The Complete Guide to 10th House Astrology
October 01, 2024 10 min read

The Complete Guide to 10th House Astrology

By Lady Saoirse

In Astrology, Tenth House meaning is all about our career, how the public views us, and how well we function in government and our community in general. Our mothers play a big role in it too. Cast your Birth Chart and find out what each of the planets in the Tenth House say about you and your life.

In life, we decide a lot for ourselves, but plenty is decided by the cosmos. The planets, your astrology Sign, and the Zodiac Sign Constellations decide a lot of things themselves. It is true the heavens don’t decide everything, but they really do influence a lot. That is why it is important to know what heavenly bodies were in something called your Astrological Houses at your moment of birth. Knowing what they influence can help us to know our strengths, weaknesses, habits, and where we are headed in life. Join SpiritualBlossom as we explore the Tenth House of Astrology and find out what it tells you about yourself and your life. Get started by casting your Birth Chart here: Free Astrology Birth Chart Report (

What Does The 10th House Represent?

What Does The 10th House Represent?

The Tenth House is ruled by Capricorn, and this House is called The House of Social Status. What role in our lives our mother plays and our community and government relations is ruled by this House. Our reputation, popularity, renown, or fame are controlled by the Tenth House. How skillfully we function within the public as well as our career and profession are ruled by the Tenth House. The things that we are involved in within our local or national government are part of what the Tenth House influences us. The part of the body this House rules is the knees. To read about Capricorn see here: Capricorn Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibilit (

This House isn’t just about how other people and society views us, but how our role in our society and careers makes us see ourselves. In many ways the things this House rules is how we create who we are. An ugly truth is- we are not born to just work, earn money, pay bills, and then die. However, doing these things makes up a big part of our lives and a large part of our identities and relationships with other people depends on how we succeed in career and society. We are not our jobs, but they help to shape us.

But I Don’t Work

Not everybody earns money, but we all work. All of us, no matter what we do, have an impact in the community. A lot of people who do not need, or do not have an income spend time volunteering. They volunteer for their schools, religious organizations, neighborhoods, or causes that are close to their hearts. Just because you are not earning money does not mean you are not working. Taking care of people and volunteering for no money can very well be your lifelong career, and that is never a bad thing. Your worth is measured in more than money. Learn about the Second House here: The Complete Guide to Second House Astrology

Why Are Mothers Important?

Why Are Mothers Important?

Your mother carried you in her body after you were conceived. At one time, your grandmother did too. When your mother was inside your grandmother’s womb, all the body parts your mother would possess to enable her to carry you inside of her were in her as she was a developing fetus. You might be a separate individual from your mother, but you really are intimately connected to her. Science shows mothers spend more time with their children than fathers do. They influence us in many ways because of that. Read more about that here: Key facts about moms in the U.S. for Mother’s Day | Pew Research CenterKey facts about moms in the U.S. for Mother’s Day

Mothers are the main caregivers normally, and they help develop our emotional wellbeing and attachment styles. They are usually the first relationship a child has and how well they protect and nurture their child will decide the feelings of trust and security a child feels. If you grow up with an abusive mother, as an adult you can have emotional issues, problems with addiction, self esteem issues, and difficulties forming healthy relationships. Not only do our mothers physically care for us, but they give us much needed emotional support, encouragement, guidance, and they make us feel loved and safe. So, it cannot be stressed enough how very important mothers are to their beloved children.

Who Cares About Fame?

Who Cares About Fame?

Just being famous isn’t the point. Not everybody can become superstar famous, and that’s okay. Fame and renown are something we all have. We are known for what our public image is. How much people like you, trust you, and respect you decides how much they will do for you. If you are disliked, even if you don’t deserve it, people can make your life more difficult on purpose. On the other hand, if you are loved, respected, and valued, people will go out of their way to do favors for you and include you in all the things you want them to. So, fame matters. People who like us can become our friends, but one place a lot of people don’t want to be is in the “friend zone”. Learn how to get out of the friend zone here: How Do I Get Out of the Friend Zone?

The Planets in the Tenth House

Once you get your Birth Chart, you will be able to see plenty of heavenly bodies were in each of your Houses. Some of those things are the Zodiac Sign Constellations. Others are the Sun, Moon, and the planets of our Solar System. Read below to see what each of the planets influence when they are in your Tenth House.

Venus in the 10th House

Venus brings harmony and beauty to the Tenth House. This planet puts you in a good position to be favored or adored by authority figures and your mother. There can be a bit of mother/child rivalry, but typically, there are no major issues between you. You have a pleasant disposition and abhor arguments. You would rather harmonize with others, and this makes you well liked and appreciated in your community. You are popular for your peaceful approach to life, and you love to socialize, which makes you well liked in your community and government officials favor you. On the job, your superiors typically like you and promote you because you are a good team player. Venus rules Libra and you can read about their Zodiac flowers here: What is the Best Libra Flower?

