Have I Strayed from My Path?
March 05, 2025 11 min read

Have I Strayed from My Path?

By Lady Saoirse

In life, it can be confusing as to whether we are on the right road or if we have strayed from the path. Can we stray from our path, though? Find out how to know you are on the right path for you, and how to walk it successfully.

Life can be difficult. It can be confusing, and sometimes, when things don't workout the way that we expect them to, we can feel completely lost. During times like these, you can find yourself wondering if you are headed the right direction in life or if you're lost. Can we truly be lost in life, or is that a misconception? Join SpiritualBlossom to find out about walking your own path. Find out what each individual’s path is and if we can stray from those paths. What do you do if you feel lost, and finally, how can you truly walk your own path? If you’re feeling lost, you came to the right place. Read on while we show you how to stay on the right path in life and never depart from it.

What is Your Path?

What is Your Path

Some people say that we walk many different paths in our lives depending on the things we do. As a child your path may be learning whereas when you become an adult your path will include whatever type of work you do. You may raise a family of your own or you may be someone whose career puts you in a position of making a great difference in your community. For a while, your life may revolve around earning money and paying bills, and at other times your life may be all about pursuing dreams. So, some people believe that what path you are on depends on what you're doing. What is the meaning of the path you are on? Find out here: What is Your Lifepath?

Our paths are so much more than just what we do though. Some people believe that we are born to create certain changes in the world. Other people believe that we decide what we're going to do and no higher power or destiny is in charge. Your personal path and life is basically all of the things you will do from birth until the time you pass away. Your path will take you many different places, and your path is entirely different from anybody else's path. Sometimes you will have companions on that path, and other times you will walk completely alone. The whole time you will be walking your own path. Some people use numerology to calculate something called a Life Path Number and you can find yours here: Find Your Life Path Number and It’s Meaning

Can We Stray from Our Path?

Each of us walks one path. That is the path of life. No matter what you're doing, you are still on the same path. Yours. Sometimes you know exactly the direction you're headed in, and other times you won't. You might make plans and work very hard to meet goals. Sometimes your plans go wrong and everything you've worked for falls to pieces. When these things happen, it can have you questioning whether you're on the right path or not. Some people believe that we decide everything about our lives and if something doesn't go the way we expect it, we are doing something wrong. They think it means that they have strayed from their path. Read about how Tarot readings can help through bad times here: Tarot Readings for Bad Times

Can we stray from our own path though? We really can't. We may decide that we want to do something different because we don't like the way things are going. Things may change for us even if we don't choose to make that change. We're still walking our own path even when things don't go the way that we expect them to go. They say that when one door closes another one opens, and that's very true. There is no limit to how many opportunities await you in life. If something's not working, shift direction, but you are still on the right path because it is your path. On your path, you can use magic every day. Find out how here; Using Practical Magic in Everyday Life

What if I Feel Lost?

What if I Feel Lost

There may come times in life when you feel lost, and you don't know what you're supposed to be doing. Does that mean that you're on the wrong path or that you have strayed? Absolutely not. It just means that you're confused, don't know what to do next, and might need guidance. Sometimes you just need to be patient and wait for an answer to come. Other times you just need to have faith in yourself. The answers all lie within you. Believing that will give you the confidence to reach inside yourself for the answers. Sometimes all you have to do is wait for the answers to come to you. Other times you can get advice from people, and other times you just have to start trying things until you feel like you have the answers.

Listen To Yourself

Journaling or meditation can give great insight when you're feeling lost. Asking yourself three simple questions will provide answers. Ask yourself three questions. First ask yourself “What do I need to do?” What responsibilities do you have or what things are required to take care of yourself and the people who you love? Next ask yourself “What do I want to do?” What dreams do you have and what can you do to pursue those dreams? Perhaps most importantly ask yourself “What do I feel drawn to”? What kind of things are calling you? Are there things that always get your attention and you don't understand why? Each of these questions will provide you with answers to which direction to head on your path. Trust yourself and love yourself. Learn about self-love here: Practicing Self Love

Get Advice

To be fair, sometimes when you're feeling lost, you may have no idea what you think you should be doing or what direction you should head in. That's where the people who you love come in. Tell them you're feeling lost and you're not quite sure which way to go. Ask them where they see you heading and ask them if there's something that you had not noticed. Sometimes friends and family can't provide guidance that satisfies you, but spiritual guides can. Clergy, counselors, and teachers dedicate their lives to guiding people. They are waiting for you so reach out for their help. You can consult cards to guide yourself. Find out how to do your own Tarot reading here: A Quick Guide to Tarot Cards and their Meanings

Try Something New

If you feel like you're stuck in a rut and your path is blocked, try something different. You would be truly amazed by how many things change when you make a change yourself. A man named Tony Robbins once said " If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten”, and it’s true. Sometimes on your path, things may feel stagnant, boring, or like there isn't any progress. Making the tiniest change can make a world of difference. Leave a few minutes earlier to get someplace and see what happens. Take a class and see what happens. Go ahead and accept that lunch invitation you've been holding off and see what happens. To move forward make a change. Read all about manifesting new beginnings here; How to Manifest Your Life After Changes

How to Walk Your Path

Some people walk their path effortlessly and don't worry about whether they're doing well or not. Other people need a little bit of encouragement and maybe some tips on how to do it. Walking your path is very simple. Live your own truth and work to learn and grow every day. Do the work that it takes to overcome obstacles and don't give up even when times are tough. No matter what happens, keep going and moving forward on your path.

