Does He Love Me? Know the Signs
January 24, 2025 10 min read

Does He Love Me? Know the Signs

By Lady Saoirse

Would you like to stop playing “He loves me, he loves me not” with your heart and learn the signs someone loves you or doesn’t love you? Find out six ways to know whether they love you or not and what to do if you discover you are in a loveless relationship.

So, you have met the man of your dreams and you imagine that you will be with him forever. Then, something surprising happens. You just can’t tell if he feels the same way. Some people say you can’t always tell if someone loves you. Or can you? Is it possible that someone’s feelings are hidden? Join SpiritualBlossom to journey through love. Find out the signs someone is in love with you and find out the signs that they don’t love you. Most importantly, read all the way to the end to find out what to do if you discover you are in a loveless relationship.

What is Love?

What is Love?

Most simply stated, love is a strong feeling of emotional closeness. We love a lot of different things. We love our friends and family. We love our pets. We love our favorite food and places. We love the things we are passionate about. Love for people and animals is different from love for things or experiences, though. To love someone is to have a powerful affection for them, and it means to care about their feelings and wellbeing. True love is said to be unselfish and if you love someone, you want what is best for them. It is believed by many that abusers, therefore, do not love or care about the people they abuse.

When you love someone, you try to include them in your life. This means setting aside time to spend with them, and foregoing other things that might seem more fun, just to be with that person you love. Even if you get upset with someone, or break things off, you can still love them and wish them well. If you love someone, you will put their needs before your wants and you won’t do anything you know will hurt them. Saying ‘I love you” might express how you feel, but the way you express love is by treating the people you love well. Read about the spiritual meaning of love here: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Love?

Signs He Loves You

So, how can you tell if somebody truly loves you? Their actions will speak volumes. There are a lot of things people do to show love, but everybody who truly loves you will do certain things. Somebody who loves you will make you a priority, even if other people are important too. They will make sure to spend time with you and reach out to call or text even when they are not by your side. They will treat you well and things that are important to you will matter to them. Your relationship with them will just feel good when they love you.

He Spends Time with You

Is he always too busy to see you, but he always has time for everybody else? Do you rarely see him unless he has nothing else to do? Or does he schedule time to spend with you? Does he say he can’t wait to see you again? Does he show up every time he says he will, and if something comes up does he immediately reschedule? A man makes time for you if he loves you. We all have plenty to do to keep us busy, and most people have plenty of friends and family they spend time with. Nobody really has spare time to get together. Somebody who loves you makes time for you, though. Never believe that somebody who never ever has time for you loves you. Read about saying “I Love You” here: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Love?

You Are His Priority

How important are you to him? Are you at the bottom of his list or up at the top? Early on in a new relationship, it is not unusual for a man to put his family first, but as he gets to know you and grows to love you, you will be one of the most important people to him. You might even be the very most important person in his life. If you aren’t a priority, he doesn’t love you.

He Calls When He’s Away

He Calls When He’s Away

Isn’t it wonderful when you and your love are together? You can’t be together all day every day forever, though. What happens when you are apart? Does he go completely absent, or does he keep in contact? If he goes out of town, he should talk to you or text with you. If you live apart and can’t get together for a week, he should be calling. If you have a long-distance relationship, video calls, texts, and phone calls until you can get together again should be happening. Of course you can call him too, but if he never calls or has no time to talk to you at all when you are apart? It’s not love. Communication is magic. Read about another form of magic, protective magic, here: Magic for Self-Defense

He Treats You Well

The way a man treats you shows how he feels about you. If he is considerate of your feelings, it shows love. If he remembers to bring you your favorite soda when he is at the specialty shop that sells them, it shows his love. If he introduces you to the people he knows and shares love with as his significant other it means he loves you. If he helps you when you need him, that is his demonstrating his love. When somebody loves you, they do nice things for you to make your life better. They treat you well.

What’s Important to You Matters

Is he supportive of your dreams? Does he encourage you to go after that promotion at work? Does he help you study for your Master’s Degree? Does he go with you to your sports games, or musical recitals? Or does he say he does not understand why you think you have to be so ambitious on the job? Does he say he does not think anybody needs to get a degree simply because he doesn’t have one? Does he accuse you of attaching more importance to your musical studies than spending time with him? When things are important to you, those things matter to people who love you and whether they are supportive demonstrates that. Find out how to make your dreams come true here: How to Make All Your Dreams Come True

It Just Feels Right

Sometimes, your heart just knows if somebody loves you. Instincts never lie. Of course, some people SAY they love us when they really don’t, and while they may fool us in the beginning, eventually, we can tell something is wrong. Sometimes your heart tells you that someone loves you and you feel safe with them no matter what. Other times, something tells you this person will be with you forever and they are YOUR person. Sometimes, you can just tell it is love!

