If you are looking to blossom into your best life where all you wish for becomes yours, you might think of doing spellwork to accomplish that. However, there is a more powerful way to manifest, or attract what you want into your life than just doing spells. The energies of love can be yours, absolutely, and magic will help, but that’s not all there is to it. It takes more than chants, incense, oils, and rhyming words to make things happen. This article will discuss the Law of Attraction, what it is, what it isn’t, and how to make it work for you.
There are some less well known techniques for doing attraction magic which are considered unorthodox, but they work. People can sell you spells or direct you to spell books, and you can cast all the scripted magic you want, but that’s not going to make you as successful as a different approach we will share in this article. When you have goals to attract things into your life, be it more money, love, or even something like a better self-image, casting spells and walking away without doing anything else will result in you spending money on oils and incense and the like and that will possibly be all that happens. Magic is moving energy in conformity with your will or what it is that you want, but doing things on the mundane level to support that magic makes you more successful at manifesting what you want.
Attraction magic pulls things to you that you want and there are some mindsets you can get in to make this happen before spellwork occurs. Besides mindsets, there are things you must do besides buy supplies for casting spells, and after you achieve what it is that you want, there are important things you should do to maintain success. Whether you seek to remove barriers to love, or find the best ways of working with energy, there are things that you should do, and things you should make sure NOT to do. Is it true that we attract what we are ready for when the “time is right”? After doing all that is suggested besides spells, what types of things to create magic that attracts a relationship, a job, or even to improve ourselves can be done? Read on to find out all the best ways to be successful at doing magic to attract all you want into your life.
What is Attraction Magic?
Attraction magic is using magic to attract things you want into your life and some people swear it is done by using The Law of Attraction. Searches for thelawofattraction.com and whatnot can yield information, but a lot of experts on this simplify things entirely too much and make it sound like all you have to do is make a wish, go off forgetting about it, and what you wish for will be handed to you by the universe. That can become one of the bad relationship habits with ourselves we fall into if we choose to believe that all we want in life will be gifted to us by some unseen force if only we wish hard enough. To have a successful relationship develop, or anything else we want to be successful at acquiring, making things happen in our own lives is more hands on and while that might not be fun to hear, it’s true.
So just how can you attract things to you if there is not some unknown power handing everything to you? The first thing to do is begin with mindset, and move through steps to getting to goals. Mundane things as well as simple magic can work together to help in things like attracting a partner, or even finding good love advice. Besides doing and thinking the right things, paying attention to things every step of the way will also help assure success. Read about manifesting love: How to Manifest Love
What to Do
When doing attraction magic, there are some things to keep in mind. You can use any working you can find to attract things to yourself, but there are some attitudes and behaviors you can embrace to make your magic more successful. These are very simple things you can always do when you are doing any form of magic, and you can also do these things if you want to set goals and accomplish them on the mundane level but use no magic to supplement your efforts. Ready? Read on!
You WILL Make It Happen
Get in the mindset that you ARE going to make this happen. If it’s true love you seek or learning to let go of negative thoughts, deciding you are going to accomplish what you want to is the very first, and most important step to assure you attract things to you. If you think you don’t have any chance at all of accomplishing something, then you are right! You have talked yourself out of even trying. If you have the strength to want something, you can let go of bad energy that tells you that you can’t do it. Yes, you can!
Use Glamor
Glamor is a simple magical technique of creating an image or appearance of something you want people to believe, and it is perhaps the most important thing you can do when trying to attract people to you. Just be aware that glamor can wear off when you stop using it and if your glamor creates a false image of you, people will feel you lied to them when you stop maintaining the glamor. An example of an effective glamor working is to behave as if you are confident for a public speaking engagement when you are actually quite nervous. If you speak well, maintain good eye contact, and control your shaky nerves, you can get through your speaking well, successfully convincing people you are not nervous at all. This can be especially effective in business or on first dates when you want to project your best self to make a good impression on people.
Like Attracts Like
Get on the same wavelength with what you want because in terms of magic like really does attract like. To get the job you want, dress like those who work there do. Put yourself in the literary world by attending events and meetings they are hosting if you want to be a successful author. Don’t spend money on things you don’t need if your goal is to pay off debt. Do all you can do to make yourself belong in the world where the goal you have is already a reality.
