The Complete Guide to 12th House Astrology
July 25, 2024 10 min read

The Complete Guide to 12th House Astrology

By Lady Saoirse

The Houses of Astrology hold great truths about who we are and where we are going in life. The Twelfth and final Astrological House is about secret things, limitations, and our subconscious. Find out what each of the planets say about you when they are in your Twelfth House.

Doom. Secrets. Limitations. All of these things and more are represented by the Twelfth House, but this House doesn’t just give bad news. None of the Houses do. All of the Houses, the Twelfth one included, illuminate areas of your life you may not be aware of until you find out what planets or Zodiac Sign Constellations are on them. Join SpiritualBlossom for our final article on our journey through the twelve Houses. Find out what the Twelfth house represents, and what it means for you when a planet is in your Twelfth House. First you will need your Birth Chart to find out what is in your Houses: Free Astrology Birth Chart Report (

What Does the Twelfth House Represent?

TWhat Does the Twelfth House Represent?

Pisces rules the Twelfth House which is called The House of the Subconscious or The House of Secrets. It rules places like hospitals, prisons, and asylums that can be hidden away where you might feel trapped. Isolation, limitations, self- imposed seclusion, and unseen problems are ruled by this House as well. Other hidden things that are ruled by this House are occult or magical truths, and the subconscious mind. Suffering that you keep to yourself and any secret enemies you have are ruled by the Twelfth House. The feet are the body part associated with it. To read about this House’s ruling Sign, Pisces see here: Pisces Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Something good to know about this House’s ruling Sign, Pisces is that it is not all secrets and doom. It is inspirational and transformational also. Places like hospitals might be scary, but something important takes place there- healing. Being “trapped” or stuck in a place in time when you want to move forward in life can give you time to reflect, rest, and grow before something new begins. Not all secrets are bad. Sometimes, keeping your business to yourself is a good thing and it protects you. So even if some things this House rules sound scary, don’t worry. This House holds great power and deep wisdom.

Hidden Occult Truths

Hidden Occult Truths

The word “Occult” terrifies people. Modern horror films depict black clad fiends circling in a diabolical ritual designed to empower them to cause harm. In reality, the word “occult” just means hidden and this refers to hidden mystical knowledge. Secret Societies and Intelligence Agencies are formed in order to preserve knowledge few people seek. However, don’t think those who guard this wisdom bury it so nobody else can have it. They simply keep it hidden away from those who would desecrate it. Some would call this “forbidden” knowledge, but it is actually kept safe for those who quest for it. What celestial bodies are in your Twelfth House will influence how, or if you seek out hidden mystical truths, and how important this is to you.


Secrets are different from great truths that are hidden. Secrets are kept for a reason. They can harm those who they are kept away from, and they are sometimes kept so there is peace. One thing we keep secret is our thoughts and feelings about things. Not everybody needs to know everything that is on your mind, and not everybody cares. Your past, and family business are often kept secret, but your dreams for the future are sometimes also. On a darker note, sometimes betrayals are kept secret from you, and you feel lied to and that hurts. Discovering secrets can enlighten you or break your heart, but once the truth comes to light, you can act if you need to.

The Subconscious

The subconscious mind comprises most of the mind itself. The brain operates on its own controlling body functions, and some experts say we use only 3% of our brain consciously. Fears and desires can be kept so secret, they can be unconscious, and when we realize those, they can shock us beyond belief. These secret things, once discovered, should not be ignored, however, but should be addressed. Our fears happen for a reason- and some fears are good because they help to keep us safe. Other fears are based on trauma from our past and should be faced and overcome. We are more complex creatures than we sometimes realize, and that’s just our nature. Explore all of your desires and fears, because they help explain who you are.

The Planets in the 12th House

At your moment of birth, at the place you were born, above you in the heavens, the celestial bodies were moving through the cosmos. The exact spot where they were just above you at that moment can be captured like a snapshot. This snapshot of where the planets and Constellations were can be recorded in your Birth Chart, and that shows what influences your Houses. Read on to find out what it means if each of the planets were in your Twelfth House.

Venus in the 12th House

Venus brings love and harmony to the Twelfth House. Venus makes you inclined to romance, and this can translate to steamy secret love affairs. Forbidden love between you and someone your family or community disapproves of can sound like a lot of fun at first, but you might find yourself brokenhearted, so guard your heart. You will have great success in an obscure job field. You seclude yourself when it gives you peace and would rather be silent than have a fight. Your interest in the mysteries of nature has you investigating obscure knowledge in chemistry or medicine. Read about the First House here: The Complete Guide to 1st House Astrology

Saturn in the 12th House

Saturn brings seriousness to the Twelfth House. You seek peace and quiet and would rather live alone than with somebody who clashes with you. You thrive in some sort of behind-the-scenes profession where you can work on your own. The last thing you want to do is draw attention to yourself. You are prone to despondency, but prefer to keep that to yourself, and some quiet time may be just what you need to feel happier. One thing to watch out for is secret enemies. These enemies will work quietly toward your demise, and they won’t mind resorting to making false accusations against you. If you discover this is happening, protect yourself against them, because they have the power to cause problems for you. Read about the Second House here: The Complete Guide to Second House Astrology 