Signs He Doesn’t Love You

Signs of love are one thing, but signs of lack of love are another. When somebody treats you with unkindness, they do not love you. When they are inconsiderate of your needs or they disregard your feelings, they do not love you. When they lie, that is not a sign of love. People who are not emotionally available at all do not love you. People who act like they don’t like you at all can’t very well say they love you.

He’s Not Kind to You

If somebody is mean to you, they do not love you. We all have habits and bad moments, but even people having a bad day still treat the people they love with love and care. If someone is abusive, nasty, or just complains about you all the time, they don’t love you. Abusers do not love the people who they abuse. They may say they do, but they don’t. Even if he is not abusing you, but he is mean, he doesn't love you. People are not mean to people they truly love. Read about one-sided relationships here: What to Do About Relationships That are One-Sided

He Isn’t Considerate

Is he late all the time IF he even shows up at all? Does he make more money than you but he expects you to pay for everything? Does he take all the ice cream for himself and not leave any for you? Is he so selfish, he deliberately makes noise when he knows you have been up all night with the new baby? Then he is inconsiderate and does not care about you. That is not love.

He Disregards Your Feelings

Does he say and do things he is completely aware are going to hurt you? Does he make important decisions without you and do the decisions reflect what he knows you do not agree with? Does he invite his ex along to the game who he has cheated on you with even though he has promised to stay away from her? He is disregarding your feelings, and he is showing that he doesn’t love you.

He Lies

Dishonesty can ruin what seemed like a perfectly good relationship before the lies started. But then again, how long has he been lying to you and what lies don’t you know about? If he hides things from you, he wants to do things he knows would bother you, but he does not want to be caught. Sometimes, our partners hide money, overspend it, cheat, or lie about what time they get off work so they can go out with friends on what was supposed to be your date night. That is not love.

He is Emotionally Unavailable

He is Emotionally Unavailable

Not everybody is passionately expressive of all their feelings, but if somebody loves you, they will be emotionally involved with you. It’s not always easy to express deep feelings, especially for trauma and abuse survivors, or people who suffer from things like depression. But he will still listen to you about your feelings and be there to be emotionally supportive. If he loves you, that is. If he isn’t, he doesn't love you.

He Doesn’t Act Like He Even Likes You

Is he always snapping at you, criticizing all you say and do? Is he always trying to force you to change and be like somebody you are not? Does he want you to gain or lose weight, change your hair, wear more or less makeup? He would be better off with somebody who isn’t you then. He doesn't love you if he doesn’t even like you.

How To Get Out

So how do you get out of a loveless relationship then? There are three easy steps. First, accept he doesn't love you. Yhen surround yourself with the love of others. Then, when you feel ready, walk away. 

Accept Things for the Way They Are

Until you accept that you are in a loveless relationship, even if you break up, emotionally, you won’t be able to move forward. If someone doesn’t love you, there is nothing you can do to change that. When you realize they don’t love you, you are going to have to accept that those are their feelings. They may say they love you and say they want to be with you, but unless they are showing you love, it does not matter what they say. Acceptance that somebody doesn't love you is the first step to getting out of a loveless relationship.

Reach Out for Love

When you love someone who doesn't love you, it might feel like nobody loves you. That is not true though. Think of the people who you have in your life. Think of your family who sticks by you through good and bad times. Think of your friends who you can’t get by without. Think of your favorite neighbors who you are thankful to live beside. Think of your precious, beloved pets whose whole world revolves around you. Reach out to the people and pets who DO love you and spend time with them when you are trying to get out of a loveless relationship. They will remind you of what love is supposed to feel like and remind you that you are not alone. Are you a cat owner? Read about black cats and their magic here: The Magic and Superstitions of Black Cats

Walk Away

It might take you time, and it might feel like the most frighteningly difficult thing you have ever done, but eventually, you will have to walk away from the person who doesn't love you. Accepting they do not love you and experiencing love from other people will give you some motivation to get out. Remember that this person is just one person in the whole world. Even if you have been with them for a while, guess what? Your love life is not over. There is so much more love from so many more people you will experience in your life. Letting go of a loveless relationship will only help free you up for new love. Read about how to survive and thrive after a divorce here: Surviving Your Divorce

Love doesn’t leave you questioning it, even if you have been brokenhearted before. If someone truly loves you, they will make sure you know it, even in their absence. If you believe someone is sending you “mixed signals” about their feelings, they are not showing signs they love you. No matter how much you love someone, if they don’t love you, you are in a loveless relationship and you deserve better. There is love waiting for you. Just open yourself and move forward to find it.

Have questions about relationships? You never have to be alone. Reach out any day anytime to get a love reading. Make sure to read all our articles to learn more about love, Astrology, folklore, and psychic abilities.

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for Mysticsense and SpiritualBlossom, and she writes for The Green Egg Magazine and PaganPages.Org emag.