The Complete Guide to Spiritual Awakenings
October 30, 2024 14 min read

The Complete Guide to Spiritual Awakenings

By Lady Saoirse

Discover what spiritual awakenings are, and different ways to have one. 

What is a spiritual awakening? When you hear about a soul awakening, or spiritual awakening, some people speak about it as if it’s the most joyous experience they ever had. Other people talk about having an “ah-ha” moment after a very difficult time and finding clarity where they least expected it. Other people have soul awakenings that hurt, but in the end, it makes them wiser, and they say it was worth it anyways. Even when spiritual awakenings are difficult, they transform our lives in positive ways we never dreamed possible. What is a spiritual awakening, and what happens during one? What are signs that one is happening, and what kinds of things can you do to assist your awakening? Read on to find out!

What is a Spiritual Awakening?

 A spiritual awakening can be a single event, or a series of smaller events that culminate in a state of awareness you had not achieved before. Not everybody experiences this in the same way, and there are different things that can happen when you begin a spiritual awakening. Most simply stated, a spiritual awakening is when you become aware of some great spiritual truth you had not known before, and it changes you. If you are a spiritual individual, there won’t be just one spiritual awakening, but you will undergo many of these transformations. Your first spiritual awakening opens you up to your own spirituality, and others open you up to details about your personal spiritual path.

Each of us walks our own individual spiritual paths, and even the people who we consider to be most like us when it comes to beliefs walk very different paths from ours. There are a lot of different things that can happen during a spiritual awakening that can be defined to describe what one is, but keep in mind that your personal awakenings might not be just like somebody else’s. Beginning to understand that all life has its own awareness is one thing you might come to understand during an awakening. You will probably come to understand how your own ego works against you and take steps to defeat it as well. You might do neither of these things, but you will have a new sense of understanding of profound spiritual topics.

Universal Consciousness

There are multiple beliefs about consciousness being universal, and while self-awareness is something we develop as children, by the age of 4 we also understand that other people have feelings. We also realize that all living creatures have feelings, and when we awaken spiritually, it hurts us when we cause suffering. When we awaken spiritually, we become aware that other people, even people who we don’t like, have feelings too. We realize that all animals, and even the tiniest insect, have feelings, and just want happiness in life. We understand the interconnectedness all life on earth has, and we realize how much everything we say and do impacts everything around us. We seek ways to minimize suffering that our actions could cause, and we seek ways to make life better for every living being. Read about clairvoyant psychic gifts here: What is Clairvoyant Psychic Reading?

Defeating the Ego

When we begin to awaken spiritually, we understand that having an overinflated ego is not a good thing, and we seek ways to defeat that. The ego has been defined as many things, but some define it as our sense of self, our self-esteem, and personal identity. Those are all important parts of who we are, but when our egos become toxic, and tell us we are more important than other people, it is time to defeat that mindset. People struggling with their egos lack consideration of other people, and they refuse to accept their own imperfections. Unless we accept that we are imperfect, we can never improve, or even learn anything new at all. Spiritually awakened people know they are just as important as other people, but do not consider themselves superior or perfect.


Spiritual awakenings increase your understanding of truths. Sometimes, a spiritual awakening helps you to see deep, profound truths, and other times, smaller truths are revealed. Your ability to understand things on a psychic level improves greatly when you are having a spiritual awakening and your ability to understand what other people are communicating to you does as well. This is because spiritual awakenings open you up to being a better listener. Your instincts sharpen and you become more empathic to the feelings of others. You begin to understand things more deeply than ever before, and you might even wonder why you did not realize things before once you begin a spiritual awakening.

What Happens During a Spiritual Awakening? 

Besides the possibility of becoming more aware of the fact every living creature feels things very deeply, you begin to defeat your own ego, and you understand things more deeply, each spiritual awakening includes specific experiences. Some of these feel good, and some of them can feel terrible, but a spiritual awakening always brings permanent changes that bring you more in touch with your soul. All of the experiences you have during a spiritual awakening are necessary and turn out better than you ever imagined.

Good Experiences

The good experiences you can have include casting off negativity and any mindset that does not serve you. Spiritual awakenings can show you that you have held onto toxic relationships and help you to release those and move on to have healthier relationships. You can also resolve long held feelings of pain from things that happened in the past and find peace by being able to put the pain behind you. You can learn greater self-love during spiritual awakenings and forgive your body for its imperfections. Spiritual awakenings can help you replace bad habits with better ones, and help you gain clarity on your spiritual path.

Spiritual awakenings bring awareness of what positive changes you can bring into your life and when you become proactive in making these changes to become reality, your life will get better. When your life improves, you can look at the life you have been living and see what habits and even which people you have grown beyond. Life is full of changes, and spiritual awakenings bring great transformations. Your values will change and small things that had once frustrated you to tears will no longer upset you. You will see what is truly important in your life, and you will focus on those things. Your spiritual development will become more important, and you will worry less and feel less stressed over things you cannot control. All of these good things symbolize how much you are evolving as a spiritual individual. 

