Making Magic with Color
October 03, 2024 10 min read

Making Magic with Color

By Lady Saoirse

Color is a powerful tool to use in your magic. It enhances spells by bringing the powerful energy of color into your magic. Learn about candle color magic, and other ways to use color in spellwork.

Athames, wands, and chalices are just a few different tools used by magical practitioners. Would you believe that color is also a powerful magical tool? Join SpiritualBlossom as we explore the power of color in magic. Find out why color matters in magic and surprisingly simple ways to use color in your own magical workings. Discover the magical energy and meanings of ten different colors and get started letting colors work their magic for you.

What is Color?

What is Color?

Merriam Webster online defines color as “ A phenomenon of light (such as red, brown, pink, or gray) or visual perception that enables one to differentiate otherwise identical objects.” Color happens because of how an object absorbs and reflects light. This all depends on the matter the object is made up of and then how the eye perceives it all. So existing matter, plus light, plus perception creates color. All of this combines to create an energy that influences things.

Colors can change how you feel about something, and they can create memories. For example, your cheating ex-girlfriend might have overused yellow, and seeing a room jam packed with too much yellow can make you upset because it makes you remember her. If your parents smothered you with your least favorite color- purple- as an adult, purple might make you feel overwhelmed. Even without an emotional reaction, though, colors have their own energy that creates magic. Find out how to attract good energy from protective magic here: Magic for Self-Defense

Why Color Matters in Magic

Why does color make a difference in magic? For a couple of different reasons. Each color has its own energy and that energy influences magic. Color also creates emotions and that creates a response in us.

The Colors Have Energy

Each color has its own energy. Everything in creation does, really. While some colors create healing energy, others have protective energy. Who decides what energy colors have? Truthfully, you can read a lot of different guides, including ours at the bottom of this article, and not get anything out of it. For some people black represents protection and for others it represents fear. For some people, white represents purity and holiness, and for others, it represents the dead. Samhain honors the dead and you can read about that here: All About Samhain

The best way to decide what energy a color creates if the guides don’t make sense to you is to do experiments on colors for yourself. A simple way to do this is to wear a certain color and see how it makes you feel. Does red make you feel overly noticeable, and that makes you anxious? Or does red make you feel confident? Step into a room with red walls and see how it makes you feel. Does it make you feel amorous? Does it make you feel angry? Keep a journal, recording the feelings and energy you get from certain colors and that can help you decide how you use colors in magic. 

It’s Psychological

Color affects moods and behaviors. Some medical facilities use somber colors to avoid exciting patients, and many restaurants will use modern edgy colors, to make patrons feel like they are at a popular eatery. Your culture can influence the way you feel about colors too. For earth based religious adherents, green often represents the earth, fertility, and growth. For non earth based people, green can represent wealth and money. For some people red is considered a color of adventure, while for others, it is considered tacky and an impulsive person’s color. Aries people can be impulsive and you can read about them here: Aries Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Colors illicit psychological reactions and sometimes those are emotional. One woman loved blue best of all and decorated with it extensively. For it was a comforting color that made her feel at home. She had been abusive to her daughter, however. So her daughter avoided blue at all costs. If you grew up attending worship services where the carpets were red, you might feel out of place at a new place of worship with beige carpet. Wearing a different color than most of the people around you wear can be seen as a trait of leadership or of unnecessary rebellion. It all depends on your culture.

Sometimes, colors get you in the mood to do certain things. Some people report that being in a room decorated with purple stimulates their creativity. Other people find this color distracting and they need neutral colors so they can concentrate. Some people report that being surrounded by green feels rejuvenating, like they are in the woods. Some people feel overstimulated by bright yellow surroundings. How does a gray day make you feel? Is it soothing or does it make you feel tired? Being surrounded by your favorite color can make you feel comforted and your least favorite color can make you feel uncomfortable. Read about what to do when you feel uncomfortable here: What Should I Do if I Am Uncomfortable?

How To Use Colors in Magic

How to Use Colors in Magic

If color is so powerful, how can you use it in magic? It can be used in a number of ways. You can use it in candle magic and use different color lighting in magic. You can choose accessories like ritual clothing, crystals, tapestries to make the room a certain color, and even makeup in color magic.


Candle magic might be one of the most popular forms of magic, and thanks to stores, any color of candle can be bought. Many different sizes of candles, including very large ones you can get multiple uses from are available also. Just remember that it is best to use a candle for the same purpose each time you reuse it, like using a white candle to represent your mother goddess on your altar each time. Some people even prefer to make their own candles and personalize them with whatever color they choose.


An easy way to incorporate color into your magic is to use a colored light bulb. Sets of bulbs in every color can be found. During holidays, stores stock different colored strings of lights that can be used to make an entire room a certain color. If you can’t find bulbs in the color you want, a trick with a scarf over a lampshade can help. Drape a scarf or sheer cloth that is the color you want to use over a lampshade. When the light filters through it, the scarf will change the color of the room to the color you want it to be. Be sure to use a fireproof cloth and that the cloth is not too close to the bulb for safety purposes.