Be Your Best
Be your best self and work at that. For many people, that is their main goal in life. To be on a quest for self-improvement all the days of your life won’t make you perfect, but it will make you perfectly self-aware. When you know your weaknesses, and you work at turning them into strengths, or at least not being dominated by them, your habits will likely not sabotage your efforts. Improving yourself will focus on your strengths, and those can help propel you forward to successfully attracting things you want into your life.read about being your best self: How to Be Your Best Self
Think Positively
Use positive thinking while attracting what you want into your life. Being positive goes beyond having the mindset that you plan to attract things to you. It also has to do with believing you are capable of it. Using structured affirmations is one way of thinking positive. “I am going to go in there and get that job today.” is as good an affirmation as “I don’t know what I can accomplish today, but I am going to go out there and do my best.” Be kind to yourself and encourage yourself with uplifting thoughts lest you poison your thinking with negativity and give up your attempts.
Set Realistic Goals
One very important thing to keep in mind is that going after things that are unattainable will be setting yourself up for disappointment and failure. So instead, set up attainable and realistic goals. If you are deaf like the author is, trying to get a job working as a telephone operator won’t be a good goal, but an online job not using the phone is a much better goal! If you are good at football in high school, trying to get a sports scholarship for football is a great goal. Think of what is realistic and what you already have skills or experience doing when you are setting goals to bring things into your life so that your chances of success are good.
Work Work Work
To be successful at pretty much anything, the recipe for that success is mostly elbow grease, and a small amount of having prayers answered. If your goal is meeting the perfect guy, you can’t force it, but refusing to meet new people is not a way to attract love. It will keep you single. So meet new people instead. If your goal is to get a teaching certificate and be a high school Spanish teacher, you won’t bring that into your life if you refuse to do the coursework or turn in your assignments on time when you do them. Doing the work it takes to achieve something is a simple thing to do to attract it into your life.
Know When to Quit
Here is a well-kept secret about attracting things to you. Sometimes, you need to know the art of letting go. When you have done all you can to bring somebody into your life, and the answer to “Is he attracted to me?” is a resounding “No.” it is not sinking into self-defeating thoughts if you drop it. The goal for attracting love is knowing “He’s attracted to me”. To love and let go is the only course of action sometimes, and giving up a negative relationship or anything else that isn’t working out will help make space in your life for attracting good things to you. Read about letting go: The Ultimate Guide on How to Let Someone Go
What Not to Do
Like there are things you can do to help assure success with attraction magic, there are also things you could do that will hold you back from success. Keeping these things in mind while you are trying to manifest things by drawing them into your life is very important. Read on to learn what things to avoid doing when you are seeking to attract things.
No Chasing
Don’t chase people who don’t want you and don’t chase things that are not yours. Never impose yourself on people who have made it clear they are not interested in having you around. Chasing them by calling when they won’t pick up the phone or return any of your calls is both a waste of time and emotional energy on your part. It also just repels people more. Instead, apply your time and energy to people and things that are welcoming and fit with your heart and soul. The people and things that are yours await you.
No Negativity
Don’t dive into negative thinking. Don’t tell yourself that you will “never” find your true love. Don’t tell yourself you may as well eat the whole box of cookies because you will “never” lose those last few pounds. Don’t tell yourself that something is not worth your time because it entails work and effort, and don’t ever, under any circumstances put yourself down for needing to keep trying to bring things into your life. If you tell yourself negative things, you will sabotage your desire to keep trying. Anything worth wanting is worth trying for and telling yourself “I might not have manifested this just yet, but I will keep working on it” is far better. Read about protecting your energy: Protecting Your Spiritual Energy
Don’t Lose Patience
While you are staying positive while trying to attract the things and people you want into your life, don’t become impatient. It would be nice if we could all attract what we wanted to us the very minute we decided we wanted to, but it doesn’t always happen that way. Sometimes, things take time, and telling yourself it is not worth waiting for can make you give up or even become bitter.
Don’t “Send It Out”
If you try to “send energy out” to the universe and expect things to be automatically handed to you with no effort on your part except to ask for something, then you are going to find yourself sorely disappointed sometimes. Miracles happen and prayers are answered sometimes, but according to certain scriptures, the way to make things happen is to actively participate. The Book of Proverbs 21:25 says “ The desires of the lazy will kill them , because their hands refuse to do anything.” In the Eddic poem Fafnismal, it is said, “ The brave man well shall fight and win, though dull his blade maybe.” The successful Estee Lauder said “I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” If you want to attract something into your life, the best way to do that is to work for it instead of just wishing for it.