Saturn in the 10th House

 Saturn brings responsibility and limitations to the Tenth House. You have an amazing work ethic and can become a workaholic if you let yourself. In some ways, this will make you quite successful, in other ways it can set you up to be taken advantage of by supervisors who would overwork you. You are focused on advancing and will do whatever you can to get ahead. Saturn brings the potential to fail at things through no fault of your own, however. Even if you do, you have an attitude that some people don’t. You never give up and that will help propel you forward when there is trouble. Saturn also brings the potential for estrangement from your mother. You will be acutely aware of the people who watch you and will go out of your way to prove that you are the best at all you do.

Jupiter in the 10th House

Jupiter brings expansion and good fortune to the Tenth House. It sets you up for a good birth and help from all of your relatives, not just your mother. They will help you find opportunities to be successful in life. You have the potential to reach high government offices and the ability to do a lot of good if you put your mind to it. You are respected, well liked, and have the potential to succeed internationally as well as locally. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and you can read about that Sign here: Sagittarius Traits and Love Compatibility

The Sun in the 10th House

The Sun brings power and success to the Tenth House. You have a lot of energy and drive to succeed in your career, and you will be honored for your success. Your ambitions propel you far in your career and you are a natural born leader. You could do well in politics, but you will have to make sure your pride does not develop into arrogance, or you could be hated instead of appreciated for your hard work. The Sun makes you admire your mother greatly, and you might even mold your career around her hopes and dreams for you. The Sun rules Leo and you can read about that Sign here: Leo Traits and Love Compatibility

The Moon in the 10th House

The Moon brings changeability to the Tenth House. Our career can feel like a roller coaster ride. One day it is going well, and the next, you can be downsized or demoted because an employer wants their best friend to have your job. Women, including your mother have extra strong influence over you, and in many ways, they have the power to make or break your career. You may do a lot of different jobs in your life and your career will take you a lot of interesting places. This means you will learn a lot of skills and have a well-rounded career. People will respect your ability to adapt and move on from setbacks. The Moon rules Cancer and you can read about that Sign here: Cancer Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Mars in the 10th House

Mars brings aggression and passion to the Tenth House. You are emotional about your ambitions, and you may react impulsively when things in your career don’t go the way you work for them to. This can cause fights. You have a powerful need for freedom and the courage to make spur of the moment changes you feel will benefit you. People will see you as impulsive, but they will have to admit you have the guts to go after your dreams. This can earn the admiration and trust of high-ranking people in career and community and help make you succeed. Typically, your father gives you more resources than your mother does when Mars is in the Tenth House. Mars rules Aries and you can read about that Sign here: Aries Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Mercury in the 10th House

Mercury brings energy and intelligence to the Tenth House. You are naturally talented in communications and have the potential to be very successful in a career in intellectual fields like teaching, literature, and writing. What you excel at most, however, is some form of public service, and seek to do the most good in your community and government as possible. You tend to focus heavily on your career, and this can separate you from friends, lovers, and family. Your mother will especially feel your absence when work keeps you away. Mercury rules Virgo and you can read about that Sign here: Virgo Traits and Love Compatibility

Pluto in the 10th House 

Pluto brings power and intensity to the Tenth House. You are driven to succeed, and you outpace many of your peers in your journey to success. Some people will admire you and others will hate you for this. You are drawn to careers that allow you to make positive changes in society and you don’t mind going against the norm to accomplish what you feel needs to be. Pluto can cause problems with one or both parents, and resolving these issues will benefit your emotional wellbeing. Pluto rules Scorpio and you can read about that Sign here: Scorpio Traits and Love Compatibility

Uranus in the 10th House

Uranus brings uniqueness and independence to the Tenth House. You are so radically different, some people don’t understand you, and this can pit you against employers and society in general. You don’t let that stop you, and forge ahead creating the life you want to live. You can create new businesses and succeed despite people thinking you can’t. Chances are that your mother somehow allowed an autocratic homelife and this further moves you to reject the expectations of others. Uranus rules Aquarius and you can read about that Sign here: Aquarius Zodiac Traits and Love Compatibility

Neptune in the 10th House

Neptune brings inspiration and mysteriousness to the Tenth House. You will find yourself in some career where mystery or inspiration are the theme, and you may well find yourself excelling in some obscure career few have even heard of. You daydream and seek to make your dreams come true through your career. People may find you odd, but they have to admit, they find you interesting as well. You will be acknowledged for your unique contributions. Neptune brings the potential for danger to your mother while you are young and possible separation from one or both parents at some point. Neptune is a god of the sea and you can read about gods and lore of the sea here: The Folklore, Myths, and Gods of the Sea

Our role in our communities and our careers are not everything in life, but those things help to decide a lot for us. Our career helps to provide our livelihood and our place in society. Our Mothers are just one of our parents, but their role in our lives shapes us from birth to death. Tenth House influences all of that for us. We just have two more articles to go in our exploration of the Astrology Houses. Make sure to read all of the articles here: Articles & Media

About the Author: Lady Saoirse has studied magic and lore for most of her life but started walking her own Magical Path after being spiritually reborn in the desert. Today she is a High Priestess for The Temple of the Goddess, she is a psychic advisor and spiritual counselor, she shares her gifts as a Psychic and Content Writer for SpiritualBlossom, Mysticsense, and she writes for PaganPages.Org emag and Green Egg Magazine.