Objects in the correct color can be used in color magic. Clothing and jewelry in the right color can be color magic. You can select crystals for their color. The walls can be covered with tapestries, or any other wall covering to do color magic. You can also use makeup in the right colors for color magic.

Clothes and Jewelry

Color magic is easy to do by selecting the right clothes and jewelry. The clothes and jewelry you wear makes an immediate impression and can be used to control the way people react to you. In business culture, navy blue, gray, and beige make a good first impression. Bright colors grab attention and communicate enthusiasm. Wearing your favorite colors can make you feel comfortable. Wearing the same colors as everybody around you, like at a sports gathering, can make people immediately feel comfortable with you. Red can be worn to look sultry, and white can be worn to appear innocent. Crystals can be used in jewelry and you can read about how to use crystals here: The Best Stones for Anxiety


A lot of people choose crystals for magic based on the natural energy the crystals have, but some people will choose them for their color. They can be used as jewelry, or even on things like suncatchers to incorporate color into the room. Crystals can be hung strategically in windows so the sun passes through them and makes rainbows reflect throughout the room. This is believed to bring the energy and life giving power of the sun indoors. Some people even believe it cleanses the room and supports healing. Read about healing through rebirthing here: All About Rebirthing

Tapestries and Wallcoverings

Some people paint their walls to bring the magic a color shares into a room. Not everybody can paint their walls and even some people who can just don’t want to. Hanging a cloth on the wall temporarily can bring the color into the room. Some people change their décor with each season to bring the natural feel that season has into the house. Other people will hang a particular color on the wall during spellwork, and have a collection of different colored wall hangings they change out for different magical purposes.

Magical Colors

What is the classical symbolism of some of the colors and what energy do they each bring into magic?



Red is associated with passion. It can be used as an aphrodisiac. Red is also associated with royalty and opulence. Use red in your décor for an inexpensive way to make it feel more lavish. Red is also believed to stimulate appetite. If you have a family member who eats little, paint the dining room red to help increase their appetite. Read about magic with herbs here: Using Magical Spices and Herbs


Orange is associated with happiness and warmth. It can be used to create joy and comfort when weather or emotional conditions are cold. Wear orange when you are emotionally hurting, but you want to disguise the way you feel from the general public. Use orange to decorate a table for a lunch welcoming new people and they will feel right at home.


Yellow is associated with alertness, power, and success. It’s a good color to use when you feel tired, and a great color to use to motivate you to work hard. Have a yellow mug for morning coffee. Use yellow post its at work to absorb the success drawing power of yellow. Read about how to use runes for magic here: The Magic and Meanings of Norse Runes


Green is associated with fertility and growth. Use a green wallet to help your money grow, and wear green for your wedding to help your relationship grow. Green can also be worn when you are trying to have a baby, find a new job, or begin any new experience.


Blue is associated with sensitivity, relaxation, patience, and healing. It is a very good color to use when you are called to do conflict resolution or counsel people. Wearing the cooling, soothing energy of blue is believed to help heal inflammation and pain. Wear a blue shirt to a meeting to help keep tempers from flaring and put blue sheets on your bed to help you rest at night.


Purple is associated with creativity. Put a painting or print with purples at your work area so you can see it while you come up with new ideas. Light a purple candle during brainstorming sessions. Wear purple jewelry when you meet with your friend who has writer’s block to help them find some inspiration.


Pink is associated with gentleness and love. Wear pink after a breakup to help you with strengthening your self-love. You can also use it to draw new love to you. Give a bouquet of pink flowers to your crush. Wrap a thank you gift in pink gift wrap to express your love to the person you are thanking. Use pink bedding in your new rescue pet’s bed to make them feel loved. Read about self-love here: Practicing Self Love


White is associated with purity and tradition. Part of the reason it is associated with purity is that it is very easy to see dirt, stains, or defects on white. So, wearing white anywhere that you want to make a good impression will make people think you are immaculate, organized, and impressive.


Black is a protective color. It is also considered to be mysterious. Wearing all black for an outdoor event at night will make you less noticeable and this is good magic if you don’t want to be noticed. It is believed to deflect negative energy, so wearing black when you have to go to a family reunion where relatives love to fight can help shield you from negativity.

Earth Tones

Earth tones like brown and beige are associated with practicality, humility, and reliability. If you have to meet with someone who dislikes rebellious people, wearing beige will make you seem more compliant. It is an excellent color for an office where clients meet because it will help make them feel confident about your reliability. Capricorns are considered one of the most reliable signs and you can read about them here: Capricorn Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Magic is powerful and it’s something we use every day. One simple way to make your magic more effective is to select your colors wisely. Each color has its own powerful energy and using that energy to strengthen spells is great magical practice. Make sure to read multiple color magic guides, including ours, but don’t just take other people’s word for it. Do your own experiments with colors to see which colors make the most sense to you. After all, color is a tool for magic, and the most magical thing is you!

Would you like to know more about including color in your own magic? Get a psychic reading started to find out how: Online Psychic Readings Make sure to sing up for our Horoscopes to find out what the future holds:Daily Horoscope | Free Horoscopes

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for Mysticsense and SpiritualBlossom, and she writes for The Green Egg Magazine and PaganPages.Org emag