The Complete Guide to 11th House Astrology
October 09, 2024 10 min read

The Complete Guide to 11th House Astrology

By Lady Saoirse

The Astrological Houses decide a lot about our personalities, talents, and where we will go in life. In Astrology, Eleventh House meaning is about friendships, your relationship with your employer, and your hopes and dreams. Cast Your Birth Chart and find out which heavenly bodies are in your Eleventh House to learn all about what the planets in the Eleventh House tell you.

How does the Eleventh House of Astrology tell you who you are? Maybe a better question to answer is how it makes you change the world with other people. Can an Astrological House control that? It certainly can, and it does. The Eleventh House governs these things and more. Join SpiritualBlossom to find out about the Eleventh house of Astrology. Discover what it represents, and find out what different things can happen when each of the planets are in your Eleventh House. Get your Birth Chart cast here to get started: Free Astrology Birth Chart Report (

What Does the Eleventh House Represent?

what does the eleventh house represent?

Called The House of Friendship and the House of Companions, the Eleventh House is ruled by Aquarius. Our relationships with friends are ruled by this and the groups, social networks, and the roles we play in our friend’s circles are as well. Our hopes, dreams, and ambitions we have to pursue those are a part of the things this House influences. Each of us is also intimately connected to the financial wellbeing of our employers and this House rules that. In general, this is a House of how we form associations with friends and our work community. There is strength in numbers, and we are always stronger together. The part of the body associated with this House is the ankles.

Why do Houses rule body parts? Sometimes, the health and integrity of these body parts are directly affected by the House. Others, this body part directly affects what the House rules. In this case, the ankles are part of the body system that carries you places, moving you forward in life. Walking, and running “to the finish line” is symbolic of manifesting your dreams, and the Eleventh House shows how you do that.

What are Your Dreams?

what are your dreams?

When you were a kid, you probably had some idea of what you wanted to “be when you grew up”. When you grow up, you still have hopes and aspirations. Each of us has secret hopes, but not everybody dares to reach for their dreams, making them a reality. In many ways, we make our own dreams come true- but that’s not all there is to it. The friends and employers we share our magic with help contribute. Just don’t give up if the Eleventh House does not grant immediate success. If you work hard enough, you will make progress. To read about dream interpretations see our guides here: A-Z Dream Meanings Glossary

Why Do Friends Matter?

What would life be like without friends? They spend good times with us, making cherished memories, and they hold our hands and dry our tears during bad times. Friends are the family we choose and unlike our families, friends are in our lives because they want to be, not because they have to be. They gather for fun times, and our friends in our careers help promote us to success. When we are feeling down or lost, our friends guide us back to our paths. When we are wrong, they help to show us how to be right. They help us to laugh at ourselves as well. In many ways, we would be completely lost without our friends. The Eleventh House helps to decide to what extent friends help us in life. Some people see certain friendships as bad- and want out. Read more here: How Do I Get Out of the Friend Zone?

You and Your Employer

Some people dread work. Workplace stress exhausts some people and other people would much rather be doing something else. To them, work is a necessary evil, and their reason for working is for nothing more than a paycheck. Then there are people who see their job as an opportunity to manifest wonderful things with a team. That is basically what jobs are. A paycheck is always nice, but the Eleventh House is not concerned with that. There are other Houses that rule wealth and income. What this House does is show how you team up with other people to manifest the goals you have set based on dreams and wishes for the future. Your employer might not be your friend, but the team you belong to works together to make things happen. They can benefit you or use you to their advantage, and you can uplift them, or not care about them. Work can be stressful, even if it is fulfilling, but you don’t have to let stress get to you. Learn to protect your energy here: Protecting Your Spiritual Energy

The Planets in the Eleventh House

When you were born, the Zodiac Sign Constellations and planets were moving through the heavens, and the second you were born provided a snapshot of exactly where they were positioned in your Houses at the moment of your birth. Read on to see what the planets in the Eleventh House decide.

Venus in the 11th House

Venus brings harmony and beauty to the Eleventh House. Your friends are typically creative or artistic and they want to help you manifest your dreams and goals. The worst you could expect from them is to be morally supportive but have no means to promote you…except for friends who are a bad influence in some way. Be careful not to allow them to convince you to go down a bad path. You are popular and charming, and your employer values you at work for these abilities. Venus rules Taurus and you can read about that Sign here: Taurus Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Saturn in the 11th House

Saturn brings restrictions to the Eleventh House. You prefer a few friends who you trust and love deeply to having a lot of friendly acquaintances who you barely know. You will be especially hurt anytime one of these few people you choose to befriend disappoint you in any way, and it can make you spend time alone when you are healing from betrayals. You prefer the company of serious people who you feel you can trust over exciting or fun people. You pace yourself with meeting goals, because you know it is better to work on something patiently rather than to expect instant gratification. You thrive in structured career fields and may move up the corporate ranks. Saturn rules Capricorn and you can read about that Sign here: Capricorn Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Jupiter in the 11th House

jupiter in the 11th house

Jupiter brings luck and expansion to the Eleventh House. You somehow manage to secure the friendship of many influential people throughout your life. Your friends are a big part of your success, and they will help you make your dreams become reality. They will also make sure you get credit for your contributions. You thrive in any group setting and feel better doing things as a part of a cohesive team. You go after dreams with confidence and succeed with help from friends. Your employer appreciates your team spirit, and you are good at facilitating projects. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and you can read about that Sign here: Sagittarius Traits and Love Compatibility