Don’t Just Give Up
Sometimes, the things meant to be ours come to us more easily than we would expect. Other times, it is difficult, takes a long time, and entails a bit of sacrifice to attain them. Don’t give up just because it is taking a while, or it is more difficult than you had expected. Keep working at it and hang in there for as long as you need to. It takes many years to become “an overnight success” sometimes, but it is worth it.
Don’t Overfocus on What’s Not Important
Don’t make the mistake of focusing on mundane desires or you could miss the big picture. If your whole focus is on having fun in college, you can miss the opportunity to learn. On the other hand, you don’t want to work too hard, you never have any fun! Deciding what is most important for your life as opposed to just looking at temporary satisfaction will help keep your eye on what your focus should be.
Don’t Overwhelm Yourself
While hard work is a good thing, pace yourself. Overworking yourself will hold you back from progress and unbalance you entirely. Some people focus so hard on what it is they are seeking at the moment, they shun all other aspects of their lives. Of all the things you do for love with a romantic partner, don’t let it be neglecting family and friends or you could lose some very important relationships. In the search for career success, make sure to take enough time off and sleep properly, or your health and productivity levels will suffer. Balance is important at all times, even when you have an extremely important goal you are working your magic towards.
Don’t Go in Unaware
Don’t expect results when you don’t know what it takes to achieve them. Find out first, and then pursue those things one step at a time. If you want to attract more joy into your life, you can’t do that until you know what brings you joy. If you want to attract bees to your garden, they won’t come until you bring things in that will make the bees come, and you have to find out what that is before you know what to use. Armed with the right information, you will be much more successful.
Do You Attract What You Are Ready For?
One of the popular myths about attraction magic and manifestation is that whatever we are ready for will automatically come to us. Ask any chronic illness sufferer if they are ready to be cured, and their answer will be yes. Sometimes, the cure is not available anyways. On the other hand , if you have done all the preparation, hard work, and been patient to attract what you want in your life, some people would say you have readied yourself. Not all situations in attraction magic are the same, most especially if other people are involved in what we are trying to do. If you are ready, have done all the work, and even some spellwork, but you have not acquired what you are working to draw to yourself yet, don’t quit. What we attract comes to us on its own time frame, and sometimes that is a while after we are ready for it.
Structuring Attraction Magic
While you can buy every spell book you can get your hands on, wouldn’t it be easier to find out some things to do so you can create spells on your own? Each person’s magic is different, and the way you do your magic has to be on your own terms. While you are learning what spell style is best for you, what materials you use best, and even what times of day and night, or what times of the year are best for which magical workings, here are three important things to keep in mind about spells in general. First, read about protective magic: Magic for Self-Defense
1)Never forget that spellwork should never be a substitute for hard work and spells should not be the only thing you do when you want to attract things into your life. Even if you cast no magic whatsoever, you move energy and change reality by changing things you do.
2)Spells are only one part of the process of attracting things to you and are mostly aimed at getting you to act in ways that attract what you want. Magic spells should be focused on changing you to make you do things in such a way that you create results instead of aiming to change the world. We cannot always control our environment, but we can control ourselves. That is a great power and sometimes it is enough to change everything.
3)Spells should be focused on like attracting like. if you are a loud person and you are not going to change that, then don’t cast spells to place yourself in a silent environment for example because you would be miserable. What is yours will come to you in time, but don’t waste time or energy trying to force yourself into places or with people who are not like you and cannot fit into your life.
Structuring for Spells
So with those things in mind, there is a simple structure you can use to create any spell you want. Before the spell follow, these steps:
1) Identify what you want.
2) Identify what it takes to get it.
3) Make a plan of action.
4) Change your reality by changing yourself.
For the spell, once you have done these four things, there is more to do:
Spell Pointers
1) Gather materials to create an energy connection. For example, if the goal is to go to law school, start putting yourself in the places where the classes happen. Go to the law school and leave clippings of your hair there to leave your energy onsite so your magic can combine with the magic of the place. Spend time getting advice from the people who have been successful at achieving what it is you want to and ask them to teach you and promote you.
2) Consult trusted experts including psychics for hidden information. Someone who has been successful in manifesting what you want to manifest can give you information on how to do that, of course. Sometimes the only magic you need is good advice to learn how to attract what you want. However, psychics see what is unspoken and can help guide you to where you are meant to go.
3) Sacrifice what is holding you back. This might also be all you need to do. Is it people, situations, energy, or attitudes holding back? This all has to go and be replaced with positive things that will support your magic. If you want to move to Oklahoma, stop listening to your anxious family member who keeps talking you out of it and speak with friends who made successful moves for techniques of how, for example. Getting rid of things that stand in the way will make room for positive things to come your way instead.
