Mutable Signs/ Their Meaning and Traits
September 26, 2024 10 min read

Mutable Signs/ Their Meaning and Traits

By Lady Saoirse

In Astrology, Mutable Signs symbolize adaptability, empathy, and idealism. They have a dark side that is easily redirected to positive traits, and any issues that arise with other Signs can easily be solved. Learn about the Mutable Signs and their strengths, dark sides, and compatibility.

Everybody knows someone who is a Mutable Sign. That’s because they go out of their way to get along with others- usually- and they are so adaptable, they don’t stay put in one place for very long. They are idealistic and are natural empaths, so they can detect other people’s needs and use this ability to organize their environments to the best of their advantage. They harmonize better with some people than others, and if you are lucky, a Mutable Sign might decide they like you! Join SpiritualBlossom to explore Mutable Signs. We will learn their strengths, weaknesses, and how they can easily transform weaknesses into greater strengths. Find out who these amazing people harmonize best with and how they can easily turn conflict into compatibility.

What is a Mutable Sign?

The Zodiac Signs are fascinating. They are divided by the elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. They are further divided into something called Qualities, or Modalities. There are Mutable, Cardinal, and Fixed Modalities. The Modalities tell us how a Zodiac Sign operates. Mutable Signs are the harmonizers of the Zodiac. Fixed Signs are much less adaptable and don’t always understand how someone can be so open to change, but Mutable Signs know it is not the smartest or strongest people who prosper most. It is the most adaptable. Don’t be surprised if a Mutable Sign competitor outpaces everybody else in life. Their abilities give them great power and ensure they have a lot of amazing adventures.

What are Mutable Sign Traits?

Some people say Mutable Signs have the best of traits. Besides being adaptable, they are positive thinkers who strive for their highest ideals. They are also empaths who know just what other people need.



Some people are stubborn and won’t even consider change. Mutable Signs are the exact opposite. They are always on the lookout for new opportunities and experiences. They might have their own way of doing things, but they know how to be flexible enough that they can roll with changes. Instead of being stressed, they mold themselves to the circumstances. This helps in their careers and relationships, and they are always open to learning new things. Being adaptable to change is important and you can read about the positive changes Angel Number 444 brings here: What is the Meaning of the 444 Angel Number?


Mutable Signs are always dreaming up new realities and better ways of doing things. They seek perfection, and they incorporate new information and new ways of doing things together to create what they feel is a better world- or at least a better situation. They believe in their abilities to make things happen, and they are adventurous enough to try out their new ideas. They are also optimistic about these ideals they have. They may be disappointed if things don’t work out the way they want them to, but they won’t let that make them stop trying new things. Life is for living, and Mutable Signs know we all have the power to create the life we want.



Being sympathetic means you show compassion for other people’s feelings. Empathy certainly includes that, but it is so much more than just being sympathetic. Empathy means you feel for someone else. This is not a skill you learn, but a psychic gift you are born with. People who are empathic are called Empaths, and they feel so strongly for other people, they can actually feel those other people’s feelings. Mutable Signs are naturally empathic, and they use this ability to help them to understand, connect with, and to help other people. Empathy is just one psychic ability. Read about clairvoyant psychic gifts here: What is Clairvoyant Psychic Reading?

The Dark Side of Mutable Signs

Mutable Sign people sound amazing, right? They are, but they are no different than anybody else. They have flaws too. Their flexibility can make them restless and then flighty. They can also be secretive to the point of being deceptive.



Being open to change is good, but Mutable Signs can be fickle and reluctant to commit. It’s not that they are trying to be unreliable. It’s just that they can see all the good options they have, and they don’t want to hold themselves back from experiencing all the wonderful experiences life has to offer. They don’t mind moving a lot, even relocating out of town, out of State, or out of the country without prior planning. They also do what is called “job hopping”, taking new jobs often, and wondering why people say they are not loyal to their job sites. They can jump in and out of relationships a lot as well. On the other hand, some people stay too long in dead end jobs or relationships, and Mutable Sign people will point out that is not a good thing. Who wants to stick around and be miserable when you can move and be happy anyways?


If anybody could teach a Ph.D. level course in keeping your business to yourself, it’s a Mutable Sign. While Geminis and Sagittarians are the most talkative of the Mutable Signs, and they are open to sharing a lot, they don’t tell people things unless they feel like it. Mutable Signs don’t deliberately withhold information all the time. It’s just that they are busy with all the wonderful things they enjoy, and it doesn’t always occur to them to tell everybody everything. Never mind the fact you are their house mate, best friend, or significant other. They will tell you when they want to. One mysterious creature is the black cat and you can read about it here: The Magic and Superstitions of Black Cats


Mutable Signs have energy some Signs are jealous of. They will get to work on something they are passionate about, and then not know when to stop. While they consider themselves overachievers, they run the risk of burning themselves out. Balancing work and pursuit of their passions with rest and relaxation is not something Mutable Signs excel at. They also struggle to understand when other people cannot or will not dedicate the amount of time and energy to things. They believe strongly in working for what they want and sacrificing less important things for achieving goals.

How to Combat Dark Mutable Traits

Believe it or not, dark traits can be remedied. Learning to take breaks and meditate will help Mutable Signs balance themselves. Considering all the options is also important for them.

