The Magic of the Seasons
May 30, 2024 15 min read

The Magic of the Seasons

By Lady Saoirse

Do you feel it deep within your soul when the earth has awakened from winter, and everything is growing again? Does the sweetness of the air on a summer night and the songs of tree frogs enchant you? Has the crispness of a bright fall day made you wonder what magic lies beneath the fallen leaves that crunch underfoot? Does the silence of a winter’s evening fill you with peace? Then you can naturally feel the magic of the seasons. Read about the special magic each season has to offer. 

Seasons are caused by the earth’s axial tilt. This controls which part of the earth is the closest to the sun. When a section of earth is closest to the sun, that part of the planet experiences the summer season. On the other side of the earth, it will be farthest from the sun, so it will be winter there. The year is divided into four seasons. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter, and these are divided into two solstices, Winter and Summer, and two Equinoxes, Spring and Fall. Solstices are times when night and day are equal, and solstices are when there is either the least amount or the greatest amount of sunlight for the year. The amount of daylight and darkness decides what the earth is doing, and this creates special magic in all four seasons.



Spring seems like a time of awakening for the earth, and it feels good to go outside, enjoy the warmer weather, and listen to the birdsong and the sounds all the creatures make as they leave their winter burrows to rejoice in the new spring. Springtime comes after winter and before summer. In the Northern Hemisphere it is officially considered spring when it is the Spring Equinox, or around March 20. In the Southern Hemisphere, spring happens around September 23. Then it is fall in the Northern Hemisphere during the Southern Hemisphere’s spring. The days grow warmer, and plants start growing, creatures emerge from hibernation, and the days grow ever longer as the season moves toward summertime.

Not everybody defines spring as starting with an equinox, however. The ancient Irish counted the first part of February as the beginning of spring because things like buds on the trees started appearing. They called this their Imbolc season, which was celebrated as a great feast because it was when lambs produced milk. Traditionally, in China, Spring is February through May, and others say spring starts with the Vernal Equinox and goes on until early May.

What happens to the earth when it is spring? The days are warmer, and the sun is stronger. Snow and ice begin to melt, and the water from them waters the ground, giving a good drink of water to thirsty plants and trees. The temperature of the ground increases and the thawing earth, newly watered, and bathed in more warm sunlight gives plants the strength to push their new sprouts up through the ground and begin to grow. Since the sunlight is stronger and it is not as cold out, people naturally gravitate toward going outside more often and for longer periods of time, and they are exposed to more natural vitamin D from the sun, and they feel stronger and more energized. Animals, too, get out more, and the voices of creatures fill the air with an orchestra of bird calls, chittering of foxes, and the sounds all creatures make in nature.

People clean winter debris from their gardens and plant seeds. Forests, meadows, and ornamental gardens seem to “wake up” from a long winter’s slumber, and the seeds people plant soon grow and thrive. Since ancient times, Akitu has been celebrated in Iraq when the barley is planted. Prayers and blessings of the people, seeds, and the fields are done and at one time, 12 days of celebration and sacred observances were held. Today, they have one day of celebrations with pageantry, celebratory meals, and happy gatherings. Generations of people have believed that human beings need to offer prayers at springtime to protect the crops but it was also crucial to give thanks to the gods who granted a strong sun so the earth would continue growing.

 Not everybody touches the earth to make it grow to make magic, however. It is said that when “spring is in the air”, it is a time when people can easily fall in love. Spring is traditionally a time to work magic to create new beginnings. That is why a lot of people like to get married in spring, to use the energy of the season to bless their marriage. Maybe you don’t want to use magic to grow things and you are not looking for romance or marriage, but you want to start something new. Magic for this begins with sacrifice.

That magic begins with a single question. What do you need to give up so you can make a new change happen? For some people, they need to sacrifice their free time to take classes and further their career. Other people decide to give up a habit like eating something they feel is not good for them so they can become healthier. Other people will have to give up a counterproductive attitude and replace it with a more productive one. It is simple magic to begin something new by sacrificing or giving up whatever stands in the way of your success. Read about Air Signs: What are Air Signs?


Bright days with clear blue skies, fluffy white clouds, and hot weather while the earth is bursting forth with flowers, developing fruits, and lush trees full of green leaves characterize summer. Summer comes after spring and before fall time and in the Northern Hemisphere, summer begins with the Summer Solstice around June 21. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is their Winter Solstice at that time. Around December 21, the Southern Hemisphere has its Summer, and the Northern Hemisphere has its Winter Solstice.

The beginning of summer is not counted as beginning on the Summer Solstice everyplace, though. The ancient Irish counted Beltane, or May Day near May 1 as the beginning of their summer months. In the United States, the last weekend in May is Memorial Day and a lot of people consider that the beginning of summer. From late spring through summer, tornadoes and hail are common in the United States, and in parts of Asia, they get monsoons in summer, which provide much needed rain.

Summer is the warmest season of the year with the highest temperatures. There are a lot of people who take vacations during the summer months and plan outdoor gatherings to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine. Gardens are in full bloom as the heat of the sun grants lifegiving rays of light and life. Animals are more active in summer than they were in spring, and they can be seen in nature more. Birdsong and the songs of frogs are more abundant and bees, and most butterflies are at their most active in summer. People and animals enjoy the fresh fruits and vegetables summer has to offer.