Bad Experiences

It’s not all sunny skies and walks in the park during spiritual awakenings, sometimes. A spiritual awakening can open your eyes to how much is wrong in your life and how much hard work you need to do to fix those things. Perhaps the most hurtful spiritual awakenings are when you are shown that you have created your own problems, and nobody can fix them but you. Sometimes, bad things happen that we have no control over, but sometimes, we are the cause of our own problems. Sometimes, we have even caused problems for other people, and spiritual awareness tells us that it is our responsibility to not only do better things in the future, but to make things we have damaged better.

Sometimes, you have done no wrong, but you have consented to be in a bad relationship or a situation that is bad for you, and your spiritual awakening tells you to get out of that situation immediately. Sometimes, you are in love with somebody who abuses you, and you don’t want to leave, but deep down in your soul, you know that you must if you want to thrive. Your instincts may be trying to get you out of a dangerous situation you have grown comfortable with over time, and you are terrified of change. Knowing what the future holds in a toxic situation might feel less frightening than leaving all that you know, but when you have a spiritual awakening that tells you to, you should. A spiritual awakening that is difficult symbolizes that you worked very hard to survive a temporarily bad situation, and now it is time to create changes so you can begin to thrive. Read about protecting your energy: Protecting Your Spiritual Energy

Signs of a Spiritual Awakening 

 There are countless signs that a spiritual awakening is happening in your life! Some of them are such small things, you might not realize they are signs, but they are. You begin to realize things you had never thought of before and you begin to question things. You start to be more reflective, and you may experience joy or even heartbreak. Transformation is a sign of spiritual awakening, and there is another wonderful sign that you are experiencing a spiritual awakening: You become more peaceful.



When you realize you don’t know it all, that’s a good sign you are on the path to a spiritual awakening. Sometimes you have worked very hard to try and learn as much as possible, and you believe you have all the answers you need. It may be very surprising to find out that you did not know all you thought you did after all. When you realize that learning is a journey you will be on for life, you can be sure you are awakening. Realization of things for the way they are as opposed to how you wish for them to be is another type of realization that occurs when you are spiritually awakening. Facing reality and allowing yourself to be aware of things shows you are awakening spiritually.


Besides just having increased awareness, you begin to question things when you are having a spiritual awakening, no longer content to believe what you have been told to. Instead, you seek out the truth on your own, and are more afraid of being ignorant than defying those who want to control your mind. Peers, families, friends, leaders, and society all sometimes seek to dictate belief and control the flow of knowledge. When you thirst for the facts and are not content to have people tell you what they want you to believe, you can be sure you are having a spiritual awakening. This happens because your soul is becoming freer from the constraints of the physical, and your mind is connected to your soul. Keep questing for the truth, no matter what.


Spending time thinking about things instead of moving through life automatically is a sign of spiritual awakening. When you reflect on things you have been told, meditating on wisdom that was shared, and you find ways to meaningfully apply it to your own life, you get more out of that knowledge than if you had forgotten about it the minute it was shared with you. When you take the time to quietly contemplate experiences you have and think about the greater meaning they hold, you will get more out of them than if you had the experiences and did not think about them afterwards. Thinking about how things made you feel, how certain things can be improved upon, and how things will affect the future helps you to get the most out of your experiences. This all happens because a spiritual awakening reminds you that experiences happen for a reason, and if you don’t think about that, you might miss a very valuable lesson. Read about dream meanings here: A-Z Dream Meanings Glossary


Unfortunately, you might get your heart broken when a spiritual awakening happens. The awakening itself isn’t heartbreaking, but realizing things you had not understood before can be. When you spiritually awaken, you begin to see things more clearly, and you might have missed some crucial information. You might have thought a sex partner loved you and spiritually awakening reveals they don’t care about you at all. You might have thought somebody was your friend, but you realize they gossip about you. You might have thought your job was fulfilling, but a spiritual awakening shows you that you don’t belong there, and that can hurt very badly. Heartbreak happens during a spiritual awakening when hurtful truths are revealed to us, but it is always better to know what is truly happening than to be happy with a beautiful lie.


Thankfully, ecstatic joy does happen with spiritual awakenings sometimes! You may discover a new sense of appreciation for all the blessings you have in life, despite the fact you want to change some things. You will find yourself enjoying the little things like a sunny sky and the sound of laughter you took for granted before. When you wake up, you will rejoice that you have been given the gift of another day. When times are not the best, you will still be joyous about the good things you have in your life. When there has been some kind of a loss, you will be able to take a deep breath and be glad for the fact not everything is lost, and you will be happy even when you know you could be happier.

The joy that comes with a spiritual awakening does not mean you will never be sad or experience any other negative emotions like fear, anger, or pain. It does not mean you will never suffer. It just means that you will find joy even in the toughest of times. The more spiritually awakened you are, the easier it will be for you to understand that your emotions are complex, and you will experience good and bad emotions depending on what is going on in your life. You won’t shame yourself or others for feeling grief and you will be compassionate of people’s suffering.



