The Complete Guide to 9th House Astrology
September 24, 2024 10 min read

The Complete Guide to 9th House Astrology

By Lady Saoirse

In Astrology, Ninth House symbolism is all about psychic experiences, dreams, higher learning, spirituality, philosophy, and journeys to places far from where you were born. Find out all about 9th House meaning and what it says about you.

What makes a life? A lot of things. Every day, you make choices that result in your life going a certain way. Then there are behaviors and habits you learned, and natural tendencies you were born with that guide how you make decisions. There are events that happen that you have no control over as well. All of these things combine to create your life. Believe it or not, you can find out what some of these things are just by getting your Birth Chart cast. In your Birth Chart is a lot of information including the Astrological Houses. Each House governs a certain area of your life. Join SpiritualBlossom to learn about the Ninth Astrological House and discover what it tells you about yourself. Cast your Birth Chat here to get started to find out what is in your Houses: Free Astrology Birth Chart Report (

What Does the Ninth House Represent?

What Does the Ninth House Represent?

The Ninth House is called the House of Philosophy, and it is ruled by Sagittarius. This House rules long trips far from your place of birth and how these trips affect you. It also rules your philosophical tendencies as well as your personal take on spirituality. These give you a way to view the world and express yourself. Your psychic gifts including visions and dreams as well as psychic experiences in general are governed by the Ninth House. Your higher education and how you learn on your own are also big parts of the things this House influences. To read more about the Sign that rules the Ninth House, Sagittarius, see here: Sagittarius Traits and Love Compatibility

But I’m Not Religious

But I’m Not Religious

Not everybody ascribes to a traditional religion. Some people think religions are too constrictive, or religions are run by people who tell everybody else what to believe. Some non-religious spiritual people say they have a connection to their higher power, but that it is on their terms. Spirituality and religion can go hand in hand, but they are two different things. Spirituality is more personal whereas religion is often something practiced within a community. Religion focuses on taboos, rituals, and beliefs that are taught by somebody else. Spirituality is based on instincts, feelings, and developing your own beliefs. Not all spiritual people are religious and not all religious people are spiritual. Whether you are religious is up to you, and your beliefs can change over time. You don’t have to be religious to be spiritual. To read about the spiritual meaning of love, see here: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Love?

Go See the World

Go See the World

St. Augustine said “ The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” Travel is expensive, though, and not everybody can travel as much as they would like to. In today’s world, some people learn about faraway places through books, TV and movies, and the internet as opposed to visiting. Some people say that every time you take a long trip, you return home changed, however. Your mind is expanded because you experience new things and meet people who are very different than you are. This faraway travel is what the Ninth House rules. This House also decides how much learning of things beyond your own cultural views is a part of your life. It isn’t easy to see things through other people’s eyes, but travel to different places to meet people who are very different from you can provide this. Your Ninth House tells you how this is all a part of your life.

You and Your Philosophy

Philosophy is the study of knowledge, reasoning, the value of things, and existence itself. Some people say philosophy is thinking about thinking. Kant said philosophy was a series of four questions which are “What can I know?”, “What can I do?”, “What may I hope?”, and “What is the human being?”. Ethics, logic, and metaphysics are considered forms of philosophy as are political philosophy and aesthetics. Each of us forms our own philosophies about things and these philosophies guide our lives greatly. Philosophical beliefs are no less important than spiritual beliefs, and all of our beliefs, no matter what type of beliefs they are, guide our decisions, and in that way, contribute to creating our lives.

The Planets in the Ninth House

All the wonderful things the Ninth House rules are affected by what celestial bodies were in your Ninth House at birth. The Zodiac Sign Constellations and planets move through the Houses, and each person is born with a unique combination of heavenly bodies in their Houses. Read below to find out how each of the planets in the Ninth house affect you.

Venus in the 9th House

Venus brings harmony and beauty to the Ninth House. You are gentle hearted, optimistic, and just want to help people. You view travel as a way to become more cultured, and it is highly likely you will meet a soulmate or significant other while abroad. This significant mate will be like minded spiritually and you will enjoy good fortune together. You enjoy learning about the arts and literature, which especially enriches your mind. You enjoy the company of other literary people and especially love to attend lectures. Venus rules Libra. To read about Libra see here: Libra Traits and Love Compatibility (

Saturn in the 9th House

Saturn brings responsibility and seriousness to the Ninth House. You have a scientific approach to learning and study and meditation on topics keeps you thinking. You don’t just take people’s word for things, but you do your own research. Long trips can be especially perilous for you, so disaster preparedness is crucial. That should not be a problem for someone who researches as well as you. Spiritually, you are likely to be quite devoted to your own spiritual beliefs, and often people with Saturn in their Ninth House will be religious as well. Just be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking your beliefs are the ones everyone should adhere to. Saturn rules Capricorn and you can read about that Sign here: Capricorn Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Jupiter in the 9th House

Jupiter brings expansion and good fortune to the Ninth House. It bestows a logical, peaceful disposition upon you and a positive outlook on life. Travel abroad will bring you great success, and these trips will become a big part of your life. You will identify as someone who loves to travel and meet new people, and the farther from home you go, the more you will enjoy traveling. Spiritually, you will be honored for your work in your community, and you may become clergy or a spiritual guide. Your psychic gifts give you prophetic abilities and you will have dreams that come to pass. You seek to expand your mind, and your thirst for knowledge makes you a lifelong learner.