4) Use blessed things like “win a court case” candles when you have to go to court or burying a statue of St. Joseph in the yard to help you sell the house. Make things you bless yourself like talismans you carry for courage. One boy always wore a pair of lucky socks his grandmother had blessed to give him courage when he went to the doctor. One man carried a bag of crystals for healing wherever he went and he swore it helped in his recovery after a period of poor health. Go ahead and use blessed objects to help you in attracting what you want to yourself magically.
5) Only say and do what benefits you while you are drawing things to you. If you are trying to attract a good job, don’t put yourself down to people. Instead speak of your accomplishments and what skills and experience you can offer an employer. If you are magically transforming your body don’t put things into it that don’t support that goal. When doing attraction magic, remember that like attracts like and the things that go against manifesting what you want should be avoided.
6) To draw something to you, be prepared to first give it. To find love, be a loving person. For companionship, visit those who are alone. For resolving conflict, be the first to reach out. Give out what you want to have returned to you.
7) Avoid dishonesty or manipulation. Avoid ignoring other’s needs in favor of your desires. Shaping reality affects everybody and other people should not suffer for you to get things you want. So if you want a lover, trying to possess somebody against their will who has already told you no is not only unethical, but it is not a loving thing to do.
8) To be more desirable to other people, simply respect yourself, nurture yourself, care for yourself, enrich yourself , and constantly evolve and grow. Make your own life as joyous as possible and people will be drawn to you. People will find your positive energy contagious and they will find you irresistible.
9) Treat yourself. Get the extra sleep, and have a slice of cake, and go to the festival. Live your happiest life you can and really take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and psychologically. This will make you the best self you can be, and more open to the good things. If you pamper yourself, you will be accepting of the fact that you deserve to enjoy all the good things the world has to offer, and it will make you more receptive to accepting what you seek to attract to yourself when it indeed comes to you.
Lady Saoirse’s Attraction Spell
After you have begun doing all the things listed above, or even before you begin it all, do the following:
1) Make a poppet of yourself. You can use a photo or make a doll with parts of yourself within it. Anything that represents you and has your energy on it counts as a poppet, which is just a representation of you. You can even write your name on a piece of paper, and just use that. The point of doing this is to establish an object of focus that holds a piece of your energy, and bring things to that, thus bringing those things to you.
2) On paper write down every last specification you can think of about what it is you are seeking to attract. Don’t leave out any details at all and be as specific as possible. If you are trying to get your first car, go ahead and write down the make, model, color, and all the specifications for special features you want. The more information you include, the better.
3) Place the poppet with the paper listing specifications in a representation of the environment where you want to be and bring things to the poppet that represent this world you want to be in. If it is a romance, create a lovely representation of your home and bring the poppet flowers, chocolates, kind words, and all the things the relationship you want presents. Continue this over time while you work at attaining what you desire.
4) Pay close attention to the changes that occur in your life and make adjustments. If you are seeking romance, notice people who are drawn to you and if you are not interested in certain traits, add to the list of what you want. For example, if you don’t want somebody who is jealous, write something like “I want a lover who accepts my family and friends and allows me my personal time without being jealous or possessive.” When you say what you don’t want, make sure to list what you also want, making it a positive statement to draw what is desired as well as deflect what is not desired.
5) With each success in attracting what you want, give thanks and credit where it is due. For example, if the goal is a certain job, and a mentor gets you an interview, make sure to send them something like a thank you letter. If the goal is to grow out your hair longer, as it grows more, reward yourself with new hair jewelry. The Law of Gratitude says that the more thankful we are for the things we have, the better we feel and some people believe we attract even more of what we are thankful for to us. Always give credit and thanks for the help you get.
6) When you attain your desire, find out what it takes to maintain that and then set new goals to attract more. Accept the abundance and generosity of the universe to keep fulfilling you and keep making more magic!
Attraction magic is more than just casting spells and expecting energy to do the work for us all on its own. As we evolve as spiritual and magical people, it is understandable that we focus less on the physical and more on spirit, but don’t forget all the good you can do on the mundane level. May your magic attract all that you want into your life. So Be It.
To find out what else you can do to manifest your goals, get a reading from one of our psychics today: Online Psychic Readings
About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom, Mysticsense, and she writes for The Green Egg and PaganPages.Org emag.