The Sun in the 11th House

The Sun brings ambitions and success to the Eleventh House. You have big dreams, and you are not afraid to go after them. Your confidence and honesty about your goals earns the respect of your employer and they put their faith in you. You are loyal both on the job and in your relationships, and you make people want to join in to help with whatever you are working towards. You befriend people who are well admired, and people respect you because of your choice in friends. The Sun rules Leo and you can read about that Sign here: Leo Traits and Love Compatibility

The Moon in the 11th House

The Moon brings changeability to the Eleventh House. You make a lot of friends, but it seems like a revolving door sometimes, because so many people come and go. Your friend’s group can change often, but women and people who are younger than you are especially fond of you. The Moon also gives you sensitive emotions, and when friendships end, it can break your heart. Your employer will appreciate how well you communicate with new people, and you will make an excellent contact person with the public. You have a lot of hopes and dreams, but the Moon grants flexibility. You change your mind about what you want to work toward sometimes and that can come in handy when you decide that something you wanted is not all you thought it would be. Read about Moon Signs here: What Moon Sign Am I?

Mars in the 11th House

Mars brings energy and assertiveness to the Eleventh House. Your friends are instantly drawn to your energy, but not all can withstand the forcefulness of your nature. Anybody who wants to be in your life long-term had better accept the fact you speak up, disagree, and stay true to yourself. You don’t follow a crowd and you don’t seek followers. You love your friends dearly and may overlook their vices, which could open you up to betrayal. You have a powerful drive to achieve your goals and employers appreciate your dedication. However, it comes with a price- you don’t follow orders and won’t stay at a job unless you want to. Mars rules Aries and you can read about that Sign here: Aries Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Pluto in the 11th House

Pluto brings intensity to the Eleventh House. You are drawn to unique people some would view as misfits or the outcasts of society. You don’t see it that way, and believe society unfairly judges good people who you see for who they really are. You don’t compromise yourself and would rather be alone than be fake to fit in. You won’t be ruled over, and employers can see you as insubordinate, but you are a great leader and may rise to the top and become your own boss. Balance your need for independence with harmonizing with others to make sure you don’t become isolated. You have an especially powerful drive to meet goals and your accomplishments will be the envy of many. Pluto rules Scorpio and you can read about that Sign here: Scorpio Traits and Love Compatibility

Mercury in the 11th House

Mercury brings intelligence and communication to the Eleventh House. You are drawn to energetic people who are intellectual. You and your friends keep each other mentally stimulated and enjoy a lot of good times together. You have a few good friends and a lot of friendly acquaintances and you are popular and well liked. Because you know so very many people, a lot of them will want you to rely on them, but giving your trust to just anybody who asks for it can lead to disappointment. Your employer counts on you for communicating, networking, and bringing new clients to the company. You crave adventure and have no fear of taking risks, which comes in handy when it is time to reach for dreams. Mercury rules Virgo and you can read about that Sign here: Virgo Traits and Love Compatibility

Uranus in the 11th House

Uranus brings independence and uniqueness to the Twelfth House. The more unique the individual is, the more you want to be their friend. You have a diverse friend’s group and have no problem building strong friendships with people who are very different from you. Geniuses and inventors are especially drawn to you. You are creative, energetic, and driven to make your dreams become reality. You won’t have a problem with doing what you want even if people say it is impossible, and you will pursue your dreams alone if you need to. Your employer will value your new ideas, but has to give you a lot of freedom, or you will feel stifled at work. Uranus rules Aquarius and you can read about that Sign here: Aquarius Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Neptune in the 11th House

Neptune brings idealism and empathy to the Eleventh House. You open your heart to underdogs, intent on uplifting the heartbroken and lonely. You don’t think about whether these people are alone for a reason and sometimes take in a stray as a friend who turns out to be unreliable. Your employer knows how to pull at your heartstrings and convince you to take on more work than you should. Setting boundaries at work and in your relationships are imperative, although you might feel guilty about doing so. Your idealism may lead you to feeling disappointment if things don’t turn out exactly how you hoped they would. Neptune rules Pisces and you can read about that Sign here: Pisces Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Friendships, social groups, and your role in your relationship with your employer are big parts of your life. Perhaps more important than those things are your dreams, hopes, and ambitions. All of these things combine to give you motivation to team up with other people to make great things happen. What planets are in your Eleventh House say a lot about how you make these things become reality. This is only one article about the Houses, and there are eleven more. Make sure to read about all of the Houses here: Articles & Media

Would you like to know more about your relationships or your career? Reach out to a Spiritual Blossom psychic to get a reading started today. Online Psychic ReadingsMake sure to sign up for our Horoscopes too! Daily Horoscope | Free Horoscopes

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom, Mysticesnse, and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag and Green Egg Magazine.