Gatherings in parks and gardens are in full swing in summer, and one such event that draws huge crowds is Juneteenth in the United States. It celebrates the end of slavery in the US, and the date it commemorates was not the actual date when slavery was abolished by President Lincoln, in 1863. Instead, it commemorates when the Federal government arrived in Galveston, Texas to enforce the abolition of slavery. The first Juneteenth celebrations started in 1866, and today, they are celebrations of African American culture, and the resilience of African Americans. It became a Federal Holiday in 2021. Philadelphia is said to host the largest Juneteenth celebration, drawing up to 25,000 people.

Summer has become a season of celebrating life, and enjoying the time available to us with the people who we love. It is also a time to enjoy things like music, food, cultural celebrations, and historical reenactments around the world. Summer seems to be a time when people give thanks for the beauty of nature, and the good health to be able to get out and partake in events. According to the United States Department of Transportation, there is more international travel in the summer than any other season and more people travel in summer for leisure or sightseeing than any other time of the year. National Household Travel Survey Summer Travel Quick Facts | Bureau of Transportation Statistics (

You can partake of the magic of summer easily, and you don’t need to belong to some mysterious secret religious order to do it. Just go out and enjoy your life. It’s that simple. Think of what you love about life and find ways to participate in those things. If you love flying across the world, but can’t afford to this summer, find a local festival that celebrates the food of the nation where you want to go. If your family is your greatest source of joy, plan visits with family, and organize a family reunion in summertime. If being in the garden is your favorite thing, spend as much time gardening in the beautiful summer weather as possible. Summer magic is all about increasing your happiness and sense of wellbeing, so make sure to do what makes you happiest to make that magic happen. Read about Earth Signs: What are Earth Signs on the Zodiac?



The glory of fall comes after the hottest days of summer and the cooler weather is more than welcomed by those who are weary of the heat that feels like it might go on forever. Fall, also known as autumn, comes after summer, but before winter. The Autumnal Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere is around September 23 and in the Southern Hemisphere it is on March 20 or 21. When the Northern Hemisphere has fall, the Southern Hemisphere begins its spring season and when the Southern Hemisphere has fall, people in the Northern Hemisphere are enjoying their springtime.

Autumn is not always considered to begin on the equinoxes, though. For the ancient British, fall began on Lammas, or August 1 when they celebrated the wheat harvest. In the United States, many begin celebrating fall on Labor Day, in early September. Persians celebrate the beginning of fall during their festival of Mehregan around October 1. Traditionally, in China, fall is celebrated with the Autumn Moon festival, which is in September or October, and the exact date varies by year.

Fall is a time of harvests and enjoying cooler weather. In many places, leaves change into brilliant colors and fall from the trees, creating beautiful landscapes people marvel at. The harvest of fruits and vegetables is happening, and people visit orchards to get fresh produce. Some people use the fall as a time to preserve foods from the harvest and canning, pickling, freezing, and baking with the bounty from the harvest is in full swing. Animals, too, prepare the food they gather, hiding it away in their burrows and dens, storing up resources so they can eat through the upcoming winter.

Harvest celebrations draw great crowds worldwide and one of the large ones is called Sukkot. Sukkot starts five days after Yom Kippur and is celebrated for a week. It celebrates the harvest and commemorates 40 years of wandering in the desert the Jews did as related in the book of Exodus. Leviticus 23:33 said “ On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, there shall be a Feast of tabernacles to God for seven days.” Before that there was no set date for this. It is one of three festivals that decrees that all Jews able to should make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem during that week. The word Sukkot means “ tabernacle” and it refers to small temporary structures where farmers would reside while bringing in the harvest. They are also reminiscent of the small temporary housing the Jews lived in during their 40 years in the desert. There is feasting, family gatherings, prayer, and thanksgiving.

People spend as much time in the Sukkot structure during the weeklong celebration, not drinking or eating anything outside of it, and some people sleep there as well. Special prayers and meals are observed all the days of the celebration, and on the seventh day, they do final prayers they believe will determine what the coming year will bring. They believe their god decides how much rain will fall the next year during Sukkot. Wine and water are poured over the altar every day during Sukkot. Even people who don’t have a temple have daily observances for this sacred harvest celebration.

Fall is a time to celebrate the harvest and to look over all we have accomplished. It is also a time for giving thanks, and thinking about what things would be like for us if we did not have so many good things to be grateful for. Not everybody farms or practices a major world religion like Judaism. So, not everybody has fall harvest celebrations they participate in, but that is okay. You can create your own harvest celebration and partake in the magic of fall anyways. Spend six days journaling each day, writing down everything you have accomplished and are grateful for. On the seventh day, reflect on everything you have written, and find a way to give thanks for all you have. One way to do this is to give of your time or donate resources to a cause for those who are less fortunate, and this keeps the magic strong by sharing your blessings. Read about Water Signs: What are Water Signs?