Live Your Truth

Living your truth means living your life according to your beliefs, and being true to yourself. It means never compromising your personality to satisfy other people. It means never allowing people to pressure you into doing what you know is the wrong thing. It means doing the right thing even if people criticize you for it or if you're not rewarded for it. When you're living your life the way that you know is right, you can't go wrong. The truth beats lies, and liars can be caught. Find out how to catch a liar in the act here: You Liar! How Do You Catch a Liar?

Learn and Grow

Some people finish school, and then don't want to be bothered with applying themselves to learning anything else. Learning can be exhausting. Learning is hard work, but it's worth it. We weren't built to just do one thing from birth to death. Human beings are designed to have a lot of different experiences and those experiences will change us. They will help us to find parts of ourselves we never knew existed. These new experiences and new knowledge will stimulate our minds, expand our awareness, and give us great joy. The more you grow and learn, the closer to becoming enlightened you can get. Read all about enlightenment here: The Path to Enlightenment

Conquer Difficulties

Conquer Difficulties

When you're working hard, it can be exhausting. The last thing you want to deal with are difficulties. However, difficulties will come. No matter how carefully you plan, no matter how smart you are, and no matter how hard you work, eventually difficulties will get in your way. There will be things that hold you back from the progress that you wanted to make in your career sometimes. Maybe the scholarship you thought you were going to get doesn't come through in time for you to start the classes that you wanted to. Maybe you fell in love and wanted to get married, but the person you loved didn't want to.

When difficulties hold us up, sometimes we question ourselves. We wonder if we did something wrong to cause problems, but a lot of times we don't. It's not fair, but difficulties happen in life. Sometimes it might seem like you spend all of your time overcoming obstacles and instead of working toward your goal. Don't worry, because overcoming those obstacles takes you one step closer to success. Keep working on overcoming those difficulties. It's worth it. When times are difficult, you might need to make difficult decisions. Learn all about how to make tough decisions here: Making Hard Decisions

Don’t Give Up

Sometimes, difficulties might have you wondering if it's worth all the trouble to begin with. Anything worth wanting is worth working for. There may come rare times in life when you have to quit and shift your attention to something more important, but those times really are rare. A lot of times, you have to roll up your sleeves and do the hard work. Don't give up just because things are difficult. Difficulties can arise no matter what you're doing and they're not a sign that you're on the wrong path. They're just a sign that you're being called to not give up. One thing you might have to give up is a bad relationship with the wrong person. Find out how to let go of someone here: The Ultimate Guide on How to Let Someone Go

Keep Going

The last thing that you need to do to walk your path is to just continue. Continue searching. Continue asking for advice. Continue learning. Continue overcoming the obstacles. Continue living your truth even if people oppose you. The only thing that you really can do in life is walk your path. You might have to take a pause but then continue. Read about the powerful semicolon symbolism, and the people who use it to show that they have continued moving forward: The Meaning of the Semicolon Tattoo

A Final Word

One thing that you must make sure to always do when you're walking your own path is to focus on that path. Never worry about whether you are making quick enough progress or accomplishing enough. Never compare yourself to other people. There will be people who accomplish something faster than you will, but that doesn't mean that you're on the wrong path just because they accomplished it first. There will be things that you do better than other people and things that other people do better than you. If you always do your best, you will achieve what you are meant to when you are meant to achieve it. 

Life is beautiful. Every day that we wake up is a day that we're given to make great things happen in the world. Your path will take you wonderful places. It will bring you into the presence of wonderful people and it will lead you to wonderful experiences. It will give you opportunities to grow, shine, and do beautiful things for other people. Your path will lead you to places you never dreamed existed, and it will lead you away from the wrong experiences.

There will be times when you question if you're headed in the right direction in your life or not, but there's only one way to move in life. That way is forward. We are all born walking our own paths, and even though we may not know what the future holds, or we may feel lost, we are still always on our own path. So, live your truth, learn and grow, tear down every obstacle that gets in your way, and no matter how difficult things may seem, keep going. Nobody can walk your path but you, so never give up!

Are you feeling lost? We've all felt that way before, so don't feel bad. Get a psychic reading started with one of our talented advisors now to help you make sure that you're moving in the right direction.

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for Mysticsense and SpiritualBlossom, and she writes for The Green Egg Magazine and PaganPages.Org emag.