How to Deal with Shattered Dreams
March 01, 2025 11 min read

How to Deal with Shattered Dreams

By Lady Saoirse

Discover what to do when your dreams have been shattered and how to move forward and thrive despite it all.

If you live long enough, and dream enough dreams, eventually at least one of them will be shattered. Sometimes, no matter how much you want to manifest a dream and how hard you work, things still don’t work out. When a dream dies, it can feel like your life is over, but sometimes, that’s okay, believe it or not. Join SpiritualBlossom as we find out all about broken dreams. Find out what they are and some of the signs a dream has died. Find out some important things to keep in mind when a dream fails, and what to do when this happens to you.

What is a Broken Dream?

What is a Broken Dream?

A broken dream is something that you planned for and worked for that wouldn't happen. You may have put years of hard work and planning into something only for the devastation of it not coming to pass. Maybe your marriage didn't work out, or your dream job turned into a nightmare. When things don't work out, that means that the dream is shattered. Some people can tell when it's time to move on from a broken dream, but some people keep working on things long after the dream has died.

Sometimes you have no control over whether you can make a dream become reality or not. We only have so much control over things, and when you've done your best, it's not your fault if things don’t work out. One thing is for certain though- If you really have a dream, you should do everything you can to make it become reality. If things are difficult try another way to accomplish them. If it feels like it is taking a long time to accomplish something, keep trying. Get help from people when you need it, and admit when you can't do things all by yourself. If you need inspiration to show you the power of hard work, look no farther than the efforts of ants: The Ant in Lore, Dreams, and Spiritual Symbolism

Signs Your Dream is Shattered

You might wonder how to tell if a dream is shattered or if you just need to keep working on things. There are three things that will tell you that a dream is shattered. First if no matter what you do you can't make things happen, your dream might be shattered. If what you're working on is more stressful than enjoyable, maybe the dream is broken. If it just doesn't feel right and you're tired of pursuing it, it's time to admit that the dream is broken.

You Can’t Pull It Off

Success doesn't happen overnight, and sometimes it doesn't happen at all. When you have spent countless hours and years working very hard for something and no matter what you do, you can't accomplish it, maybe it's time to throw in the towel. Sometimes, nothing is working because you have not tried enough different ways to do it. Other times, nothing is going to work. You might dream of the perfect relationship, but you feel like the love is gone. Find out what to do if you think you have fallen out of love here: What to Do When You Fell Out of Love

It Stresses You More Than Anything

If the stress of trying to make your dream come true surpasses the joy of watching your progress, your dream might be shattered. When we have a dream, we sometimes only imagine the good things that come with it. We might even underestimate the difficulties that come with our dream. When this happens, a dream can become a nightmare. If the stress is unbearable, your dream might be shattered.

It Doesn’t Feel Right Anymore

Sometimes you achieve your dream, but it just doesn't feel right. Sometimes you expect things to be different than they actually are, and once you realize that, you may feel uncomfortable. It can be difficult to admit that achieving a dream isn't what you expected it to be, but when that happens you have to be honest with yourself. If you don't feel comfortable, or if things don't feel right, your dream may be shattered. You might not even feel like you belong in the world where your dream could manifest. Learn how to find out where you belong here: Connecting to Where You Belong

What to Know

There's a lot of things to keep in mind when a dream is broken. It happens to most people, and you're not alone. A shattered dream is not always a bad thing, believe it or not. Sometimes what you dreamed about is not meant to be or it wasn't yours to begin with. There's more to life and more to you than whatever it is that you dreamed about, and when a dream is broken you've got to be realistic. A lot of people wrongly believe that if a dream is shattered they have somehow failed, but that's not true. There is so much more to life than achieving just one dream.

It Happens to Most People

It Happens to Most People

If you've never had a broken dream, it's possible that you've not had enough dreams. Maybe you haven't tried enough different things, or maybe you played it safe and didn't take very many risks. If you live long enough, there will be things that you dreamed about doing and things that you tried to do that just won't work out. Most people have to deal with that, not just you. Don't be afraid to try something new or take a chance on something that you've dreamed about. Take a chance and things just might work out, but if they don't, you wouldn't be the first person that's happened to.

It’s Not Always Bad

Having to give up a dream isn't always a bad thing. You may have told yourself that things would be a certain way, and once you've got what you wanted, you realize things weren't the way that you thought they were. Achieving a dream may come with the sacrifice that you are not willing to make and not achieving that dream protects you from that sacrifice. Sometimes you're working so hard to accomplish your dream that you lose sight of other things that are much more important. Once that dream is broken, you can be free to focus on what really matters. Never let a dream come between you and your friends. Read about the love of friends here: All About the Love of Friends

Sometimes, It’s Not Meant to Be

Sometimes our dreams are shattered because we're wishing for things that are not meant to be or are not ours to wish for. It's hard to admit that something that you want so badly won't ever be yours, but sometimes it won't. You won't necessarily know what is possible until you try it though. So, don't feel bad if you had a dream about something that was never meant to be yours. Have the courage to try, and then while you're figuring out what is not meant to be, you will discover what is meant to be.