Imagine a walk through the forest on your favorite trail when the snow blankets the ground, turning it into a blanket of glistening diamonds. The forest is silent, and there is a gentle snow falling. You can see your breath and after your walk, you head inside your warm home to have a nice cup of hot spiced cider. Besides being a time to enjoy the beauty of the landscape, winter is the coldest season of the year, and it comes after fall but before spring. The Winter Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere is around December 21 and in the Southern Hemisphere it occurs around June 21. When the Northern Hemisphere has its Winter Solstice, the Southern Hemisphere has its Summer Solstice, and vice versa.

 Not everybody considers winter to begin on those exact dates, however. The ancient Irish counted November 1, or Samhain as the beginning of the winter months. Scientifically winter is counted as the three months with the coldest temperatures. In Brazil, that is from June until August. In North America, it is usually December through January. Winter in Iceland starts in October and lasts 26 weeks as opposed to a mere three months. Humans turn on heat or use fire to warm their homes, and bundle up to survive winter, but wild animals use different strategies to get through cold months. Some animals like bears hibernate in safe dens or burrows and some animals like geese migrate to warmer climates. Other animals like foxes grow thicker coats for winter and are active in nature during all four seasons.

Winter is a time of protecting yourself from the cold season. Creatures can die from exposure to cold, and even if they don’t die, damage to body parts that stayed too cold for too long can be irreversible. More than this, for many people, winter is a time to take a break from being as active as they stay for the rest of the year. In agricultural communities, the harvest is finished, and people can take some time away from the hard work to spend with family. Major family themed holidays like Christmas, Yule, and Dongzhi are celebrated in wintertime.

Dongzhi is celebrated in China, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan. The celebrations fall on the Winter Solstice, and entail feasting, eating blessed foods, prayers, and rituals to drive away evil spirits. Special nine-layer cakes are eaten and offered to the ancestors, and special offerings are placed on doors and in windows in the belief that they would protect children. It is believed that following the Winter Solstice, or the longest night of the year, the increasing sunlight will bring more good energy to people, and it means light has triumphed over darkness. A special food eaten is called tangyuan, which is a dessert made from rice flour. It is believed these should be eaten in pairs to have good luck. Married people should leave two uneaten and single people should leave one uneaten for luck.

You don’t have to celebrate Dongzhi, Yule, or Christmas to participate in the magic of the winter season. You can create your own celebration that you and your loved ones enjoy. First, select a special menu of foods that are meaningful. Some people prefer ham, roast beef, or turkey, but not everybody eats that way. Plan a potluck where everybody brings their favorite winter food to share. Something like homemade chicken soup, freshly baked pies, or a special pasta dish that is meaningful to you can become traditional winter foods that you and your loved ones nourish one another with. Have each person visualize placing their love into the food at the table, and then dig in. Food, friends, and family during the cold months warm our hearts and nourish our souls. That is powerful magic. Read about Fire Signs: What are Fire Signs of the Zodiac?

Year Long Magic

Each season has its own magic, but there is no reason to just work magic in one season. To truly connect with nature, plan a full year of regularly focusing on connecting with the earth if you want to fully understand the planet’s changes. An easy way to do that is to get out into nature as many days a week as possible, and just observe things. Some people think they have to be completely away from their city and immerse themselves 100% in untouched nature to do this. While you can always do that, the truth is, nature surrounds us, and you can always access nature no matter where you are.

Even in a high rise building in a busy city, you can still see the sky, feel the breeze, and hear birds sing. Even the most sophisticated metropolitan areas plant trees, shrubs, or grass, and a lot of people have potted plants if they don’t have their own gardens at home. You can even bring nature indoors with houseplants, or by just opening the windows to let in fresh air. Each season, the sky and air will be different and if you pay close attention every day, you will start to notice those changes without even thinking about doing it.

Each year, we have the same seasons, but from year to year, the seasons can be different. One winter can be snowier than the next, and the following summer might be shorter, and an early fall comes. The following spring might bring showier blossoms on the fruit trees than the last, and you might experience more rain in the summer than from last year. As you tune in more with the seasons, your body will be able to sense what the earth is doing. You will be able to tell things like when it is about to rain, and you might find your energy levels rising and falling with the seasons.

What rising and falling with the seasons means is in the summer months, your energy levels will be higher, and in colder months, you will need more time for rest, contemplation, and reserving your energy levels. In today’s world of electricity, and fast paced productivity in the business world, not everybody takes time for rest in the winter months, but you can find ways to if you want to. You might not have worked time with nature on a regular basis in your regular routine, but you can do that too if you want to.

We are so lucky that the earth is our home, and there is much natural magic you can do if you pay attention to the seasons. Some people say we are all “children of the earth” while others believe we are the masters of the planet. Either way, you can join your magic with the magic of the seasons. To begin, open your awareness to what you see, smell, feel, and hear in nature every day. Listen to the energies from plants, animals, water, stones, and the air. You are a part of the earth too, and the earth’s magic is there for you anytime you want to join yours with it.

Would you like to find out how to celebrate the seasons? Get a reading started with one of our psychics to find out!

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom, and she writes for The Green Egg. She has written for Mysticsense and PaganPagesOrg emag.