Take a Break

Give yourself a break from all your hard work. It might seem more difficult to stop and redirect your mind from what you are working on, but it is important. The body needs rest and time away from things to recharge. This will give you the strength you need to make your dreams come true. Illness and exhaustion that results from overwork will slow down progress, and mental strain can cause mistakes. Balance work with rest and you will perform better. Read about how the Signs break up here: Breakups with Each of the Signs


Mutable Signs minds will be going a million miles an hour and it can be extremely difficult to calm their thoughts. Meditation is one way to combat this. Not everybody can blank their mind and focus on one chant or sound in nature. Active meditation can be better for Mutable Signs. Choose an engaging topic or publication and read for a while, then journal about the topic. Playing a musical instrument is also an excellent way to focus your mind on something besides your work. Some people simply listen to music to calm their minds and others take walks in nature to meditate.

Consider Your Options

There is nothing wrong with stepping into a better experience and leaving something that isn’t as good behind. However, jumping in and out of jobs, living situations, and relationships constantly will create a stressful life and people won’t trust you. Consider all your options, including the option of staying put. The grass always seems greener on the other side- but smart people know the grass is greener where you take care of it properly. The number one reason people leave living situations, jobs, and relationships is because of problems. However, there are problems everywhere. The ability to stick around and solve problems will benefit you in the long run. There is no need to stay in a place or situation that no longer serves you, but make sure it no longer has any value before scrapping it. Read more about love here: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Love?

The Four Mutable Signs

These amazing Signs we have been discussing are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Each Sign has its own Element, and each is born near the end of their Season.


Gemini, and Air Sign is born at the end of Spring. These intellectual people need constant mental stimulation, or they are overwhelmed with boredom. They are always on the lookout for new things to learn and new experiences to have and they especially love to travel. They can’t stand to feel tied down to a place, job, or relationship with somebody they are bored with, and will seek new opportunities often. They are some of the best mediators on the planet, and know how to soothe tempers, explain difficult things, and find solutions in ways few can. These social butterflies are the life of the party and are great at team building. Read about Gemini here: Gemini Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility


Born at the end of Summer, Virgo is an Earth Sign. Known as the organizers of the Zodiac, they are built to work. They love planning, supervising, and revising things, looking for ways to constantly improve. They love rules, but they can’t stand it if somebody is passing out what they feel are unfair rules, and they will claw their way to the top so they can rewrite all the rules themselves. People unfairly assume they have a problem with authority. No, they have a problem when they are not the authority, and they spend a lot of time making sure they get to call the shots and be in charge. They will work longer and harder than everybody else and forge a smooth path for their team. Read about Virgo here: Virgo Traits and Love Compatibility


Born at the end of Fall, Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. They are the fun makers of the Zodiac, and they are extremely popular. They know just what to say and do to make everybody laugh. Until they find the career they enjoy, they can wander aimlessly through meaningless jobs, always seeking a way to make their dreams come true. Once they find their passion, watch out. They will show you and everybody else how to build kingdoms, break the glass ceiling, and live their bliss all while enjoying every moment of it. Read about Sagittarius here: Sagittarius Traits and Love Compatibility


Born at the end of Winter, Pisces is a Water Sign. These are perhaps the most adaptable of all Signs, and perhaps the most empathic of them all. Some people who are jealous of their ability to change their approach to accommodate everybody accuse them of being “people pleasers”. However, Pisces people know it is very important to include everybody and give each person the special acknowledgement and tender loving care they deserve. They spend so much time caring for other people, they can become emotionally overwhelmed and need to retreat to a quiet place and recharge in solitude. They are daydreamers and romantics and appreciate the emotional support of loved ones who understand their need to help people, and then rest. Read about Pisces here: Pisces Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Mutable Signs Compatibility

Which Signs do Mutable Signs get along with? They can get along with anybody. It’s just that they naturally harmonize better with some Signs than others. However, any problems that arise can easily be solved. Find out how.

Mutable and Fixed Signs Compatibility

Mutable Signs will adapt to their circumstances, and they expect other people to also. However, Fixed Signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius don’t like change, and they don’t appreciate Mutable Sign people suggesting they do. This can cause friction, or these two Signs can help balance one another well. Balance is always good!

Mutable and Cardinal Signs Compatibility

Cardinal Signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn appreciate the fact Mutable Signs are adaptable and cooperative. Mutable Signs appreciate Cardinal Sign’s take charge attitude, and follow their leadership. Together these Signs make a great team.

Mutable and Mutable Signs Compatibility

Mutable Signs harmonize well with each other…as long as they don’t get annoyed and then fed up. If you are a Mutable Sign, the minute you get annoyed and want to cut off communication with someone, stop, take a break, and really think about if it is necessary to do so. Sometimes, it’s nobody’s fault if you are irritated, and you just need to decompress.

Adaptable, idealistic, and empathic, Mutable Signs are the flexible Signs of the Zodiac who embrace change instead of running from it. They are no more perfect than any other Sign, and their dark side of being flighty, deceptive, and restless can be easily combated by turning these weaknesses into strengths. Not everybody understands how valuable their empathy and flexibility are, but it takes them to wonderful places in life some Signs dare not even dream about. Keep being awesome, Mutable Signs. The world loves you.

Would you like to find out about Zodiac Sign Love compatibility? Get a reading started with one of our love psychics today. Online Psychic Readings Make sure to read all of our articles to find out more about love, Astrology, lore, and magic. Articles & Media

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom, Mysticsense, and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag and Green Egg Magazine.