Spiritual awakenings change you permanently. You will always be yourself, but new parts of you will emerge, and some parts of you will disappear into the past. You will discard old habits, replacing them with new ones, and you will continually evolve. Nobody stays exactly the same from birth to death. New experiences expose us to new things, and we adapt as time goes on to become new versions of ourselves. The transformations that come with spiritual awakenings will help you be the best you can be, and as you evolve, you will reach toward your higher self. Butterflies symbolize rebirth and transformation and you can read about them here: What Does a Butterfly Symbolize?

You Seek Deeper Meaning

For some people, life is all about having fun and for other people it is all about getting everything they want. When you awaken spiritually, you begin to understand that life is about more than just seeking pleasure and satisfying desire. You will be able to see that what you do today creates what happens in your future, and you will seek ways to make good things happen in your life. You will do things that make your life take on greater meaning like helping others, conserving resources, and connecting to your spirit. You will place a greater emphasis on cultivating your mind and protecting the people and things you consider sacred. Spiritual awakenings help us see what is most important, and it encourages us to put those things first.


Spiritual awakenings might make you more aware of how much peace there needs to be in the world. you might become more aware of how much aggression and fighting there is, and at first, realizing that might break your heart. Then, before you know it, you will realize that while you can’t control what everybody else does, you can still control what you do. You will find ways to be a more peaceful person, and you will seek ways to create a more peaceful world. This can start on a small scale with you not arguing when you believe you are right. It can include things like learning to harmonize with people who you dislike.

It can also mean speaking up for what you know is right. Peace is not always passive. Sometimes creating peace includes taking action, righting wrongs, and seeking justice. When you are blessed with some kind of ability to create change, if you use it to make good things happen, instead of just thinking about yourself, you show great spiritual awareness. This happens because spiritual awareness makes you care more about what is right and wrong, and you understand that your role in making peace happen is important. You also understand that when the world is a more peaceful place, your life will be more peaceful.

How to Assist Your Spiritual Awakening

Some spiritual awakenings happen all on their own, but there are things you can do on a daily basis that help those awakenings to keep happening. You won’t have to go on a holy quest across the globe to do this, and there are no special classes or private study sessions with gurus you will have to pay for. Most of what you need to do begins in your mind. Three very simple things can be done regularly, and your spiritual awareness will continue to grow. Simply meditate, be open to the awakenings, and accept that you need to continually grow.

Be Open

Opening yourself to receiving truths that will awaken your soul is the first step to helping spiritual awakenings happen. Not everybody knows what places to go to attune themselves with powerful spiritual energies, and not everybody knows who to learn from. Everybody can open their hearts, souls, and minds to receiving spiritual energy from the Universe, however, and sometimes, that’s all you have to do. If you are closed off from awakening, then all the spiritual truths you need could be right in front of you, but you won’t be able to see them. Every day, when you first wake up, say a simple affirmation like “ I open myself to the wisdom the Universe will present to me and I grant myself the power to awaken more spiritually than I was yesterday.”


Accepting that you play a part in your own spirituality is a very important thing to do if you want to awaken spiritually. While some spiritual enrichment comes to us as a miraculous gift, not everything is given to us. Sometimes, we have to find ways to awaken ourselves, and accepting that is the first step to take in making that happen. We must also accept the things the Universe provides when we are granted the spiritual awakening we asked for. Maybe the lesson feels like it is coming in a difficult way, and we hope that by rejecting it, the lesson will be easier next time it is offered, but that’s not the best idea. Stay open and accept that spiritual awakenings come in many forms. Friends accept…but some people don’t want to accept being in the friendzone” How Do I Get Out of the Friend Zone?


Doing regular meditation is one thing you can do to help keep spiritual awakenings happening. Tuning out the distractions of daily living for a short time and focusing your mind on important things or quieting your thoughts so your intuition can provide spiritual messages will make sure you are thinking about what is important. Small, mundane things in life can seem more important than they are if you don’t set time aside to still your mind. Set aside a specific time for meditation every day, and don’t let anything interrupt you from it. Keep a journal beside you so you can write down any intuitive messages that come to you during meditation.

Sometimes spiritual awakenings feel ecstatically joyous, and sometimes they hurt so badly, you might wonder if they are worth it. All spiritual awakenings change you permanently, whether they feel good or not. They show you the way things are, and they show you new aspects of yourself you never expected to discover. Even if your soul awakening isn’t the happiest one, it is one that makes you a better version of yourself because it makes you wiser, stronger, and the best version of you.

Can you tell that you are in the middle of a spiritual awakening, but you don’t know if you can navigate through it on your own? Don’t worry, we have your back. Reach out to Spiritual Blossom for guidance from your own personal psychic today. Online Psychic Readings

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom, Mysticsense, and she writes for The Green Egg and PaganPages.Org emag.