Jupiter in the 12th House

Jupiter brings luck and expansion to the Twelfth House. You respect ancient wisdom and spend plenty of time researching it. You may even discover some long-lost knowledge that is very beneficial to people today. You are philanthropic and would be very successful in medical facilities like hospitals where your desire to help other people would be greatly appreciated. Any enemies that reveal themselves to you can better be overcome with the help of friends and peers. When strife takes away accomplishments, you have the power to overcome this and you accomplish more than what you had beforehand. Perhaps it is your giving spirit that makes people want to see you succeed, but you spend so much time helping others, they are happy to help you anytime. Read about the Fourth House here: The Complete Guide to Fourth House Astrology

The Sun in the 12th House

The Sun brings ambition and success to the Twelfth House. It also manages to give you unusual taste in things. Your occupation will likely be in some unpopular job field, and it can lead you to live in lands far from your place of birth. You are unlikely to be defeated by enemies, no matter how hard they try, and you are so self-sacrificing to those you care about, you get all the help you need from people. You are most comfortable out of the spotlight and when you find yourself in it, you mask your true self with your “professional persona.” You prefer to keep your desires and thoughts to yourself and may need seclusion to rest and recuperate if you become overwhelmed by too many people surrounding you. Read about the Sixth House here: The Complete Guide to Sixth House Astrology

The Moon in the 12th House

The Moon brings emotions to the Twelfth House. When you become overwhelmed with emotions, you prefer to withdraw rather than explain your feelings to people. This is especially true while you are processing your emotions, and then once you understand them better, you feel more comfortable sharing your feelings with loved ones. You’re not just sensitive to your own feelings, though, and you are sympathetic to other people’s feelings, which is truly appreciated. Your desires can cause you to make irrational decisions you regret later, especially in love affairs. Your fears can be unfounded but your sensitivity gives you powerful psychic intuition that you should investigate and develop. Read about Black Moon Lilith Signs here: What is My Lilith Sign?

Mars in the 12th House

Mars brings energy and passion to the Twelfth House. Secret enemies prefer to talk about you behind your back and ex-lovers may hate you because they can’t have you. To combat the harm that slander could cause, keep evidence of your innocence and secure the testimony of witnesses. Enemies could seek to imprison you or separate you from the people you love. You prefer to keep so much to yourself that sometimes, you don’t want to speak openly, and this can annoy people to no end. However, you feel that knowing what your business is doesn’t mean you have to share it with everybody you like. They will just have to cope. Control your impulses and be mindful of who you date. The way they treat exes says a lot about how they would treat you if you break up. Mars rules Aries and you can read about that Sign here: Aries Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Mercury in the 12th House

Mercury brings intellect to the Twelfth House. Secret enemies conspire against you because they dislike things that you have written or said. You are excited by the thought of dangerous adventures, and you research forbidden topics and have unique viewpoints about life in general. Mercury instills anxiety, but most of the things that you worry about will be small things that amount to nothing more than being annoying. You will have a lot of small, frustrating limitations, but if you set your mind to it, you can accomplish almost anything you want to. Isolation will be difficult for you. Mercury rules Gemini and you can read about that Sign here: Gemini Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Uranus in the 12th House

Uranus brings uniqueness and independence to the Twelfth House. You are drawn to psychic topics and research them in depth. You tend to keep your affairs secret, and the more mysterious something is, the more you are drawn to it. You may find yourself isolated from your family or the place where you were born. It surprises you that someone would declare themselves your enemy, because you are an open-minded individual who tries not to judge anybody and you feel that you don't do anything to cause any harm. You just want to live life on your own terms, but your eccentricities make you highly noticeable and some people are jealous and feel threatened. You are unafraid of danger but should be careful of your own safety. Uranus rules Aquarius and you can read about that Sign here: Aquarius Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Neptune in the 12th House

Neptune brings mystery to the 12th house. You are a naturally gifted psychic and have the potential to be a successful professional psychic. You speak to the dead and paranormal investigation is something that you would be good at. You would make an excellent detective. You are good at these things because your natural intuition shows you the way that things really are and very little remains hidden from you. Secret enemies seek to reveal your private business, opening you up to public disgrace. You are timid and can be unsure of yourself at times, which you prefer nobody knows about. However, you are a very talented individual and your psychic abilities mean that you can help a lot of people, so believe in yourself.

Pluto in the 12th House

Pluto brings power and transformation to the 12th house. The hidden truths that you seek are the truths that lie within yourself. You want to become the best version of yourself that you can, and you know that exploring your hidden depths will provide that. You believe very strongly in healing yourself, and you will reach out to help others with their healing. Secret enemies may plot against you to try to have power over you. They might think themselves powerful enemies, but they don’t know that you are your own worst enemy, but you are also your greatest supporter. Once you discover their plots, it is easy to foil their plans. Pluto rules Scorpio and you can read about that Sign here: The Best Love Matches for Scorpio

The Astrology Houses don't decide everything, but they do decide a lot. Occult truths, the secrets that you keep, and enemies who plot behind your back are all ruled by the Twelfth House. The planets moving through the 12th house decide the role that these things will play in your life and how you will manage them. Thank you for joining us on this exploration of the Twelve Houses. Make sure to read all of our articles to find out what the planets decide in your Houses.

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About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom has written for Mysticsense, and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag and Green Egg Magazine.