy of new creativity that is at hand.


This represents the day, or the dawning of a new day. It is time to step forward into a new endeavor, and the past can be left behind. It is a Rune of hope, and it counsels that when one door closes, and another door opens, step through the door to a new opportunity.


This rune symbolizes heritage or inheritance. It symbolizes family and homeland. It can indicate the stability of tradition, or the power of your family. It can symbolize inherited things or things you learned from family or ancestors, and it can symbolize things they gave to you. Their strength is your strength and will be the strength of your children.


This is a new addition to the Runes. The meaning of this is “the unknown”. It is believed that Odin has no insight to offer. The message this runes gives is that the reading is over. Whatever other runes you have pulled to this point are the only message offered, and if this is the first Rune pulled, Odin wants you to use your own judgment to find an answer to your question, or consult the Runes about this at a later date. 

The Runes aren’t for everybody, but if you have a connection with them, you will know immediately. They are so old, we will never know exactly how everybody who used them throughout history has, but we know how today’s believers do. People use Runes for divination, magic, and as a connection to their ancestry. Use our quick guide to do divination with the runes anytime you want to hear what the ancient wisdom of the Runes has to say.

Would you like to know what messages divination can reveal to you? We have countless psychics available every day to help you with just that. Get a reading started with a Spiritual Blossom psychic today.Online Psychic Readings. Make sure to read all of our articles to learn more about astrology, lore, and relationships. 

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom, Mysticsense, and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag and Green Egg Magazine.