The Moon in the 9th House

The moon brings changeability to the Ninth House. You are fond of change and you transform yourself through learning. You reflect on things in life and self-reflection especially keeps you focused on being your best self. You are idealistic and romantic, and a significant other will need to live up to your expectations. You are fascinated by the newest forms of travel technology, and you have the potential to live in different nations. You have high moral standards and are idealistic. You strive to live up to your own standards. You embrace diversity and novel pursuits, and nothing stays stagnant in your life. Liberal spirituality or mysticism with a focus on open mindedness characterizes your spirituality. Read about Black Moon Lilith Signs here: What is My Lilith Sign?

The Sun in the 9th House

The Sun brings ambition and success to the Ninth House. It also brings consistency, and you are known for being reliable, faithful, and sincere. You succeed in a career in spirituality or are honored for your contributions to your faith community. You are also honored on your travels abroad and you have the potential to reside in other countries. You have solid morals you live your life by, and nothing can deter you from them. Your psychic intuition makes you a good spiritual counselor. Your thirst for learning keeps you focused on self-education, and you are proud of all you have learned. Just make sure not to let your pride get the better of you, or you can become arrogant. The Sun rules Leo and you can read more here: Leo Traits and Love Compatibility

Mars in the 9th House

Mars brings strength and aggression to the Ninth House. They say to “do as the Romans do” while in Rome, but you won’t do that. You do what you want. That is one reason why you have the potential to have conflict on your travels abroad and trips can be uncomfortable for you. Your significant other’s relatives can cause problems for you. Your dreams can be stressful as well. You have well established philosophical beliefs, and you express them forcefully. This will make you a good activist who crusades for positive change in society. You believe in freedom of thought and won’t allow anybody to tell you what to think or believe. Mars rules Aries and you can read about that Sign here: Aries Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Mercury in the 9th House

Mercury brings intellectualism and high levels of energy to the Ninth House. You have sharp mental abilities, think quickly, and are well accomplished in literature. You gain more knowledge by reading and you are highly educated in a broad array of subjects. You pay close attention to everything that happens during your travels to foreign places and seek to learn a great deal while you are there. You seek enlightenment and allow what you learn to shape your personal philosophy and spirituality. Your psychic abilities make you a good judge of character and you are good at helping people make quick decisions. Mercury rules Gemini and you can read about that Sign here: Gemini Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Pluto in the 9th House

Pluto brings skepticism and sensitivity to the Ninth House. You have a strong sense of adventure and understand that people who are different than you have a lot of wisdom to share. You soak up all the wisdom you can on foreign travels and people appreciate how respectfully you listen to them. Once you make up your mind you believe something, it is hard to convince you that you are wrong. You are not opposed to debates about philosophy or beliefs, and you know how to back up your views because you research well. Just make sure you don’t try to force others to adopt your beliefs when you think your way is the right way. Pluto rules Scorpio and you can read more here: The Best Love Matches for Scorpio

Uranus in the 9th House

Uranus brings inventiveness and unusual experiences to the Ninth House. Philosophically, your ideas are progressive, and some find them peculiar, but you don’t let that deter you from being yourself. The more unusual an experience, the more you want to have it, and you plan trips to places the mainstream don’t flock to. You travel to investigate and long to go places like underground and travels into outer space fascinate you. Your psychic abilities give you prophetic abilities and you educate yourself on metaphysical or occult topics. Your spirituality is unique and you might even lead a small group of disciples. Uranus rules Aquarius and you can read about that Sign here: Aquarius Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Neptune in the 9th House

Neptune brings intuitiveness and inspiration to the Ninth House. Voyages over water are indicated, and booking a cruise with loved ones or a trip to a coastal attraction can be a good trip for you. You are very in touch with your emotions and not everybody will understand them, but those who do will become long term friends or a significant other. You are likely to be a clairvoyant and have powerful visions and dreams. Pay extra attention to your dreams when you are sad or stressed because they will reveal your feelings and deep thoughts. Spiritualism, mediumship, and supernatural Investigations are a part of your learning and what you learn from spirits enriches your life. Neptune rules Pisces and you can read about that Sign here: Pisces Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

The Ninth House tells you about your spirituality, philosophy, approach to higher learning, and psychic abilities. It is ruled by the Zodiac Sign Sagittarius. This Sign brings in an adventurous spirit, open mindedness, and a desire to get out and see all the wonderful things the whole world teaches. We are Nine Houses into our exploration of the Twelve Astrological Houses, and we are not done yet. Make sure to check our articles page to read all twelve articles. Articles & Media

Your Ninth House tells you a lot, but sometimes, you need the help of a psychic to find out more. Get a reading with one of our talented psychics started today. Online Psychic Readings Check out our section about dream meanings to find out what your dreams are telling you. A-Z Dream Meanings Glossary

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom, Mysticsense, and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag and Green Egg Magazine.