You Are More Than That Dream

You and your life consist of a lot of different experiences. Losing one dream doesn't mean that you've lost yourself. Plan to be somebody who dreams a lot of dreams and tries a lot of different things for your whole life. Then, if one dream doesn't pan out, another one will. Don't put all of your hopes for your whole life into one thing, or you will sell yourself short. Life is all about experiencing wonderful things, and just because you can't experience one thing doesn't mean that you can't experience anything. Geminis tend to have a lot of interests and want to experience a lot of things and you can read about that Zodiac sign here: Gemini Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

You Must Face Reality

Reality isn't fun sometimes, but it is what it is. When we first realize that a dream is broken, we might tell ourselves that that can't be true. Eventually though, the evidence will be too strong to ignore, and you will have to admit that a dream is broken. Facing the ugly reality when that happens can be the most difficult thing you could ever do, but it's important so that you can move forward with your life. Moving on from a broken dream allows you to move forward to experiencing dreams that you can manifest. So, admit things for what they are and move into your bright future.

You’re Not a Failure

Just because you can't make a dream come to pass doesn't mean you are a failure. You're only a failure if you didn't try at all or if you won't admit things are the way that they are. Give yourself the opportunity to try a lot of different things, so that you can experience more. Don't beat yourself up if a dream doesn’t manifest. A dream might be broken, but that doesn't mean you are. Most people have to admit that a dream is shattered, and that's just part of being human. When a dream is broken, it's an indicator that it's time to move on to a new dream. You may decide to use some magic to attract things to you, and you can learn how to do that here: More About The Law of Attraction

More is Out There

There is so much more to life than just one dream but when you realize that a dream is broken, you might not see things that way. You might feel like there's nothing else in life for you to look forward to or do, but there is. There are relationships to enjoy even if one relationship fails. There are wonderful career opportunities even if one career opportunity is taken from you. There are trips to take even if the trip that you want to take is too expensive. Every day there are new opportunities to experience something wonderful. Don't let it hold you back from all those wonderful experiences just because you can't have one experience.

What to Do if a Dream Dies

What to Do if a Dream Dies

When a dream dies, it's very important to move forward. The first thing you should do is be proud of yourself that you tried, and look back on all the things you learned while you were working on that dream. It is important to emotionally detach yourself as much as possible, but also allow yourself to grieve. Then after you've moved past grief, get up and move forward because there are new dreams waiting for you.

Be Proud You Tried

A lot of people are too scared to try anything new. They tell themselves that they don't have what it takes to accomplish what they want, so they never try. You got up and you tried to achieve your dream. That's a lot to be proud of. Remember that no matter what.

Salvage Lessons

If you spent 10 years trying to become an Olympic swimmer, and you couldn't make it no matter how hard you tried, you still learned a lot in those ten years so don’t forget that. If you tried to make a dead-end relationship work, you probably learned some red flags that are important to remember when you move forward in new relationships. If you worked in a dead-end job field and finally got out, don't kick yourself for not getting out sooner. Look over every last lesson that you learned at that horrible job and never forget them. Working on dreams provides countless learning experiences and that is very valuable.


Once a dream is dead you have to step away from it both physically and emotionally. That can take some time, but it must be done. If you're going through a divorce that you don't want, go ahead and move out and start a life on your own without your spouse who's getting ready to be your ex. If you've moved to a new place, and you hate it there no matter how long you live there, go ahead and move someplace else. Physically detaching from a broken dream will allow you some distance so that your emotions can detach eventually as well.

Allow Grief

Allow yourself to grieve for as long as you need to. Ignoring your emotions or denying them won't help you to heal and they won't keep you from hurting. Allow yourself to experience your feelings in their fullness, and they will stop hurting.

Dream a New Dream

Perhaps the most important thing to do when a dream is broken is to allow yourself to dream a new dream. Never let broken dreams hold you back from going after other things that are out there waiting for you. Remember, the only one who can dream a dream is you. Embrace new dreams and move forward to making them become reality!

Sometimes, dreams are shattered. Never let the risk of that happening hold you back from trying to make your dreams come true. Have the courage to dream more dreams and go after them. Some of the signs a dream is shattered is that it’s so stressful to work for this dream , you wonder why you bother and it just doesn’t feel right anymore. Never forget this happens to everybody, and a broken dream doesn’t mean you are a failure. If a dream dies, be proud of yourself, because you tried to make your dream reality, and allow yourself to dream a new dream. Dreams might not be everything, but they make us passionate about life, and life is all about having great experiences, one dream at a time. May you have the courage to go after your dreams and be brave enough to admit that a dream has died and it’s time to find a new dream sometimes. So Be It.

So, what comes next after a dream is broken? A psychic will know. So, get a reading with one of our psychics started to find out today!

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for Mysticsense and SpiritualBlossom, and she writes for The Green Egg Magazine and PaganPages.Org emag.